Chapter 556 New Scheme

It was getting late for Ye Chixu to fall asleep that day, Jiu Shu sat on the ground and already made several knots, seeing Ye Chixu coming, she also put away the pile of things and put them in her sleeves.

She put the little squirrel Xu Guo on the root of the tree in the gap to let the wind out. Maybe the temperature was too high after he came out. He just found a shady corner and lay in a large shape, motionless.

When Ye Chixu came in, he thought something had happened to him and called him. He felt relieved when he saw him turning over and sitting up.

"It looks like you're in a good mood today, how about you go back and rest for a few hours?" Jiu Shu joked.

"Actually, I wasn't too tired when I came out before. I just felt hungry after I went back. I had hot pot for dinner and I suddenly became alive." Ye Chixu shook his hair and tied it up with a rubber band.

The cat cub followed Ye Chixu's feet and jumped into the gap between the tree roots lightly, and landed on Xu Guo's body accurately.When Xu Guo was pressed by him, he immediately turned over and ran away. A cat and a mouse were chasing back and forth on the intermittent tree roots, which was very lively.

"I've already discussed with Qing Jiangshen and the others. What they mean is that we won't go to those points for the time being. We'll go together when the matter with Liu Han is resolved." Jiu Shu greeted Ye Chixu Come and sit next to her, "I'll discuss a new plan with you next time, do you think it's okay? If it's okay, I'll agree."

"You can just say it directly. Generally speaking, I don't have any disagreement." Ye Chixu changed into a pair of black pants today, and didn't find something to cushion as before, so he just sat down like that. He asked, "Sister Jiushu, do you want something to eat? I brought some dry food here today. Our family only has toast and some vegetables, and I made a few sandwiches."

Jiu Shu doesn't need to eat to maintain her own existence. Eating is just a hobby for her.But relying on her good impression of Ye Chixu's snacks, she still ordered one.

"How could you think of bringing dry food in?" Jiu Shu took the sandwich and looked at it with reasonable colors and beautiful cut sides, thinking that it should be delicious, "The food you eat in your dreams won't go into your stomach, your body in reality won't feel it Even if you feel full, you can’t replenish energy.”

"Of course I know this. It's just that I discussed it with Xun Fengbai and felt that psychological satisfaction is also a way to relieve anxiety. I still have a lot of toast at home, so I made some and took it with me." Ye Chixu said again He took out a food box from the storage bracelet, opened the lid and found stacks of snacks inside.

She glanced at Jiushu and stuffed it back: "We just made a reservation at that restaurant for the evening, so we just stuffed it into the bracelet and brought it in. If you feel tired later, you can eat it."

During the short period of time when she showed her the food reserves, Jiu Shu had quickly finished the sandwich. At this moment, she was gracefully taking out a small towel and wiping her mouth.

"It tastes good." Jiu Shu commented, "It's mainly the sauce inside. I think it's okay. Send me the recipe next time. As soon as I eat it, I know it's not the kind of sauce sold outside."

"I made the sauce at home. Let Xunfeng Baifa give it to you when I go back." After chatting with her, Yechixu asked, "What is the specific plan? I have to go to work in the next few days. Now, we must go out during the day, but we can’t delay it like before.”

"Then... this may not necessarily be the case." Jiu Shu frowned slightly, "Qing Jiang is deeply thinking that we should go to the core of the maze together. There is an underground palace underneath, and we may need to get something from it."

"Get something?" Ye Chixu repeated in bewilderment, "Go down to get something, why would you think of me?"

"Isn't that because I forgot where I put my things... I pointed to you and took Yuedan to look for it." Jiu Shu looked back, and the cat was still chasing the little squirrel around, "Yuedan has really been doing nothing these two days. It's grown up a lot, and it doesn't look any different than those adult cats out there."

"It may be easier to find it if you take Yue Dan with you, but I really can't get out of here. If I go down there, I can't come out, right? It's just like the cave we went to that day." Ye Chixu didn't Don't worry, let the cat go with them.Although they would definitely protect him, she just didn't feel at ease when he wasn't in front of her.

