There is a lucky cat in the dream

Chapter 559: Four Scattered Crystals (4)

Chapter 559 Scattered Crystals (2)

Going out from this place, there are only Internet cafes and the station in front of the Internet cafes.If it is true that these two places can be locked, it is relatively easy to find.

"The tree at the station is also a yellow oak tree..." Jiushu yawned, "I really don't know what significance this tree has to him, but there are actually trees like that everywhere here."

"It seems that there is such a tree in his yard since he was a child..." Ye Chixu remembered that when he went to his house last time, he heard him say that even the tree in their yard was paid for by him. It took a lot of force to move it back.

Although the tree is very beautiful and many spirits in his yard rely on that tree to live there, but Ye Chixu has been thinking about putting a tree in the courtyard recently, so it would be "sleepy" ?
She didn't think this way before, but she just checked Weibo and saw someone saying that this kind of feng shui seems to be not very good...

Ye Chixu shook her head, and put all these thoughts to the back of her mind. She felt that maybe she was a little sensitive to the things about Liu Han and the experience since entering the maze.

"It should be in this area." The cat climbed on Yechixu's head, sniffing left and right, "The smell is very strong, it should be in this area near here."

"Breath?" Ye Chixu stretched out two hands to support him, worried that he would accidentally fall from the top of his head, "Didn't you say that you can't even be sure of anything before, how can you lock the breath now?"

The kitty stepped on Ye Chixu's head lightly with its small paws: "There is a very pure fire spirit here, it must have stayed here."

Jiu Shu also nodded in agreement and said: "The thing Liu Han is looking for can only be pure fire spirit crystallization."

Only Shukumiao lazily turned over and said, "I'm definitely not needed to look for things outside, and I'll have to run with you if you call me out so early."

"Isn't it necessary?" Ye Chixu recalled that he was indeed not used all the way.

Jiu Shu covered his head and said, "He is only interested in solving puzzles in the underground palace, so ignore him."

The station is still an Internet cafe.

After Ye Chixu took a look at the lush yellow jue tree next to the station, he decided to advance to the Internet cafe.

The door of the Internet cafe is made of two pieces of black glass, which is opaque and cannot see the inside story.Ye Chixu tried to push it with his hands, but found that the door was unlocked, so he went straight in.

The computers in the room are all black screens, only the start button next to it is still flashing with colorful lights.

Ye Chixu walked around the pillar that blocked his view and glimpsed in the corner, there were two computers that were turned on and were hanging in the game.

"Sister Jiushu..." Ye Chixu was about to turn around to call someone, but found that the door of the Internet cafe had been closed the moment she entered.

In the whole space, only she and the cat cub wagging its tail were left.

"It was locked again." Ye Chixu raised his hand to look at the rope around his wrist, and pulled it again, only to find that there was no response from Jiushu from the other side.

"Whoever told you to be reckless came in alone." The cat turned from sitting to standing, and then slipped down from Ye Chixu's shoulder, "But the thing should be in there, look for it carefully , I think the two turned on computers in the corner are the most suspicious."

Ye Chixu looked at the weak light source in the corner and couldn't help sighing inwardly.

She also knew that the ones that still glowed in this environment were sure clues.

"Can we go and turn on the light first?" Ye Chixu asked Maozai, turning his head sideways.

He didn't answer.

Ye Chixu asked again, but her heart was already flustered.

"Yuedan?" Ye Chixu groped forward to the two computers that were turned on, and called the cat cub's name.


With a soft sound, the lights in the room came on.

"It's here." The kitty jumped out from behind the counter, "The switches in this kind of place are usually behind the counter."

However, this is an Internet cafe. Even with the lights turned on, the overall environment is still not very bright. The brightest light can only be the toilet light in the corner separated by a layer of frosted glass.

Ye Chixu looked at the cat cubs coming from not far away with their tails upright, apparently already regarded this place as their own territory, and felt very at ease.

