There is a lucky cat in the dream

Chapter 567 To the past (3)

Chapter 567 Back to the past (3)

If you think about it again, it may not be that your major is difficult to find a job, but that your ability in this major is really not outstanding enough, and your strength is not strong enough, so you will find another way to make a living and choose to start a business.

It seems that starting a business is not very good. If it is not for the adventures later, I want to come to my own small shop and it should go bankrupt within a year.

Ye Chixu turned over from the bed, and picked up the notebook filled with memories from the table.Now there is not enough writing on the case, so she added two or three pages to continue writing.

She wrote that she would open a shop and pick up a cat.

Now these memories written in the notebook were just a vague shadow to her.It's more like she watched a very long movie many years ago, and then wrote down the important plot of the movie in a notebook, hoping that it would happen.

The reality is that everything is happening according to what is written in the notebook.

Ye Chixu spent the next four years in this illusion, and it seemed like a blink of an eye.She has completely merged into this illusion, and she can't even tell the difference between it and reality, and feels that the place she is in is reality.

However, she still kept a distance from her friends around her.After graduation, I stopped contacting my college friends.This is different from what she wrote in her notebook.

She remembered that she had a few good friends before, and when she reconnected with them in the illusion, she still thought they would become friends, but she didn't want to get in touch with this illusion too deeply, so she gave up this idea.

She still forced herself to stay awake, telling herself that this was an illusion.

"Where is the thing I'm looking for? I haven't seen it for so many years. The above is about dreams. If I am in a dream now, how can I enter it later? What about a dream?" Ye Chixu drew another circle on the sentence about the dream in her notebook, and she has already sketched it several times, this is a problem she has never been able to solve.

But when she thought about it carefully, she found that she had never had a dream during the long period of time she was here, as if every day was day, even if there was night, it was the kind of night without dreams, just jumped It's daytime.

"Then I should also be in the illusion of a dream now." Ye Chixu wrote this sentence in his notebook.

Not long after graduation, He Lan really came to find her to open a store as a partner.Facing her friends for many years and the inevitable process recorded in her notebook, she could not refuse.

In fact, she had already tried to interview for other jobs, and got offers from one or two companies, but she still chose to give up when deciding whether to go or not.

What if she missed the opportunity to go out because of the choice at this time, she always felt that she did not belong to this world.

The days are going step by step, and the store is slowly opening up.

It was still a hot summer afternoon, and her cousin suddenly notified her to go to the hospital for an examination on Wednesday of the next week. She didn't say anything else, just said that she was going to scan a brain MRI.

Ye Chixu felt something was a little strange, but he couldn't remember it clearly. At this time, he usually chose to look through his notebook.

Sure enough, the above describes the first scene of her first day here, which is now.Just taking two steps forward, time suddenly jumped to her first year of high school.

"I just said that I was walking around for nothing at the time, and now I have stayed here for so many years, and I have almost forgotten the things written in the notebook." Ye Chixu closed the notebook, according to what was written on it , I want to find a set of good-looking and suitable clothes in my closet before checking.

Well, as expected, there is only that ugly tracksuit...

Ye Chi was flabbergasted.

Resignedly, she took the suit out of the closet.I looked in the mirror and felt that my hair was too oily, so I washed my hair again, blow-dried it until it was half dry, and then went out.

When she arrived at the hospital, she realized that this might affect the diagnosis result, and only then did she know that her cousin was responsible for finding volunteers, and she was short of one person to pull herself to recharge.

It is impossible to wear makeup or something when you come to the hospital for an examination.

Ye Chixu ran into Xun Fengbai again here, just like the time she was in reality, she was so embarrassed to death.

However, with the content recorded in the notebook, she was also psychologically prepared, and tried her best to shift her attention to the matter of picking up cats later.

She has long wanted to raise a kitten. When she was a sophomore in high school, she met a very weak stray kitten downstairs. She wanted to raise it very much, but was rejected by her old mother.In the end, I found a classmate whose family agreed to adopt the kitten.

