There is a lucky cat in the dream

Chapter 509 The World in the Wheel Chapter

Chapter 509 The World in the Reincarnation Realm

Ye Chixu suddenly felt that Aunt Xiao Wang probably still had a lot to tell her, and she agreed because she was anxious to get information.There are many things she hasn't asked yet.

She looked up at Yu Xuanying and said, "Then... what are the mission details written on it? I can't see the words on it, can you tell me?"

"It's nothing special, basically I told you everything. It's just that the time you're going seems a bit strange, and the coordinates are a bit strange... But she wrote it in such detail in the mission details, it should be accurate I only wrote it when I knew where this thing was, and it wasn’t particularly difficult, but it met the minimum requirements for the assessment.”

"She told me that my mission is to find a gossip umbrella, is that true?" Ye Chixu continued to ask.

"This is one of them. It should be a task assigned to you by her side. It is an additional task. The real task is given by us. At every point in time, there may be a character who needs to promote the development of major events , because the power of the dark energy has increased recently, the characters at certain points in time should have disappeared after being affected, we need to find out these points in time, and then send people to repair them."

"In this way, your reincarnation mirror can pass through?" Ye Chixu quickly understood this task in the most popular terms.

"Don't think about it too much. This mirror is just a projection. Traveling back will not change the established historical trend. Even if you try to change it, you will be forcibly pulled to the right path." Yu Xuanying said with a smile She walked to the stage and said, "What we have to do is to let the things that have happened continue to happen according to their normal trajectory. For example, the task you received is to take it away at the time when it happened. Item. This item is something that does not affect the story, so you can take it away carefully after you go. This item should be positioned as a lost item in history, so you can take it away before it disappears. It takes away."

"Then...what if we try to bring someone back?" Ye Chixu thought of those friends of Jiushu.

"You can only bring back lifeless things, such as the umbrella on your task list, it's just an umbrella with a pattern drawn on it, it doesn't have sanity so you can bring it back. And those things that are alive Or creatures, will be reduced to ashes the moment you take out the reincarnation mirror." Yu Xuanying stopped her dangerous thoughts in time.

One step away from officially boarding the Niejing Stage, Ye Chixu stopped in time and grabbed Yu Xuanying: "Then what is the task you want to give me here?"

Yu Xuanying shook her head, and dragged her up the steps with all her strength: "Then I don't know, this is the task my brother is in charge of."

Ye Chixu stood on the evil mirror stage.

"Brother, the people from Wang Juan's side are here. According to the plan above, they are here to pick up the things." Yu Xuanying shouted to the big black mirror in front of him.

This mirror is about half a person high and more than one meter wide.

Ye Chixu remembered what he had read in the book before: the platform is one foot high, the mirror is ten meters wide, hanging to the east, with seven characters across it, saying: "There are no good people in front of the evil mirror platform."

Ye Chixu thought about the steps she walked up. It was about three meters high, but she didn't see the words that should be hung on it.

After a long while, the pitch-black mirror fluctuated like a stream of water, and a pale hand protruded from it to grab the edge of the mirror frame. Slowly, a person wrapped in a black cloak came out of it.

"Who is here?" the man said coldly.

"Yechixu." Yechixu looked at him carefully and felt that the aura on this man's body was extremely cold and made her a little scared, "I am the owner of a flower shop in Chunque District over Yangyu. , this time I was entrusted by Xiao Wang...Wang Panzhi to take over the task."

The man's cloak moved slightly, and Ye Chixu could clearly feel his gaze looking at him.

"The foundation is so clean, it means that she wants to ask you to do a task." The man said without emotion.

Ye Chixu thought that what he should say is that he is a good person, and those who come to this stage must not be good people. A clean foundation should mean that he has not done any bad things before.

"Judging from your more than 20 years of experience, you have indeed made some small mistakes, but you can count your merits and demerits as being good at running a flower shop," he continued.