"Where have you been? Don't run away without saying hello." Ye Chixu stepped forward and picked him up, saying in a hurry, "What if this is another illusion? What if we two It’s really hard to find if you get lost in here.”

"Didn't I tell you that I'm going to turn on the light? Didn't you say that it's dark in here?" The cat was aggrieved by what she said, and he was about to turn over and bury his head under her arm. .

Ye Chixu also realized that her previous tone might have been a little too anxious, so she eased up and said, "But next time we need to find something together, how about the two of us?"

The kitty poked his head out, thought for a while, and said, "That's fine."

With lights, the whole environment is no longer dark.People's fear of the unknown will also be dispelled by these weak decorative lights.

Just like now, Ye Chixu, who was completely free from fear, began to question the cat cub.

"By the way, how did you know that there will be a switch behind the counter? I have never taken you to an Internet cafe."

The kitten stuck its head into the inside of her arm again, not wanting to talk.

How to turn on a light has involved such a long list of problems...

Underage cats are not allowed to enter Internet cafes?

"When have you been to an Internet cafe?" Ye Chixu rubbed the root of his tail and asked.

The cat cub yelled twice in dissatisfaction, and pulled his head out of Ye Chixu's arms.

"I'm an adult cat now, please don't rub the root of my tail! I want to save face, okay?" the kitten said angrily.

"Oh." Ye Chixu thought for a while, and patted the small area where his tail connected to his back instead.

The cat quickly retracted its tail, and entrenched in that position: "I won't let you slap my ass!"

"Oh." Ye Chixu had no choice but to retract his hand and just hold him up.

Only then did Cat Zai feel satisfied, and answered her previous question: "The boss took me to Internet cafes a few times before to find someone, and I saw that several Internet cafes put the switch at the counter."

It seems that Xun Fengbai is the one who needs to be educated.

Ye Chi thought.

She didn't mean that Internet cafes are not good for surfing the Internet, but that the air inside is relatively bad, and it's not good for such a small kitten to be carried in.

"Aren't you going to ask me who he is looking for?" The kitten's big eyes were full of wanting to make trouble.

"Don't care about him." Ye Chixu said, "Let's go and see what's wrong with those two computers first. It seems that they are still hanging in the game and haven't quit."

With the light on, Ye Chixu didn't have to touch the back of the chair to move forward, she could now see the way directly past.

The short road was also very smooth, and within a few seconds, he reached the edge of the two computers.

"Huh, it's a good thing there's no formation for me here." Ye Chixu pulled the chairs in front of the two computers and found the screen.

After checking around the computer and finding nothing, Yechixu then paid attention to the content on the screen.

Both computers start the game Stealer and Butcher.

Ye Chixu had watched the live video before and knew some rules, so she chose a character she was familiar with from the two computers and started to operate it.

This map is much larger than the mobile game map of a similar model she played before.She only had a little impression of this map after seeing the live action, and after a while, she went around the outside of the largest abandoned house in this map.

She remembered that the anchor she watched was sneaking the "nurse" here.She just had an intuition that if she wanted to hide something in a game, it should be the best to hide in it.

Sure enough, she saw the red crystal shard on the second floor of this house.


A loud beep came from the earphones placed aside. Ye Chixu was manipulating the character, and when he turned around, he saw the "nurse" flying up from the first floor.

Caught off guard and inexperienced, she was arrested directly.

Should I use the second character to save it now, or go directly there to get the crystals?
Without hesitation, Ye Chixu chose to go directly to get the crystals.Now I don't care about why the crystallization exists in a computer game. It is reasonable to store the things in Liu Han's consciousness, as long as he can get the things.

While pressing the space bar of another computer and struggling to increase the difficulty of the "nurse" tying him to the electric chair to delay the time, another character operating with another keyboard hurried to the abandoned house to get the crystal.

"Knock, it would be great if two people came in and could operate two computers at the same time." Ye Chixu really put his heart into his throat, another character was about to be tied to a nearby electric chair, The character she is playing now must be fast enough.