It is said that it took a lot of money to take the kitten to check the body and see a doctor. It should be that the mother cat abandoned the kitten because it was too weak.

Ye Chixu dried her hair in her cousin's office before going up for an inspection. It was quite late at this time, and she went up to the corresponding staircase according to the location described in the notebook, and she found a snow-white one there. kitten.

She even saw the back of a little girl fleeing at high speed.

Isn't it too early this time?

Ye Chixu took the kitten away before the security guards arrived, so naturally he didn't meet Xun Fengbai who came to look for it after work.

According to what was written in the notebook, she was indeed driven to the old house by her old mother.It was still early, so she packed up her things and hurried over, thinking that she could clean the house while it was still early.

The kitten was not afraid of strangers at all when it got home, and jumped up and down in a short while.

Only then did Ye Chixu remember that he should find a place to buy some necessary supplies.There was no relevant content written in the notebook, so she didn't buy it in advance.

It was almost 7 o'clock when I packed my things and went downstairs. It is summer now, and the sun has not yet set at this point.The orange-red afterglow slanted in from the stairs, Ye Chixu was carrying a small bag, in a relaxed mood, and planned to visit the pet hospital written in the notebook.

The description of the address looks like a pet clinic at home. I don't know if it's official or not, so I have to check his ID when the time comes.

Ye Chixu was thinking this as he went downstairs humming a song. Just as he was about to exit the stairs, he bumped into Xun Fengbai who was coming back from work.

"Going out for dinner at this hour?" Xun Fengbai asked her.

Ye Chixu blinked, and subconsciously felt that the scene and the dialogue were not right, but she couldn't tell what was wrong, so she nodded.

"I heard from the security guard that you picked up a cat today?" Xun Fengbai asked naturally.

"Yes." Ye Chixu tentatively said while thinking about the contents of the notebook, "It seems that a little girl left the kitten in the stairwell, I happened to pass by there and saw her running away. "

"That's it." Xun Fengbai looked at his watch and said, "I haven't eaten yet. If I'm not busy, can I invite you to have a bowl of rice noodles downstairs?"

Ye Chixu was a little stunned when she heard his invitation, she thought for a while and declined politely: "I have to buy some daily necessities for the kitten after dinner, maybe I will be in a hurry."

Unexpectedly, Xun Fengbai turned to the side and waited for her together: "That's okay, even a rice noodle is quick. And I know there is a good pet hospital. After eating, I will go up with you and take the kitten out first." Go check it out. New cats have to be checked when they enter the house, maybe there will be parasites on their body, and other aspects also need to be checked. If they are sick, they can be found and treated early.”

Although the dialogue has changed, the story continues to develop towards the previous plot.

Ye Chixu saw that he had talked all the way to this point, so he didn't refuse anymore, and could only follow him to the rice noodle shop for a quick dinner.

While waiting for the boss to cook the rice noodles, Xun Fengbai asked her uncharacteristically how her college life was. She should have graduated, and where is she working now.

Ye Chixu felt that it was strange that he asked these questions. In her impression, Xun Fengbai shouldn't be such a person, but out of politeness, she answered them one by one.

"That's not bad. Milk tea shops are making a lot of money now. Just like my classmates and I, we know that it's not good to stop drinking milk tea, but we still order takeaway." Xun Fengbai continued.

A strange emotion rose in Ye Chixu's heart, she felt that Xun Fengbai in front of her was very wrong, he shouldn't be like this.

"Speaking of which, where is your milk tea shop? You can read books upstairs, right?" Xun Fengbai continued to ask.

Ye Chixu brushed her hair by her ears, feeling a little embarrassed: "Actually, my friend and I wanted to open a bookstore, but we just wanted to make it more comprehensive and attract more customers, so we built the milk tea shop downstairs. .”

"That means your store is quite suitable for dating, right?" Xun Feng asked with a smile.

