There is a lucky cat in the dream

Chapter 570 The End of the Past

Chapter 570 The End of the Past

Drowsily staying up until the morning, the kitten slept soundly in Ye Chixu's arms. Ye Chixu was uncomfortable sitting up and sleeping, and woke up again with the sound of the alarm.

The kitten yawned, and stretched its two paws to the front.

The indwelling needle is still on the forearm, and the liquid should have been taken out by Tu Yu last night.

Ye Chixu rubbed the cat cub twice happily, only then came to his senses and discovered something extraordinary.

After the cat cub arrived, he hadn't chatted with her online.

"Are you Yuedan?" Ye Chixu asked cautiously while holding him.

The cat was silent for a long time, with a speechless expression on its face, and then slowly nodded.

"Then why can't you communicate with me?" Ye Chixu asked him with a flat mouth.

The kitten opened its mouth slightly, only let out a soft meow from its throat, shook its head and lay down again.

"Forget it, after I go to attend your father's wedding, I'll come back and find a way to take you out." Ye Chixu poked his forehead and whispered.

The cat's eyes froze, and he sat up on Ye Chixu's legs, tilted his head and yelled again.

Ye Chixu hugged him and rubbed against him: "I'll explain to you after you get well and take you home. This is someone else's place after all."

The kitten lay down again with a sleepy expression.

"Wow, I woke up so early! I'm still talking to the kitten." Tu Yu came down from the stairs, took the kitten out of Ye Chixu's arms, looked at it, and said, "It seems that you are here, he The spirit is better."

"Then I'll come over to watch after I'm done this morning." Ye Chixu said this, and parted his hair behind his ears unnaturally, "Speaking of which, can I borrow your upstairs toilet? I I have to attend Xun Fengbai's wedding this morning, so I may need to change clothes."

Tu Yu was stunned for a moment, then realized: "Ah, I heard that your store is responsible for the souvenirs, right?"

"Yes, and then I will be responsible for the on-site verification and distribution." Ye Chixu raised the bag that had been kept at his feet and asked again, "Is it okay?"

"Then you go, it's at the corner upstairs, maybe the space is a bit small, but it's okay to freshen up... Hey, do you still need to put on makeup? Or go to the treatment table downstairs to paint, in our shop That's the only place with a platform." Tu Yu was quite enthusiastic.

"That's troublesome." Ye Chixu ran upstairs with the bag, changed his clothes in twos and twos, and checked that the cosmetics he swept up in a panic were enough, and quickly finished them in front of the mirror before taking them off. upstairs.

"While you went up to change clothes, I did a check-up on him, and all the indicators returned to normal. It's amazing." Tu Yu held the cat and looked left and right, then checked the list again, "If his condition is stable this morning If so, you can come and take him back in the afternoon."

"Okay." Ye Chixu nodded, and said with some embarrassment, "Then I will settle the bill when I come to pick him up this afternoon."

"It's not too late." Tu Yu waved her hand and said, "You're in charge of distributing a souvenir today, right? You're not a bridesmaid or something?"

Ye Chixu secretly rolled his eyes in his heart, and asked her to be a bridesmaid, unless Qiaoman begged madly.

Ye Chixu smiled awkwardly but politely and said, "Of course not, I'm just an outsourcing business this time, the kind that doesn't even have to take money with me."

"That's a good thing. You can come back with me after lunch. I originally wanted to leave with a gift, but after thinking about it carefully, I have already given the money, so why don't I eat?" Tu Yule Hehe picked up the cat cub and walked in, only to find that Ye Chixu finished putting on makeup upstairs.

"You're so fast?" Tu Yu was shocked, "Didn't it take a long time for girls to put on makeup?"

The corners of Ye Chixu's mouth twitched, and he smiled unnaturally: "If you hurry up, it won't take long..."

"Tsk, it's amazing." Tu Yu shook the kitten in her hand, "What kind of person really raises what kind of cat."

After Ye Chixu heard what he said, he didn't react for a moment. Only when he walked in did he realize that he might have been connoted.

Is this a roundabout way of saying he is weird?
Ye Chixu looked at the time and found that there was no time to talk to him anymore, so he had to entrust the kitten to him, and hurried to the scene to meet with the wedding company.

In fact, she doesn't have any important work here, she just needs to set up the gift table, and after confirming the number of copies, she can stand beside her and wait.Anyway, he is also a staff member. Ye Chixu took a set of formal clothes that he bought for an interview when he was in college. The quality is neither good nor bad.Stop there, and the clothes of the lobby manager are quite similar.

