There is a lucky cat in the dream

Chapter 487 The Lively Liu Han Family

Chapter 487 The Lively Liu Han Family
When three-quarters of the ring was cleared, the basic functions of the Underworld Gate had been restored, and Yechi Xu cleared four or five blue fragments from the water plants.

This urgent task does not limit the duration of the task, but only limits the start time.The surrounding water was getting bigger and bigger, and the three of them discussed to leave first, and come back to check the next day.

The three of them landed ashore and found that Huang Qin and Tu Luofu were very far apart, as if they had had a quarrel.

Even though the scene at this time was not limited to winter, Ye Chixu still felt a little cold when he got up from the water and the wind blew.So she took the opportunity to put on her coat and walked to the side of her clothes that Huang Qin was guarding.

"What happened?" she asked him secretly, "Did you have a fight?"

"No." The expression on Huang Qin's face was a little helpless, "I don't know why, but she ignored me."

Ye Chixu glanced at Tu Luofu secretly again, then turned around and asked, "What did you tell her that she ignored you?"

"I told her before that if the drag was heavy, I would help her to pull it, but she never paid attention to me afterwards, and she didn't say whether it was heavy or not when I pulled you up." Huang Qin said.

Ye Chixu raised his forehead, he had known this would happen and brought Huanglian here, at least Huanglian would not be a steely straight man like him.

Ye Chixu poked him on the head resentfully: "He didn't say it's serious, so why don't you help him? Can't you be a little discerning?"

"Ah?" Huang Qin covered her poked head and turned to look at her blankly, "Then do I need to apologize to her?"

"Forget it." Seeing that Liu Han had put Tu Luofu away, Ye Chixu said, "When we bring you back tomorrow, we will still go down, and when we come up, you should take the initiative to help him pull her away." Just a moment, you know? Although she is also a very powerful spirit, but one person drags two people. It will be a bit difficult anyway."

Scutellaria Qin nodded woodenly: "Oh, good."

Ye Chixu put away the scutellaria baicalensis first, but he muttered in his heart: what happened to him during this time, why did he look a little out of his mind?

"Then let's go back separately and come back tomorrow?" Chi Qiu also packed his equipment, put on his bag, and walked over.

"Okay." Liu Han nodded.

Ye Chixu also made an OK gesture.

Chi Qiu walked into the teleportation array when he came in: "Then let's decide like this first. Happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation." Ye Chixu and Liu Han said at the same time.

After Chi Qiu left, Liu Han turned his head and asked Ye Chixu: "Sister, do you want to come to my house and have a sit, or you can change into clean clothes before leaving."

Ye Chixu carried clean clothes in her bag. She raised her wrist to look at the time, and found that it was still some time before her work time, so she nodded in agreement.

In fact, changing clothes is not important. What is important is to see the house of the legendary rich man.

Liu Han took the flashlight out of the waterproof bag and walked to the front to lead the way.

"Speaking of which, senior sister was the first ordinary person to visit my house." Liu Han said, "You don't even know how I fell into a dream at that time, it was thrilling."

Ye Chixu thought, of course she knew, it must have been all according to Qing Jiangshen's plan.

"Jiu Shu, the proprietress of Zhongshanzhai, came directly to my house, and then without saying a word, he pulled me into a dream, let me see a little bit of what happened in the house, and I was hooked." Liu Han shook his head while talking, "If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't be so curious."

"There are many things that I didn't know earlier." Ye Chixu pulled his skirt and looked up at the sky.

"But if I don't come, I won't be able to investigate the whereabouts of my parents. Now I at least know that they are alive, which is pretty good." Liu Han smiled and continued, "There may be a little more people in my family. Don’t be intimidated by the enthusiasm of the senior sisters when they go. After all, I don’t have many friends that I can take home to play with. The only friend I thought was Yan Ling was a normal person. I found that he seems to be similar to my minister and the others."

"Yan Ling?" Ye Chixu had heard of this character and knew his story.

"What, do you know me senior?" Liu Han asked.

"I've heard some rumors about him." Ye Chixu hesitated whether to reveal Yan Ling's identity to him.