Ye Chixu's hands under the table were suddenly clasped together.She has a bad feeling.

This kind of premonition is telling her that things will develop in a direction that she didn't expect and what was written in the notebook...

He continued: "Is it okay for me to take my girlfriend to your store in two days? I heard them say that there is a new interesting store opened in the business district two days ago. I didn't expect you to be the boss!"

Ye Chixu's hands under the table were clasped tightly, and she felt that the ring she was wearing on her ring finger hurt her palm.

"Okay." She let go of her clasped hands and smiled, "I can also give you a [-]% discount for the sake of our old neighbors."

This place must be an illusion, that's why such a big change happened.

Because of what was written in the notebook, in the past few years, she has been jumping between giving up and not giving up.

Xun Fengbai's circle of friends hadn't been updated a few years ago, so she didn't care too much about it.I don't even know if the girlfriend he was talking about was still Qiaoman who was announced at the time.

"Hahaha, that's a good relationship. I heard they said that the cookies in your shop are still baked very well, right?" Xun Fengbai asked.

"Yeah, now the store relies on this to make a living." Ye Chixu replied pretending to be calm.

She didn't want to show her emotions, and she didn't want to ask why, she just had to tell herself repeatedly that this place was just an illusion.

"Then I must take her to the store to eat and eat. We are discussing the wedding gift." When Xun Fengbai mentioned his girlfriend, his face was filled with a happy smile.

Seeing Ye Chixu like this, he still felt a little uncomfortable, and there was no other feeling in his heart except for the panic at the beginning.

"Okay." She heard herself reply naturally.

Maybe it was because she rubbed the ring too often when she repeatedly strengthened her memory, or maybe when the boss brought rice noodles, she stretched out her hand to pick the chopsticks.

In short, Xun Fengbai noticed the ring on her hand in that instant.

"The little girl downstairs is falling in love so soon?" Xun Fengbai looked at her ring and said.

Ye Chixu shook her hand holding the chopsticks, and she didn't know what kind of mentality she had at the time, and said directly: "Actually, I'm engaged."

After she finished speaking, she felt the cold sweat on the back of her head.

"Engaged?" Xun Fengbai was quite surprised when he heard her answer, he quickly said congratulations twice, and then teased when she would bring everyone out for a gathering.

"He... has been transferred to another place, so it's a long-distance relationship now." Ye Chixu can only use this method to get back.

She didn't know where to find someone who gave her a ring and showed it to Xun Fengbai in front of her.

After the initial panic, Ye Chixu gradually regained his composure after eating two mouthfuls of rice noodles.Even the inner turmoil did not rise again.

She seems to have accepted all this, and she will not feel that Xun Feng in front of her is a strange person anymore.

This is not the person he knew, why bother with the person in front of him.

Ye Chixu didn't know why she felt this way from her heart. It stands to reason that from the perspective that she has already integrated into this illusion, she would at least experience the short period of entanglement after the reunion, and she would also experience the short period of time when she heard that he was going to get married. Heart touching.

However, there was nothing, and she seemed to have no thoughts.

After eating the rice noodles, the two of them took the kitten to the hospital for an examination. They chatted and laughed about the changes in the community along the way, and talked about the current situation of the friends they knew together before, until the veterinarian told them after seeing the results. The condition of the cat is very bad.

"This kitten was probably abandoned by his mother due to congenital defects. He is quite weak. Even though it is so hot during the day, it is quite cold at night. He must have been freezing on the roadside for a few days, and there are still some I have a cold. In addition, I am carrying feline coronavirus. It will cost a lot of money to seek medical treatment, and it may not be cured." The pet doctor paused and said, "You don't look like you have been working for a long time. In fact, If you don’t have enough financial support for stray cats like this...of course it still depends on your own wishes.”

Ye Chixu narrowed his eyes and looked at the sign on the pet doctor's chest. It was Tu Yu who was right.

But she felt from the bottom of her heart, how could Tu Yu say such a thing?

(End of this chapter)

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