There is a lucky cat in the dream

Chapter 550 Come again?

Chapter 550 Come again?

Ye Chixu was speechless. She really couldn't figure it out. Why do these villains like to use illusion so much? Is it because the cost is low and easy to operate?
And why do you have to isolate her alone every time? Are you picking soft persimmons and looking down on her!

Ye Chixu pursed his mouth, although there was endless vomit in his heart, his feet still moved.

The illusion of this kind of place has most likely drawn her into the independent space of this fierce beast, and it is easy to get out as long as she finds clues.

Before she took two steps forward, the scene around her changed again, and she was trapped in a room with only a small window.

The hut is dimly lit, the furniture is worn out, and even the glass on the window is broken.Ye Chixu looked up at the dangling and extremely unstable incandescent lamp on the top, thinking that the murderer this time was too cost-effective, and if she was given such a small scene, it would not be intended to She'll die of boredom stuck here.

Suddenly, the wind chimes on the window frame rang, and a strong evil spirit swept from the opening accompanied by the cold wind. A blood-red eyeball was close to the glass opening, turning to look inside.

The bench Ye Chixu was sitting on was shaken by the wind, but she yawned expressionlessly on the bench.

That eye locked on to her, and a few seconds later, a bloody mouth hit the glass, and the thin glass couldn't resist the roar of the beast and was about to collapse.

Ye Chixu still had no expression on his face, tapping his toes and shaking little by little, so leisurely that she might be able to eat a pot of tea and a plate of snacks for her.

The glass did not shatter in the end.

The ferocious beast outside the window roared angrily, and left with its tail flicking.Before leaving, the huge tail hit the glass once.

"Phew, it should be over." After Ye Chixu confirmed that he had left, he stood up from his original position and walked to the glass.At this time, a small door had opened next to it. Yechixu raised his hand and opened it easily with a twist.

The sky was dim, and the street lights on the street came on one after another.Diagonally opposite the small shabby house where Ye Chixu was, there was actually a brightly lit luxury store.

"Wow! Boss! You're back, I thought you weren't coming back!" A young man with milky blonde short hair came running from not far away, "Why are you still outside? Shouldn't you be back at this point? Is it open?"

"Open? Why do you want to open again?" As soon as Ye Chixu said this, he was suppressed by his deep voice.

"Hold the grass?" Ye Chixu spread his hands and looked down—why is there a pair of men's leather shoes under his feet.

Is the illusion now regardless of the gender of the entrant?Forcibly install an identity and it starts working.

"The business in the store is indeed not very good, but you can't give up the business." The boy smiled and pushed him into the dilapidated room just now.

Ye Chixu found that the furnishings in the house had changed again, and they were still changing in the direction she was familiar with, especially the row of wooden shelves in the corner looked familiar.

Isn't this the wooden shelf in my flower shop?Xiong Tongzi was placed on that shelf before.

"Boss, shouldn't we go out and look for more lost children?" The boy walked to the side of the flower stand and counted the empty pots from top to bottom. No, I can't find an adoption."

"Zijin?" Ye Chixu heard herself repeating in a low voice.

"Yeah, didn't you say that you helped him find another adopter before, and this time he was sent back for some reason?" The young man held the pot of succulents and looked carefully, "Oh, why are the leaves falling off? Is it because the weather is not suitable?"

"What's the weather like now?" Ye Chixu couldn't find any information about the role he was playing in his mind, so he had to repeat what he said.

"That's right, didn't you say that it's hot this day, and Xiong Tongzi loves to drop leaves?" The boy held the flower pot and carefully looked it around twice, and then put it back carefully, "I still don't touch it. He’s good, since the last time I came back, a leaf fell off when I touched it, and now that leaf looks crumbling.”

Ye Chixu raised his forehead: "Stop talking about that, tell me who you are first?"

"Me? I'm Huang Lian!" The young man was confused, "What's wrong with you? It's not normal since you came back from doing the Yin Fish mission, right? It's really weird. Why do you have to ask me all day? Who am I three times?"