Liu Han walked in front, holding the flashlight firmly. When he was about to cross the river, he reminded Ye Chixu in a low voice, and then turned around to illuminate her: "He told me that he and my minister are of the same generation. I wondered if he was joking with me? How? He is of the same generation as my minister, and my minister has become a minister. He is still a fringe figure with nothing to do. "

"He... is actually not as marginal as you imagined." Ye Chixu thought that Yan Ling had told him a lot, but he didn't believe it too much, so she revealed something carefully, "What he is responsible for is actually It’s the real part of the work. Although your department has a deputy director, he doesn’t seem to have a lot of real power in his hands. The entire department is still supported by a girl from your department. The real affairs of your department are under the supervision of Yan Ling .”

"Wow, this kid didn't tell me about such an important matter." If Liu Han hadn't invited Ye Chixu to his house, he would have wanted to go out immediately and call Yan Ling to find out.

"Don't you know? Or he told you, but you didn't believe it at all?" Ye Chixu felt that Yan Ling had gotten to the bottom of this, and it was impossible not to tell him the content of his work.

"When he told me, his tone was like a joke. Who would believe it?" Liu Han exaggeratedly covered his chest, with a heartbroken expression, "I didn't expect it! I didn't expect it! I'm so good at it. Don't take my brother with me."

Ye Chixu thought for a while, and explained for Yan Ling: "In the dream world, many things must be separated from public and private, but you two have a good relationship, and he and Qing Jiangshen are of the same generation. , it is likely that in most cases, he helped you, and you may not know it."

"Really?" Liu Han curled his lips, "I think I still have to ask him carefully, if he helps me, I don't know and I thought I could do it, so I'm just going to drift away... To be honest, when you say it like this now, I feel that there are many strange places in my growing up experience?"

"What's so strange?" Ye Chixu began to worry about whether he had said it.

"I think I've come all the way so far, it seems a bit too smooth." Liu Han scratched his head, and said with some embarrassment, "I'm not boasting, the people who went with me are basically in the elementary school now, I have already reached the middle level now. And there are still so many spirits living in my house, and some of them have very strong abilities. I always feel that it is not a good card that non-chiefs like me can draw."

"Oh, this!" Ye Chixu thought to himself that it's a good thing he said that he can bring forward his own experience to cover up their plans, "Maybe it's because you've left Africa and entered the EU now? I actually think that your promotion speed is not bad, just a little faster than mine. In fact, I have not been in the dream world for a long time, I came in around the end of August, and you seem to be... around September?"

Ye Chixu remembered that when Qing Jiangshen came to discuss with her, everyone was still wearing short sleeves and the weather was still relatively hot.

It is now November.

"No, it's October." Liu Han calculated the growth time of the two of them and found that he was indeed a little faster than Ye Chixu.

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered something again, so he turned around and asked Ye Chixu: "Senior sister, have you done three regularization tasks?"

Of course Ye Chixu knew that it was the task that the three Qing Jiangshen had prepared to give him the spirit.

"No." Ye Chixu pretended to be curious, "Why are there still three regularization tasks? Isn't it possible to become a regular after passing the basic test?"

"Hey, this is a long story." Seeing that she came in through the normal process, Liu Han didn't want to talk about his special deeds.

Just at this moment, the two had already reached the back of Liu Han's old house, and he enthusiastically led Ye Chixu towards the house: "Sister, we're almost there, just turn around here."

Ye Chixu nodded, tightened his clothes and followed him into the door.

"There are guests at home!" Liu Han shouted while pushing the door open.

Ye Chixu only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the three spirits surrounded him.

"Ah! It's the big sister who smells so good." Tu Luofu wrapped around Ye Chixu and introduced her to the other spirits who had never seen her before, "This sister is so strong, she just came up once in the middle of the journey. Liu Han is the one who has changed his temper three or four times. Xiaofeng, do you still remember that she gave you the soil at home!"

Xiaofeng hugged Liu Han when she rushed over, and now she was secretly looking at Ye Chixu from the edge of his body.