"Oh, brother, I didn't bring her here to talk to you. She still has tasks to do. Since the higher ups have asked us to borrow the mirror of reincarnation, you should send the assessment tasks to others, right? It's easy to do the task." Yu Xuanying interrupted him, "And he is a good friend with me, so don't drag him around here."

The figure under the cloak moved slightly, as if turning towards Yu Xuanying's direction: "You still have good friends? This is really the greatest good news I've heard in all these years."

Yu Xuanying's face collapsed when he heard him say this: "Oh, don't say that to destroy my image in front of friends, okay, it's like I used to have a bad relationship with everyone, but this time I Did you really make some new friends in the past?"

"It was the same old friends in the past, the same people who came and went. This time you made new friends, I'm very happy." The cloaked man corrected his statement after she protested.

Yu Xuanying nodded to express her satisfaction, and suddenly, she patted her head again and said: "Oh no, I haven't introduced you yet, this is my brother, named Nie Xuanxing, not the sinful one , that’s the one with double ears.”

"Hello." Ye Chixu nodded at him hesitantly.

"Since you are Xiaoying's friend, I won't make it difficult for you. The task is also simple." Nie Xuanxing took out a wheel-sized disc from his huge black cloak, on which were densely hung all kinds of It's the key, "You pick one and open the door yourself, this disk is full of simple tasks."

"Ah?" Ye Chixu murmured in his heart, hadn't she already decided where she was going?
"If you let me go, you can go quickly. Others don't get such a good treatment. This dish is indeed a simple task." Yu Xuanying urged her.

"No, why are you going to open the door? Will opening the door affect the location where I want to teleport?" Ye Chixu lowered his head and whispered to her.

"No, there are only the roles and tasks you need to play this time behind the door. After passing through that door, you will naturally be teleported to where you should go, but your appearance and identity will be replaced with ones that match that time point. And the new identity of the mission." Nie Xuanxing shook the key in his hand, "Come and choose!"

Ye Chixu went out today without taking her cat with her, and she didn't seem so confident about her luck.She touched the necklace with cat teeth around her neck and hesitated: "Can I call my lucky cat over to help me choose?"

Nie Xuanxing's hand holding the key trembled, and said, "To bring one more creature to this kind of place will require one more identity, and the difficulty of the task will probably be doubled. I suggest you come and get it yourself."

He paused, and then said: "The tasks on this board will not be too difficult, you can rest assured."

We have already talked about this part, if Ye Chixu doesn't go up to get it, maybe they will take it back and replace it with a full difficulty one.

Ye Chixu hesitated a little longer, then tightened his grip on the necklace around his neck, and went up to grab a handful.

Nie Xuanxing took back the key chain, tightened the cloak and said: "Go around the mirror, there is a passage behind. You hold the key in your hand, and the door corresponding to you will naturally open."

"Hey, I'm afraid she'll get lost, so I'll take her there." Yu Xuanying bumped into her as she spoke, pushing Ye Chixu around the mirror in a hurry.

"Isn't the passage just behind the mirror? Why are you still afraid that I'll get lost?" Ye Chixu asked in confusion.

"Before you go in, I have to get rid of the ghost energy on your body." Yu Xuanying said, "Did you promise something about the little ghost when you came in?"

Ye Chixu thought about it, and there was indeed only one thing, so she opened her hand to show her.

Yu Xuanying took out a piece of paper from her sleeve, printed it on her palm, and the line that Ye Chixu had written in her palm was transferred to the paper.

"Put the note away. Even if you want to promise someone something in the future, don't just write it on your hand casually." Yu Xuanying told her, "Don't lose the key after opening the door, remember to take it Come down and save it, when the time comes you will have to rely on this thing to come back."

"Okay, thank you." Ye Chixu obediently put away the note, then turned and walked into the passage.

After entering the passage with the key in hand, it really only leads to one door.