"You are Huanglian?" Ye Chixu couldn't combine the person in front of her with the Huanglian in her memory, so she asked again, "Then who am I?"

"My God, have you developed to the point where you have forgotten who you are?" The young man stepped forward and circled Ye Chixu a few times, then turned his head to look at her.

"Yes, I forgot." Ye Chixu also turned his head to look at him, his eyes filled with confusion.

"Is that so... have you forgotten?" The doubts on the young man's face gradually dissipated, and then slowly condensed into a smile on his lips, "Forget... Isn't it good!"

At the same time that he raised the corner of his mouth, his hand turned into a sharp claw and swung to Ye Chixu's neck.

Ye Chixu was waiting for this moment!
She turned back and retreated, and when she attacked again, both hands were already covered by her spiritual power.

The young man raised his hand to block. He thought that Ye Chixu would retreat if he missed a blow, but he didn't expect her target to be on his wrist.

"Catch it!" Ye Chixu's eyes lit up, and when she touched the boy, she gathered all the spiritual power in her body to one point in her hand.


The figure in front of him turned into a black-red light, trying to flow out from the opening of the window.


The light hit the window that Ye Chixu had repaired at some time, and it was made into a ball of pancakes.

"Don't you want to come in? Don't even think about going out once you're in." Ye Chixu rolled up his sleeves, catching light all over the room.

And this mass of black and red light slammed into the room, smashing the flower pots on the flower stand to the ground, and Ye Chixu also ran around the room with him, and finally blocked it. in the corner of the house.

"Is it because you have been locked here for a long time, and your strength has weakened?" Ye Chixu stared at the ball of light in the corner trying to break out from both sides through the loose hair, "You can change back to the original shape now and tell me What's going on, you can continue to shrink in that corner and wait to die..."

Ye Chixu thought about it and added her previous record.

"I crushed a nightmare with bare hands before." She smiled and looked at the flickering ball of light in the corner.


The window panes slammed again.

Ye Chixu didn't care about looking back to check the situation, and first stepped forward to catch the black and red light group, and then increased the coverage of spiritual power in his hand, holding it tightly in his hand.


The window pane slammed again.

Only now did Ye Chixu have time to look back.

Outside the window, those blood-red eyes reappeared at the last breach.But this time, because Ye Chixu blocked the gap, he was launching a fierce attack on that point.

"Huh?" Ye Chixu frowned slightly, then looked down at the black and red ball that had shrunk into a small lump, "Isn't that you outside?"

The black and red dumpling shivered and did not respond.

Ye Chixu put more force on it and squeezed it a little tighter, the round ball was squeezed into an oval shape.

Heihongtuanzi flashed anxiously.

"Let's do this." Ye Chixu relaxed the strength of his hand a little, "From now on, if you blink once, it means yes, and if you blink twice, it means no."

As soon as she finished speaking, the dumpling in her hand flickered impatiently.

"Is that so?" Ye Chixu rubbed his chin with his free hand, then raised his eyes to look at the tail that kept bumping against her before filling the gap outside the window glass, "Why don't we discuss it, I'll let it go." Go ahead, change back to your previous human form and tell me what's going on here?"

The light cluster flickered quickly.

Seeing that he agreed readily, Ye Chixu pinched him and shrank him under the broken table by the window, stomped his feet again, and spread his spiritual power evenly in this small space.

She threw the light ball aside and watched as he tried to take the opportunity to escape and bumped into her spiritual barrier again and again.

"It seems that the things I have learned recently are quite useful." Ye Chixu simply sat on the ground, hugged his knees and watched the light slam into the enchantment, "I really think too much, people like you How could the level of spiritual power be that big guy outside."

The ball of light was finally exhausted.

With a "bang" he fell back to the ground and changed back to the boy he was before.

The small bottom of the table made him look a little cramped.