The manager in the lobby also found it miraculous, and even came over to touch her material, suspecting that they ordered it from a store at all.

It was close to eleven o'clock, and today's bride and groom arrived late, saying that they went to the groom's high school to take pictures halfway.

Ye Chixu handed out another box of souvenirs with a smile on his face, but he was thinking about his crappy high school and had no feelings for it at all.It's better to go to the school I returned to later, the teachers are more humane and less powerful.

Standing at the door to greet the guests for a while, Qiaoman walked towards Ye Chixu with her skirt in hand.Next to the table where the presents were handed out was the lounge, and she was about to go in and change into the dress for the ceremony.

When Ye Chixu saw her coming, he turned sideways to give way, and opened the door for her.

Qiaoman walked to the door and stood still, looked at Ye Chixu for a while, looked at her free expression and relaxed body movements, and finally said: "Ye Chixu, don't you have any heart?"

Ye Chixu was stunned, and tilted his head slightly to look at her: "It's just watching a TV series, what kind of heart is needed."

Qiaoman bit his lower lip and was about to fight back. Unexpectedly, "Xun Fengbai" over there followed, with the stylist by his side.

"Hurry up and do the modeling, it will be too late to talk for a while." Ye Chixu said with a smile.

"Xun Fengbai" might be in high spirits on happy occasions, so he brought the stylist to the two of them enthusiastically and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"It's nothing, I said Miss Qiaoman is very beautiful today." After Ye Chixu finished speaking, another guest came over, and he quickly turned around to distribute gifts.

She had already talked about this, and Qiaoman couldn't fight back from the previous topic, so she stomped her feet and went in with her skirt.

"Xun Fengbai" saw that Ye Chixu was busy, and didn't say much, but thought that Qiaoman was a little strange, so he went in together.

Ye Chixu held back his laughter, it turns out that using green tea routines is so cool!
She looked at it today, and she didn't feel anything about this "Xun Fengbai" at all. Before thinking about it, she would feel a tightness in her chest. Now that she saw it, it was completely two people. There was no need to pay attention to what happened in the illusion. These.

At [-]:[-], Qiaoman changed into the second outfit and walked out of the lounge surrounded by the bridesmaids.

Ye Chixu's work is coming to an end soon, and there are not many gifts left, just hand them over to the person in charge of the wedding company as agreed.

She also looked at the door, why Tu Yu hasn't come yet, didn't she agree to go back after lunch?
Just as he was thinking, Tu Yu's call came.

His voice was a little anxious: "What, Ye Chixu, why don't you take the gift with me, and just deduct it from the medical expenses later."

"Okay, is there anything you can't come?" When Ye Chixu left in the morning, the cat had already returned to normal, and now he was more anxious listening to his voice, and didn't think about it, thinking it was another What emergency.

"If you finish your work over there, come over quickly. The kitten is in very bad condition now and is still bumping into the cage. Come over and have a look. I suspect this cat has separation anxiety. Tu Yu explained the situation in a few words , waiting for Yechixu’s reply.

"How much do you take?" Ye Chixu turned his head and told the wedding company, took a box of souvenirs and walked towards the gift platform.

"You see how much you give... Oh, you are a staff member today, and they still want to give you money." Tu Yu said, then turned to coax the cat, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, your mother I'll be back soon, or I'll let you hear her voice publicly."

Ye Chixu heard the cat's aggrieved meow when the mobile phone was moved to the cage.

"Be good, Yue Dan, I'll be right back." Ye Chixu hung up the phone in a hurry, scanned two 1314s at the Lijin counter, and said his name before leaving.

After the rehearsal at Qiaoman's side, he wanted to come over to talk to Ye Chixu on the pretext of touching up his makeup, but he never thought that when he came back, he had already left.

"It seems that her cat is seriously ill." The person who took over from the wedding company said, "That doctor is also your friend, right? And she was asked to help with the ceremony."

Qiaoman hurriedly went to Lijintai to read the book again. Under the two names of Ye Chixu and Tu Yu, there was a long string of one thousand three hundred one hundred and four in capital letters...

It has to be said that Ye Chixu is still very good at dealing with the world.

At this time, Ye Chixu, who hurriedly took a taxi to the pet hospital, felt distressed for a second in the car about his expenses today, but then he thought about it, this illusion has to be left, and the money is not too big. function, it doesn’t matter.

