Chapter 515
The kitten ran back to the nest and lay down in resentment.

Ye Chixu stretched out a finger and scratched his chin, then turned back to Xun Fengbai and said, "So Huanglian has participated in training. When I asked him today, I felt that he knew about it."

Xun Fengbai put all the dishes back into the cupboard: "He should have participated in this kind of training several times. In the past, this kind of drill was once a year, but at that time it was not called a drill, and it was just a simulation of the situation. Let them react on their own. It is only in recent years that there is such a systematic training.”

"It seems that the times are still advancing." Ye Chi sat down next to the cat's nest, "Today He Lan said that I still don't have to go to work, we have to find something to do."

"I have an idea." Xun Fengbai paused at this point, "But I don't think it's very good."

"Tell me. You should have thought about it when you brought it up." Ye Chixu probably could have guessed something.

"What I'm thinking is, otherwise we won't go out today. I have to go to sleep to deal with some things. You can also go to Jiu Shu or aunt to get things done." Xun Fengbai said.

"No problem, but we won't be able to sleep well after eating now." Ye Chixu rubbed his stomach and said.

"How about... going for a walk and buying some food and coming back?" Xun Fengbai asked.

Ye Chixu actually didn't want to move even after she was full. She just struggled mentally for a while.

"Why don't we just go to bed directly." She said, "Now I feel like I can't even move when I'm full, and my stomach feels uncomfortable."

Xun Fengbai still pulled her up and swayed her around the house twice before falling asleep.


Huang Lian was surprised that she came back not long after she went offline.

"Don't tell me you went out to have breakfast and came back, aren't you going to work today?" he asked.

"I'm not going to work today. Didn't I tell you that my boss gave me a vacation?" Ye Chixu raised her recovered hand, "Now that I've recovered, I'll hurry back and settle everything. Go back and make cakes. I promised to launch new products in the store before."

Huang Lian glanced at her two "paws" that were intact, waved her hands and said, "Go now."

Cat Cub is still following Xun Fengbai today, and it seems inconvenient for Ye Chixu to take him with him to do things on his own.She went to Jiushu first, since it was going to be sent from her anyway, so she asked about the matter first.

Jiu Shu frowned and thought about it after hearing her talk about her visit, and then slowly led her upstairs: "Shen Xingxuan? I seem to have heard of this name before. But she doesn't seem to be from our side. I haven't asked carefully, so I don't remember very clearly. There should be some records in Shukuling, come with me to have a look."

Open the secret door and go into the library.Recently, Shukuling seems to have calmed down a lot, and she doesn't turn into a cat to joke with her anymore.

"Shen Xingxuan, I remember this person." Shukuling's light flashed and said, "But I can be sure that there are not many records about her here. It would be nice to find a sentence or two."

"Do you remember people with such a strong ability, but there is no written record?" Jiu Shu was a little surprised.

"Her location is very vague." Shukuling led them through the rows of bookshelves. "I remember there was a booklet here with something written about her. It seemed like a sleepwalker came to find me. It was left behind in exchange for information, and this was the only thing I was interested in about him at the time."

"Then how did you recognize this person? Didn't you say that there are very few people who can enter this library?" Ye Chixu asked curiously.

"Although there are few people who come in, they have accumulated over the years. Those who can come here are people who I can approve. Naturally, the side of the evil mirror can also be approved. Although their requirements are more Higher, but... under my request, there may be more people on both sides."

Shu Kuling continued to float forward while explaining to her, Jiu Shu lost all patience after walking, so she simply waved her hand and asked the two of them to look here by themselves, she was going down to look at the store.

"It's fine, just let Ye Chixu go out and let you know." Shu Kuling remembered that he stuffed the booklet in this row of cabinets, but today he walked around several times in a daze, didn't he? See.

After Ye Chixu asked about his general appearance, he turned to the side and followed him to look for it.