Ye Chixu's legs were hugged by Tangtang, and there was a cat around her feet, acting like a baby.

"Gulu Gulu Gulu~" The water spirit I met by the river also greeted her.

"Hello, little sister~" A man in his 30s jumped down from the tree, "My surname is Li, and I am Liu Han's uncle."

"Hello, Uncle Li, my name is Ye Chixu." Ye Chixu nodded at him, then hugged Tangtang again, "Let my sister see if she has grown taller?"

Tangtang giggled happily, and rubbed her face against Ye Chixu's.

"Tangtang came down first, and senior sister got up from the water. I brought her back to change into clean clothes." Liu Han greeted her.

"Then I'll take my sister!" Tangtang hugged Ye Chixu's neck and refused to let go, "I know which guest room is still available."

"Oh yes, Tangtang is from a flower shop too!" Tu Luofu then clapped her hands belatedly, "It seems like all the cute ones in my sister's flower shop except for that dead piece of wood!"

Ye Chixu pursed his lips and nodded with a smile. Scutellaria Qin was indeed the dumbest in the store.

Tangtang took Ye Chixu to the guest room and changed into a clean skirt.Ye Chixu folded her swimsuit and the lost jacket and stuffed them back into the storage bracelet. After thinking about it, she took out a bottle of nutrient solution that sold for twenty treasures in the store and gave it to Tangtang.

"Sister is the best!" Tangtang cheered and rushed forward again.

Ling was very light, and Ye Chixu didn't feel tired holding her in his arms, so the two went downstairs again.

"Come down? Come and have a cup of tea to warm up." Uncle Li greeted her, "And Tangtang, my sister is already very tired after doing the task, don't keep holding my sister to be hugged by her."

"It's nothing, Uncle Li, Tangtang is quite light." Ye Chixu lifted her up, and Tangtang laughed happily.

Only then did she walk to the table and sit down, and Tangtang also sat next to her.

"Sister gave me the nutrient solution!" She held it up for everyone to see like a treasure, "When I was in the store, I saw the price was very expensive!"

Xiaofeng leaned over curiously.

Tangtang handed it to him: "Xiaofeng! The two of us can be half of each other! Grow taller together!"

Xiaofeng nodded shyly, and sat next to Uncle Li again.

Ye Chixu felt very happy watching the interaction between the two children, and took a sip of the tea prepared by Uncle Li.

"Which department does Xiaoye belong to?" Uncle Li asked kindly

"Hey, Uncle Li, didn't I tell you that Sister Ye is from Chunque?" Liu Han came over with two bowls of noodles, "Senior sister must be hungry in the middle of the night, try my cooking."

Ye Chixu thanked him and took it over. After staying underwater for so long, he was really hungry.

Liu Han took a sip and said: "I don't even have instant noodles at home, only dry noodles. I cooked some casually to fill my stomach. Senior sister, don't be disgusted."

Ye Chixu raised his head and said, "No, it's quite delicious."

The noodles are smooth and hot, which is her favorite taste.

"The next time you come to the store to play, if it's convenient, bring your family with you." Ye Chixu invited, "We will have a gathering in the store every year and festival."

"That's a good relationship!" Liu Han quickly agreed.He was the only one left in his family. Every New Year is the most difficult time for him. Although the family is much more lively and warm this year, most of them cannot sit at the same table to eat together. If it is Chinese New Year If so, it will always look a little deserted.

"But we have too many family members. Could it be that there is no room for senior sister's shop?" He thought about the number of people in the family, and suddenly hesitated.

"No, there is still an inner room in the store, which can be set up quite openly." Ye Chixu actually felt that even if the flower racks were removed in the outer room, maybe two or three tables could be placed there.

"Then don't bother me when the time comes. I will go over in advance to help everyone prepare." Liu Han felt a little happy when he thought about the scene at that time, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise.

Ye Chixu smiled and continued to eat noodles with his head down.

"How old is Xiaoye this year? Is Xiaohan's senior sister?" Uncle Li asked after thinking for a long time.

Ye Chixu stopped what he was doing, and replied obediently: "I'm 23, I should be three years older than him, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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