"I'm not sure if I can get out after going down." Jiu Shu said, "The situation down there is more complicated, but there should be gaps. As long as you can find a gap, you can get out."

Ye Chixu thought for a moment and said, "How far is my score? Can I estimate it now?"

Jiushu shook his head and said: "Not yet, I just think it may be safer after going down. The current points may allow you to touch the edge of the special level, but this is indeed uncertain. I am worried It will be difficult to break through the special level when you go out. You know that it is the best to break through in this kind of scene, because it is not restricted by ordinary rules."

"Then I have to go." Ye Chixu exhaled, "If there is a gap under there, I have such good luck with Yuedan, it is impossible to find it."

Hearing her promise, Jiu Shu patted the hem of his skirt and stood up: "Okay, if you are willing, we will go there now."

"Now?" Ye Chixu was a little surprised, "Going over so soon? When did you decide to go down?"

"It's tonight." Jiu Shu raised his wrist and looked at his watch and said, "Qing Jiangshen and I have an appointment at two o'clock. If you agree before this time, I will take you there. If you don't want to go, we can I have to find some other way to earn points, it’s not a big problem.”

"Have you thought about other ways?" Ye Chixu asked again when he heard that there was a way out.

"I didn't think about it. It's just a plan. If you don't want to go, we will think of other ways." Jiu Shu shrugged, "I told Qing Jiangshen that I think you will go, but she didn't talk to me for the time being. Tell me what other tasks you can take later."

"That means we have to go, right..." Ye Chixu sighed.

"It's best to go." Jiushu blinked and said, "It should be better to get points inside than outside. If you help them find that important item, won't your points go up? You Have you forgotten that the first time you did a special mission, that little experience directly promoted you several levels?"

The level of promotion that time was really cool enough, allowing Ye Chixu to far surpass most of the people in the same period directly in the newcomer stage.

"Believe me, there's more valuable stuff there than just the thing they're looking for." Jiushu said, shaking her arm and coquettishly saying, "Go, just come with me. Maybe there’s a better quality spiritual core in that one.”

Her words have already reached this point, and Ye Chixu feels that if she refuses to agree, she will be ignorant of good and evil and ignorant of flattery.

So she agreed to go anyway.

"What will Xu Guo do if we go in like this?" Ye Chixu asked, looking at the little squirrel that was carried back by the cat cub.


Xu Guo was thrown to the ground by the cat.

"Where are we going now?" Cat asked.

"We plan to go to the underground palace in the center." Ye Chixu stretched out her hand to hug him, but saw him shrink back into the size of a kitten, grabbing her trousers and climbing up onto her shoulders.

It's different, and now even the movements are much more vigorous.

"Is it the underground palace in the legend?" The cat's eyes blinked and blinked, the curiosity in the eyes was exactly the same as when he was a child, without any change.

Ye Chixu felt that his hanging heart was finally let go.

She had always been worried that the kitten would be affected by the memory of the previous cat in its spiritual core, and Xun Fengbai also analyzed this possibility for her.

Fortunately, no.

"Why do you keep looking at me, why don't you talk?" The cat tilted his head, and then rubbed Ye Chixu's ears with his forehead, "Xuxu has been acting weird during this time."

"It's the underground palace in the legend, so I brought another person here this time." Smiling, Jiu Shu took out a house model from his sleeve and shook it three times.

A cloud of mist escaped from it, fell to the ground, and turned into the image of a cat again.

"It's you!" The cat's tail exploded uncontrollably into the shape of a squirrel.

"It's me, what's the matter? I haven't seen you for so long, and you're starting to blow your hair again?" Shukumiao walked gracefully to the side of the little squirrel Xu Guo, wagging his tail.

He lowered his head and took a bite.

"This is my squirrel!" The fur all over the cat's body exploded, and he would jump down from the tip of the leaf pond to fight with him.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing." Jiu Shu reached out to rescue Xu Guo and stuffed it back into the small bag that was carrying him before, leaving only his head and two paws exposed.

"I didn't ask you to come out to make trouble, nor did I ask you to provoke the kitten."

After rescuing Xu Guo, Jiu Shu went to carry the library again.