"It would be great if you brought your little cat, he's lucky, maybe he can find it with just a snap." Shukuling joked.

"Are you on a good relationship now?" Ye Chixu scanned the spine of the book line by line, and when he saw something caught between two books, he would look at it separately.

"The not bad. As long as I don't turn into a cat, he seems to be able to talk about everything." Shukuling fluttered up and down, and even took out several books and shook them to see if they were caught in them.

"That's pretty good. He can also increase his knowledge by playing with you." Ye Chixu still trusts Shukuling very much, so the tone of his speech now is a bit like a parent praising the child's friend for being a good boy.

Shukuling didn't care much about this, and even if he heard it, he didn't say anything: "The kid he brought with him is quite interesting, and his breath is very clean. No wonder the cat likes it."

"Zi Jin? He is very cute...ah, I found it, is it this one?" Ye Chixu followed his example and picked up the book and shook it. After a while, he picked up the book from A palm-sized booklet with a blue cover came out of the book.

Shu Kuling came over and took the book, flipped through it, and said, "Hey, this is the book. It seems that you have been with that cat for a long time, and you can get some of his luck... Let me take a look, I remember it was in the middle The back position... well, this is it."

Shu Kuling turned to that page and handed it over.

"I met a person when I was doing a task today... No, it was probably a fairy. She said her name was Shen Xingxuan, and I felt that her conversation was very modern. It didn't look like an old antique like the minister and the others."

"No more?" Ye Chixu flipped through the page, looked up and asked him.

"It's gone." The aura of the library trembled, as if shrugging, "The rest is in my memory... To be honest, I also looked at your memory just now. What you guys met It should be her, her ability... should be regarded as fairy-level."

"What does it mean to be considered a fairy?" Ye Chixu didn't react for a moment.

"Didn't I already tell you about the composition of the dream world? Many of them here are big monsters. Only those who have reached a certain level of ability can be regarded as immortals, and if they go higher, they may be gods." Shukuling said mysteriously. He leaned over and said, "Jiushu should be somewhere between immortals and gods, but...there are few that still exist now that can compare to her."

"Oh." Ye Chixu closed the notebook and returned it to him, "Then why does this person's note say that she should be a fairy? I think his tone doesn't seem like we are now praising this person as a fairy." It looks like that.”

"The level of the person who gave me this mission note is also quite high, and he should be right to record it like this." Shu Kuling shrugged again, "Then there is only one possibility left now, she is indeed a fairy, and she has a canonized title. You should also know the incarnation of Nie Jing, it’s just the brothers and sisters. Her identity can only be the person in charge of controlling or maintaining the order in it.”

"Then I probably know..." Although Ye Chixu said so, he was even more puzzled in his heart.

What is Xiao Wang’s background?It feels like everyone knows her!
After Shu Kuling helped her solve the matter, she started to chase people away: "That's all the information I can give you comprehensively. Go down and talk to Jiushu to see if she thinks of any additional information."

"Okay, thank you." Ye Chixu turned around to leave, but when he reached the door, he turned around and asked, "Did something happen to you here? Why do I feel that you are calmer... and more stable?" ."

What Yechixu originally wanted to say was heavy.

Shukuling gave her a heavy feeling this time, as if she had something on her mind but refused to say it.

Shukuling raised his hand and continued to chase people away: "Hey, you can't forget my age just because I didn't mention it to you these two times, right? It's time for me to be more prudent at this age."

Ye Chixu always felt that something was weird, but she couldn't find the clue to solve the mystery.

"Then I'll see you next time..."

Before she finished speaking, Shu Kuling closed the door.

Ye Chixu rubbed his nose and thought, "Why, everyone seems to be acting weird recently."

After going downstairs, Yechixu repeated to Jiu Shu what she had seen in the notebook and the information Shuku Ling had given her.