I just hope that there will be no problems with the cats. Before doing everything, I was in a hurry and my mind was full of other things. Now that Ye Chixu is free in the taxi, I realized that it is more important than not being able to understand the cats. Important issues.

How the hell did he get in?
Didn't it mean that only people can come to this place?

Could it be that his series of discomforts were caused by rejection when he came to this place as a spirit beast?
After paying the money, Ye Chixu stepped on a pair of small high heels and ran upstairs to Tu Yu's house. When he reached the third floor, he almost sprained his ankle. Ye Chixu simply took off his shoes and took advantage of these few seconds to bend over. I bent over and took a rest.

Her current physical strength is exactly the same as before she fell into a dream, okay?He started to pant before he could climb to the third floor, and he looked like he was not exercising.

Panting heavily, when she went upstairs, Tu Yu was already waiting at the door with the kitten in her arms.

As soon as the kitten saw Ye Chixu, he rushed over, nestled in her arms, and quickly regained his composure.

Tu Yu: "?"

Ye Chixu was a little embarrassed.

She shook the kitten and asked tentatively, "Otherwise...I've settled the bill now, so you go over to eat? The ceremony should start at 12 o'clock, and it's only 11:55 now. You might still have time to go down and take a taxi." .”

"Forget it." Tu Yu suddenly felt a little frustrated when she looked at the person and the cat who were snuggling tightly, "This is the first time I have encountered such a situation... Forget it, I won't talk about the kitten when it is better... But why do you follow the gift for me with 1314, and didn't you say you didn't follow it yourself, why did you follow it?"

Ye Chixu followed him into the door: "Don't I think I'm a neighbor, I'm embarrassed... And you asked me to help you, don't I look good myself?"

Besides, everyone's drama has reached this level, so why can't they give some rewards?
"That's true." Tu Yu rubbed her chin and said, "But why did the bride tell Lao Xun that we two had an affair?"

Ye Chixu: "?"

My kid, I have a lot of question marks right now.

Thinking about the series of operations he had done before, Ye Chixu could still figure it out after thinking about it.

"It may be that the number we present with the gift is more auspicious and full of blessings." Ye Chixu said, "And I originally wanted to give you a 1314, and I wrote a 520 myself, but well, I think it looks like this. It seems even worse."

Tu Yu was silent for a while, and said, "That's true..."

After being hospitalized for a month, Kitty spent more than 4000 yuan. Tu Yu deducted the gift money and gave her a [-]% discount. Ye Chixu only had to pay the remaining [-] yuan.

After receiving the kitten back home, Ye Chixu began to think about how to get out again.

The plot that Qiaoman hoped for has come to an end, and he should be entering the next reincarnation, but... how do I get out?
She has never understood the meaning of this illusion, and she no longer cares about these things in the past.Even if the possibility created by Qiaoman really happened again, it would be meaningless to her.

She just wanted to get rid of all this quickly and get out of the door. To her sober mind, the most important thing was to get the things behind the door.

All of this needs to be ended as soon as possible.

The kitty came back from the hospital very uncomfortable. He went to the toilet to solve the problem before coming back and lying next to Ye Chixu.

Ye Chixu looked at the well-behaved cat cub, and suddenly seemed to have found a breakthrough.

"Yue Dan, how did you get in here?" She poked the cat cub.

The cat meowed twice before realizing that Ye Chixu could no longer understand, so he jumped onto the desk, grabbed a pen, stretched his little paw, and found that it was useless, turned his head to look at Ye Chixu.

Probably to write.

Ye Chixu thought for a while, brought a water bowl over, and pushed it to him.

The kitten frowned in disgust, but still stretched out the tip of its paw to touch it, and wrote two words on the table: "Look at you."

"Me?" Ye Chixu said "the old man's subway phone".

Cat Zai nodded, and wrote again: "Going out is the same."

"Me?" Ye Chixu scratched his head, "I have nothing now, and I can't use the mark..."

When she said this, she seemed to feel something at the root of her hair.


It seems that she has two marks...

While thinking about it, the cat jumped into Ye Chixu's arms.

A sense of weightlessness came, the light and shadow in front of his eyes turned, and Ye Chixu stepped on the ground again.

"Huh?" Ye Chixu blinked, and saw Jiu Shu who was about to fall asleep in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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