Ye Chixu took two deep breaths, calmed down, and then stretched out his hand to open the door.

To be honest, she had opened many doors before, but none of them were as nervous as the one in front of her.


The lock cylinder turned and the door opened.

Unlike the previous door that was teleported when opened, this door clearly showed a grass field, as if encouraging her to go in by herself.

At this point, there is no other way, Ye Chixu took the key and stepped into the door.

A different system sound from before sounded in Ye Chixu's mind:
"Identity generation..."

"Identity confirmation..."

"Mission executor Ye Chixu, your new identity is Chi Yan, the owner of the Qinzhou Umbrella Company. This mission needs to ensure that your umbrella company survives after Qinzhou City is destroyed.

The time of this mission is: three days before the destruction of Qinzhou City

Note the duration of the task.

Side task: Obtain the Eight Diagrams Umbrella, the treasure of Qinzhou Umbrella Town Hall. "

Ye Chixu was overjoyed, she really reduced the difficulty of the mission, which allowed her to cross directly to the location of the side mission as soon as she entered.It's just that this main task is still a bit too difficult for her...

After the task was announced, the familiar feeling of spinning around came again.

Ye Chixu was speechless.

She thought that after stepping in the door was the direct task location, but she didn't expect that it was just a space to announce the task, and she still had to teleport it again.

Before she finished complaining in her heart, her mind fell into a coma.

When she opened her eyes again, she was already lying on a small bed covered with silk.After getting out of bed, she faced a huge mirror. She took a closer look and saw that she was wearing a pair of complicated ancient clothes. She couldn't tell the era she was from, but she just felt that she looked a bit exotic.

"Boss, boss, there is a customer who wants to buy our store's treasure. His status is too noble, we can't handle it. You should go down and have a look." An anxious male voice shouted outside the door, " He took out his token, we have no choice but to come up to invite you."

"What's the matter, do you have to let me go down?" Before Ye Chixu could control his thoughts, his body had already answered for him.

It seems that this is set at this time.

"Oh, I can't say now. Please come out and take a look." The voice outside the door became more and more anxious, and the knocking on the door became more and more urgent.

"Bang!" The locked door was kicked open, and dozens of people came in and lined up in two rows outside the door.

A man in expensive clothes walked in.

"You are the owner of this umbrella shop?" The man raised his eyebrows and said contemptuously, "I want to buy that umbrella, which is the most important umbrella in your store. I need it urgently. You can make a price at will. I can give you any price."

Ye Chixu thought to himself that the umbrella you want is also something I need to do the task, how could I give it to you?
"The umbrella you need is the treasure of our store. No matter how high the price you ask, we can't sell it." Ye Chixu put on the veil and came out from behind the screen and said firmly .

"Really? If you don't want to make an offer, I'll have to send someone to snatch it." The man smiled arrogantly, pouted his mouth again, and asked his followers to show Ye Chixu his token.

"Your Majesty is the lord of this city. Since you want to make a living on his territory, you must obey his orders and obey his deployment. Not to mention it is just a small umbrella." The attendant announced to her loudly.

"Then I don't care if it's something in my store. If I want to sell it, I will sell it. If I don't want to sell it, I won't sell it. I'd better ask you to go out. If you come across something that you really want to grab as you said, I will also sell it." It's up to you." Ye Chixu said coldly.

The entourage sneered: "Hehe, then we have to send someone to search tonight. This is a rule set by your store yourself. If we can find it, we will take it away."

"Don't worry, as long as you can find me, you will follow the rules." Ye Chixu turned his head and his heart was beating wildly, but he forcibly suppressed the shaking of his body, making himself look calm.

"That umbrella, we are bound to get it." After the entourage spoke harshly, the group of people put away their airs and went out one after another.

"I was scared to death." Ye Chixu returned to his bed limply after they left.

 I forgot to check the time to correct the typos today, and the update was interrupted after twelve o'clock...

(End of this chapter)

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