Unexpectedly, he turned into a cloud of mist again, and then recondensed on Ye Chixu's other shoulder.

"It's not that I'm unfamiliar, it's like this every time I see him, if I don't tease him, who else should I tease?"

When the kitten was about to jump over to hit him, he quickly atomized and fled to Jiushu's shoulder.

"Tsk tsk, this kitten is different from before. Its aggressiveness is even more aggressive. I can't afford to mess with my old bones."

Jiushu's backhand was completely out of his mind, "You said yourself that you are an old man, why are you still playing with kittens here? It's not a shame."

Shukumiao didn't expect that she would be bounced, and before she could disperse, she took it abruptly.

"Is this the attitude of inviting someone to do things!" Shukumiao was very angry.

Jiu Shu brushed off the non-existent ashes on his clothes and said, "You have to think clearly, you are the one who lived in my house. If you leave my house, I don't believe there is anyone else who can protect you."

The arrogance that was still high just now in the library was extinguished suddenly.

Jiushu let him for so long that he forgot that he was depending on others.

"Sorry." Shukumiao apologized sincerely, "From now on, I will answer whatever you ask. When you need me, just ask. When you don't need me, I promise to be as quiet as a chicken."

"That's not necessarily the case." Jiu Shu gave him a sideways look, "Based on what I know about you, you're fine if you don't meet someone, and it's a miracle that you can hold back for more than 3 minutes when you meet someone."

"You don't have to be so strict." Shukumiao said seriously, "Chickens can also croak or cluck."

Ye Chixu watched the whole process: "..."

"He knows a lot, and if there is any ancient decryption below, he can help." Jiu Shu explained to Ye Chixu with a smile, "Please don't mind."

"No, no, no." Ye Chixu quickly waved his hand, "Sister Jiushu must have her own reasons for bringing him along, and I completely trust your judgment."

"Thank you for your trust." Jiu Shu nodded with a smile, then glanced at the time with his backhand before saying in surprise, "Oh no, we've been chatting here and forgot to check the time, it's almost two o'clock now, hurry over Bar."

Ye Chixu was ready to be picked up, and Jiu Shu did reach out quickly.

It was three minutes to two, and Ye Chixu felt that he had finally come to his senses.

"I was so happy talking, I actually forgot the time, and I almost missed it." Jiu Shu patted his chest exaggeratedly and panted heavily, but his eyes couldn't help but glance at Qing Jiangshen who was standing high up.

"It's great that Sister Jiushu and Xuxu are willing to come. The time hasn't come yet, so there's no need to hurry." Qing Jiang stepped down on the back of the tallest tree root, and then pulled Ye Chixu and whispered, "This The next time I planned to bring our own people in, and since that happened, I was worried about the others, so I consulted with Sister Jiushu to take you with me."

"It's good that you are willing to take me with you. Most of the time I am just a freeloader." Ye Chixu felt a little embarrassed when he heard what she said.

"I think Yuedan's integration is quite good, maybe you don't have to work so hard to score that score, but I still think it's the best to break through the level here, but it's not so easy to go out of this boundary "Qing Jiang paused deeply and then said, "As far as I know, most of the people from outside and here who can break through to the special level are promoted in this special dungeon, which can be seen from the dungeons outside It’s really hard to break through.”

"I know." Ye Chixu thought that Jin Ming seemed to keep brushing difficult books just to break through, but there was no good news.

Qing Jiangshen pouted again and said coquettishly: "Inviting you here is indeed a confirmation of your strength. Don't say that you are here to gain points in the future, otherwise I will be sad. I like it. Why are you here to mess with me?"

What she said made Ye Chixu feel embarrassed.

Of course Ye Chixu knew that Qing Jiangshen came to her as an affirmation of her strength. Although she felt that Yuedan's ability accounted for most of it, she must be humble when thinking about it with human thinking.

With them, I really can't always use human thinking to think.

After Qing Jiangshen finished talking to her, she glanced at her watch again and said, "We'll go when the servants are all here. There's still a minute left, and I don't know if the two brothers will come or not."

(End of this chapter)

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