"That's it... If there is a chance of being canonized, it would be easier to find." Jiu Shu held his chin and said, "I always feel that I should have met her somewhere, but I just can't remember... Anyway, if I do this There is other information on the side, I will inform you again. Just now while you were still looking for something, I helped you find out whether you can go to Yinyu. You are still free at this time. If you want to copy something, just Just copy it and bring it back. I'll open a special passage for you. You can just go there and don't ask for someone to lead the way."

Ye Chixu nodded obediently, followed Jiu Shu to a wing room and teleported there.She is holding the token of Jiushu, and she should settle in this place when she comes back.

The location of the teleportation gate was at the gate of the hall. After Ye Chixu knocked on the door, the little boy came out to greet him again.He frowned and thought about why this person came again, but he still didn't say anything, and led her to the side hall where he had been last time.

After a while, he came back and brought Ye Chixu to the main hall.

"Xiaoye is here ~ come up quickly." Sitting on the high platform, Aunt Wang waved her hand, "I'm still processing paperwork here, at least there is no court judge, so I just asked you to come over here and copy it." .”

Ye Chixu walked up the steps quickly and saw that she had arranged her own stools next to her.

"Today I won't make you as small as me. You have bigger hands now, so you should copy faster." Aunt Wang said with a smile, "I have already picked up those few pages for you. It’s down there, and there’s a pen and paper beside it, so you can copy it yourself.”

"Thank you, aunt." Ye Chixu thanked him first, then took the pen and paper and began to copy.

The two of them just concentrated on doing their own things, and it didn't take long for Ye Chixu to finish copying those few pages.The records on these pages just look like they are many, but in fact the records written with brushes are relatively small.She looked at the time and saw that she had finished copying it in less than an hour.

"Auntie, I've finished it." Ye Chixu carefully pulled out his own few sheets, folded the rest and put them in place.

Aunt Xiao Wang checked the original document, then nodded and told her to leave.

"I see that you have the token of Jiushu on your body, so I won't send you off. Let Mo Tong take you to the side hall after leaving the main hall. Don't wander around the door with such a valuable thing on your body."


Ye Chixu found Xiao Tong according to his words, took her to the side hall and left on his own.


As soon as he landed, Jiu Shu sat opposite her.

"Are you back? So soon?" Jiu Shuhua pulled her phone, and Ye Chixu accidentally glanced at her screen, as if she was shopping online again.

"There are not many records, so I will finish copying them soon." Ye Chixu raised the two pages of paper in his hand and said, "In order to hurry up, I don't even care about typesetting, so I just use symbols to divide them. I will write it down slowly when I go back.”

"Here, put it in." Jiushu threw out a book cover, "You brought such a valuable thing out in a big way. Fortunately, the two pieces of paper you copied by hand didn't have any special marks, otherwise I doubt you would have done it at all. Can’t come back.”

"Ah, that's not enough." Ye Chixu thought that it was just a handwritten record in their store, so there was no need for such a big battle.But he was still obedient, and put those few pages into the book cover given by Jiushu.

"I got this from Liu Han. After you use it, remember to return it. Once you bring the record back to the store, don't take it away casually. Keep it under Huang Lian's care..." Jiushu continued to make arrangements.

"Sister Jiushu, is there really a need to be so nervous?" The more Ye Chixu listened to her, the higher his heart became.

"Yes." Jiushu raised his hand and patted her on the head, "Didn't you realize that when you came back today, you all took the one-time special passage I opened?"

"Huh? Didn't I use the same passage as the one I came back from?" Ye Chixu asked belatedly.

"Of course!" Jiu Shu patted the table, "Didn't you realize that today I opened a room for you alone, am I usually so prepared?"

"No." Ye Chixu replied obediently.

"Take this piece of paper, and use it when you go back to the store." Jiu Shu patted a piece of paper on her forehead, "For specific questions, you can go back and ask Huang Lian. There is another visitor in front of me, and I have to go say hello. After you leave, the room will be automatically released."

(End of this chapter)

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