The captured character went to the electric chair, and the character here also happened to go to the second floor.

The "nurse" walked around the electric chair twice, seeming to be thinking about whether to go out and catch the remaining people.

Ye Chixu grabbed her hesitant stall, and the characters under the operator jumped onto the box and got the red crystal.

At this time, the "nurse" seemed to have a sense, and used her skills to sprint towards Ye Chixu.

"Meow." Ye Chixu didn't need to operate another computer now. She directly pulled the chair over, sat down, and began to operate her current role wholeheartedly.

Cat Zai tilted his head and looked at the character tied to the chair on his other computer.

"Yuedan, don't look over there, look here." Ye Chixu has a little foundation, and it's easy to get started now. The only shortcoming is that he is not familiar with the map here, and he may have to borrow some good ones. Luck comes to find a way out.

"My teammates are gone, and the motor has not been turned on. I may have to go to the cellar." Ye Chixu said to the cat, "Come and help me find out where the cellar is most likely to be?"

"Who said you don't have any teammates?" Cat Cub raised his paw and pointed at the screen, "Your teammates have saved your characters."

"Oh?" Ye Chixu turned his head to look at the computer, and found that there were two other icons lit up on the screen, and only himself was the only person displayed on the computer he was operating, "What is this?" Condition?"

Ye Chixu thought in his heart that this character might have taken the red crystal.

"Oh, the avatar of the character you are operating on this computer has been grayed out." The cat cub pressed the keyboard with his paw unwillingly and found that it was still not convenient for him to operate, so he slowly strolled to the side of Ye Chixu , "And don't look over there, run quickly, she will catch up."

Ye Chixu turned his attention back to his screen, turned his angle of view and looked back, and sure enough he was about to be caught up.

"Ah——" Ye Chixu had never been so nervous before, even when he was really playing games before, he never salivated like this, and even his lower back was itchy.

The kitten raised its paw and pointed to the edge of the night forest on the screen: "Hey, isn't that the door over there? You're running to the door, why are you jumping into the tunnel? Isn't the door already open?"

Now the outline of a door can be vaguely seen.

The "nurse" behind him was hot on his heels. Yechixu didn't doubt that he was there after hearing what the cat said, and sprinted straight towards that place.

During the period, she also found a wooden area near the door, and ran over there after making the "nurse" feel a little dizzy.

The gate at the edge of the jungle was dilapidated, but it was indeed open.

Ye Chixu manipulated the characters under him, and rushed over in one go.

"Successful Escape"

These four words finally appeared on the screen.

A blood-red crystal gradually condensed in the center of the screen and floated out.

"Yeah!" Ye Chixu patted the table and was about to reach for the crystal.


With a crisp sound, a pale and blood-stained hand stretched out from the computer screen and grabbed the crystal that had already floated out of the screen.

Ye Chixu froze for a second, grabbed the wrist of that hand, picked up the keyboard and threw it at the back of her hand.


The keyboard and the back of the hand collided, making a crisp sound.


The pale hand let go and the crystal fell on the table.

Ye Chixu picked up the crystal with satisfaction.

The hand retracted, and the computer screen made a louder shattering sound.

A head wrapped in black hair just squeezed out from the opening.


Ye Chixu pressed the off button.

The head in front of him flickered a few times before disappearing.

"I've wanted to do this for a long time." Ye Chixu sighed, "I really don't understand why we pointed her out so that she could climb out even though she can unplug the power supply. The same goes for Liu Han. She's already so big and yet she still sees these things. What are the horror movies in the early days, so that I have to fight wits with these things when I come to find something."

The kitten on the side was already dumbfounded.

He mumbled, "Xuxu... aren't you afraid?"

"Scared, why not afraid." Ye Chixu patted the handrail and said, "Didn't you see that I am still paralyzed here and can't get up?"

"Ah?" Cat Zai looked at her dully, "Then you were as fierce as a tiger just now..."

(End of this chapter)

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