He tried his best to shrink himself into a ball, and bowed with his hands together: "Please let me out, I will be fined if I failed in the mission, and I am still caught by you. I will be finished when the adults come in by force! "

"If he can come in by force, why let you assassinate me?" Ye Chixu realized that his voice had returned to its original state, and then looked down, and it was indeed the same attire before he came in, "Say it, you Another thing came here."

"I'm not a thing... Hey, no, I'm... Hey??" The young man was easily entangled in this old stalk.

"Don't go around." Ye Chixu leaned against the wall again, and now she can't feel the vibration when the murderer outside hit the glass against the wall, which is enough to prove that this small room is very secure, "You just answer The question I asked you earlier, who are you?"

"I am Huang..."

Before the boy finished speaking, Ye Chixu's hand was already on his wrist.

"Huh?" Ye Chixu asked in a high voice.

"I'm not, I'm not anyone." The boy struggled to withdraw his hand, but when he backed up, he hit the back of his head on the top of the table, very embarrassed.

"Really? If you are nobody, how would you know Huanglian and Zijin?" Ye Chixu squinted his eyes and said unkindly.

"That's what the one outside told me!" The young man rubbed the back of his head and shrunk back, trying to keep a safe distance from Ye in this small space, "I was the one who didn't have time to escape when this area was burning. It's just weird, didn't you look at me with fire? Speaking of which, what are you? Why do you look like a person, and you also look like a person when you are not close, but now you don't look like one again. "

Ye Chixu was given a headache by his inhuman remarks. She had a vague guess in her heart, but she didn't want to admit it.

"I raised a spirit beast." Ye Chixu wrote lightly, "Maybe it has been raised for too long and the smell has spread."

The boy shrank back again with "You're lying to me" on his face.

"Not like." He shook his head, then shrugged his nose, "It's somewhat similar to the beast that set fire here."


Ye Chixu was completely calm.

"My boyfriend is a beast."

The boy in the corner trembled even more.

"Which... which one? No... I haven't heard of any Heli recently?"

Ye Chixu heard that he wanted to blow his head off.But she thought about it again, if this little monster was really captured here by the fierce beast outside as he said, maybe it really doesn't know what happened outside.

"It's the second generation." Ye Chixu exhaled a long breath, helping himself to calm down, "The one in your memory is probably the retired generation."

"Huh?" The boy was stunned.

"Let me do the math. As far as I know, no one has come in here for decades." Ye Chixu didn't ask the specific time, but according to the information she has recently, there is no need to say anything here. 50 years.

"Has it been so long?" The young man looked dull, "But, it hasn't been long since the fire started..."

"It's almost burnt out, don't you know?" Ye Chixu estimated that if all goes well, the fire here will stop burning within this week.

"Is it going to burn out?" The boy repeated her words in a daze, and his form became extremely unstable.

A burst of light passed.

Ye Chixu returned to the place where she stepped into this place, and Maozai and Jiushu beside her tilted their heads to look at her.

"Xu Xu is going to break her up again." Cat Zai stared at Ye Chi Xu intently, but turned his face slightly to Jiu Shu and whispered.

Jiushu smoothed the cat's fur and said, "Tsk, I've only heard of it before, but I didn't expect it to be so fierce. Looking at a girl who is so soft and weak, how could she be like this?"

"Ah?" Ye Chixu turned his head to look at them stiffly, "I've fallen into the illusion, and you won't pull me out! One big and one small stand by and eat melons."

"It's outrageous." The cat shrank back, "Xuxu, your operations are getting more and more reckless, you are about to crush people."

Only then did Ye Chixu come back to his senses and look down at his clenched hands.

A group of squeezed black-red light flickered weakly, as if it was about to dissipate at any moment.

Jiu Shu also waved his sleeves to persuade him, "Let him go, if you don't let him go, we won't be able to find anything to lead the way. These things may be detained here to guard the gate, not the real master."

Ye Chixu then slowly let go of his hand.

The black and red ball of light quickly bounced off, fell to the ground and turned back into the boy Ye Chixu had seen before.

(End of this chapter)

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