There is a lucky cat in the dream

Chapter 482 Emergency Missions

Chapter 482 Emergency Missions

Ye Chixu could only think of that answer.

If the kitten can't break through the limitations brought by the physical body, then he will only have a few decades of life span.The lifespan of these decades is very long compared to ordinary cats, but compared to their kind of spirit beasts, it seems like a blink of an eye.

The cat turned over and revealed its fur belly: "Oh, don't be so anxious, I will work hard, it's just that I grow a little slower than others. I will keep up with the progress, don't worry."

"I mainly think that you are too small now, and it's uncomfortable to touch your belly..." Ye Chixu said slowly.

Cat cub: "Meow meow meow?"

When the weather is cold, the cat cub and Ye Chixu love to nest together.Even now they are sticky and warm together.

"Since Huang Lian is back, we have time to go out to pick up the mission, and it's better to come back earlier than expected." Ye Chixu is now only willing to take out one hand to swipe the screen to watch the mission, "I've been waiting for you to level up before." Take some missions with a lot of experience value, and now I want to complete interesting missions, which seem to be quite few."

"It's almost winter, haven't the opening hours of the store changed yet?" Xun Fengbai thought that it had been two weeks since he went to Ye Chixu's bookstore. It seemed that it was only in these two days that the sky started to light up later and get dark earlier. .

"Our opening time in the morning is late enough, okay. The closing time at night has not been changed, so we will follow the original one. Maybe when it comes to winter vacation, we will change it a little bit." Ye Chixu's shop is now popular among students. It is considered a little famous, so after the daily flow of people increases to a certain value, it is quite fixed.

After the winter vacation, the flow of people may decrease, so it doesn’t matter if they open the door at night and the operating hours are shorter at that time, and now they still need to maintain the daily operating hours.

Xun Fengbai nodded and said: "It will be the finals after classes are over in a while, and the paper can be submitted before the start of the next semester. During this time, I can come to the store to help you."

"You can also come to the store to write a thesis. It's the end of the term now, and there are still very few people who come to play. Basically, they come to study by themselves, and the store is still quiet." Ye Chixu thought for a while and said "If you want, you can use He Lan's workshop directly. She has finished the design draft for the downstairs and is about to start decorating. Her workshop should be vacant. You You can use it directly."

"Okay." Xun Fengbai stood there for a while, and found that there seemed to be nothing to talk to her, so he had to say hello to her, turned around and went back to his inner room to work.

Huang Lian hugged Shou and watched for a long time, and finally couldn't help complaining: "Originally, I thought that after I left, you two would be the only ones left in the store, which would affect the normal operations. I didn't expect that you two would have nothing to talk about. Even if we haven't met for a week, there are only a few words to talk about. It makes me worry for nothing."

"There's nothing to talk about." Ye Chixu shrugged, "I've already said that I can send a message directly if there is anything in life, and I didn't plan to keep it in my dream."

Huang Lian helped his forehead, he forgot about this.

"But it seems that we have nothing to talk about in life." Ye Chixu held his chin and thought for a long time before saying, "It doesn't matter whether we talk or not. We all have things to do, and we usually I’m busy with my own affairs, so how can I have so much time to chat?”

"This state seems to be different from the young couples I usually see... I don't want to tell you more. I just came back and I was ordered to work by you. Now I'm going to rest." Huang Lian shook his head, Silently disappeared on the floor.

Ye Chixu asked him, "What? Where do you usually see young couples?"

Huang Lian did not reply.

Ye Chixu rubbed the cat's head, muttered a few words, then leaned on the table and continued to choose her tasks.

"Why don't we go to the novice map as an inspection tour?" Cat Zai raised his head and said.

Ye Chixu shook his head and refused: "There are no interesting newcomers recently, and we have already explored that map almost, and I have even chosen the location where we are going to open a store, so there is no need to go again .”

The kitty tilted his head and thought for a while: "If we want to see a few more maps, should we still take the exploratory mission?"

"I've received a lot of exploratory tasks, and I want to get a challenging one." Ye Chi Xu said while pulling the screen.

"Then why don't we go to accept the mission of reality. Take the one from Asuka!" The only challenging mission he can think of is this side.

"For realistic tasks, we can only do them after get off work, and it may be late when we go home." Although Ye Chixu said so, he had already clicked on the classification of birds and began to filter to see if there were any ones close to home. .

"It's very safe near home." After searching for a long time, Cat Zai couldn't find one that was particularly close to home. He pursed his lips and was a little disappointed.

"A place like this near our home is not safe." Ye Chixu patted his head when he felt his disappointment and said, "Think about it, how many big monsters live around us? Recently, Qing Jiang Shen is also always running this way, it would be strange if something happened."

Ye Chixu flicked the screen for a long time but couldn't find a task he wanted, so he thought that he should give up.

Wouldn’t it be nice to take a few days off while running the business in peace and quiet?

Just as she was about to close the taskbar, a special message popped up all over the screen.

"Emergency mission: clear the Eye of Underworld

Location: Middle section of Liyu River, Xishan, Xilin District

Number of people required for the task: 3 people (level is not limited)

Mission Difficulty: Intermediate"

"Xishan...isn't this your school?" Cat Zai sat up straight.

"It's near the school..." Ye Chixu raised his hand, hesitating whether to pick it up.

"Xu Xu!" Qing Jiang's deep voice came from inside.

As soon as Ye Chixu stood up, she saw her rushing out of the corridor.

"Have you received the notification of the urgent mission? I can't send the mission, so I'll come here immediately, will you accept it? If not, hurry up!" Qing Jiangshen urged anxiously.

"Hey, good." Ye Chixu didn't ask too many questions, and just clicked on the panel to accept the task.

Qing Jiang looked at her deeply and confirmed, then he let out a long sigh of relief and said, "Huh—you just connect it. I think there must be an acquaintance to go with me."

"Acquaintances follow?" Ye Chixu repeated the key information she had caught, and then thought of the particularity of this place, "You mean this is Liu Han's mission?"

"This is the task he triggered before." Qing Jiangshen casually pulled a bench and sat down, "The Eye of the Underworld has been dredged before, but I didn't expect it to be blocked again in less than two months. He was Cleaned up all the black air outside, I don’t know who did what, and now it’s like this.”

"Then why is this mission issued by you again?" Ye Chixu remembered that he had just heard her say that he had just sent the mission and came here.

"We have kept monitoring over there since the last dredging. We did not expect that the monitoring point would be dismantled suddenly today. It was only removed after the black air covered the Eye of the Underworld. After discussing it, we decided to issue a task to clean up the place. The black air around." Qing Jiangshen explained, "The last time this mission was completed by Liu Han himself, so the mission was forcibly distributed to him the moment it was released. The two extra people are for our safety. It was specially set up. The person I know best in this area is you, so I hurried over to find you."

Ye Chixu's panel was not closed yet, she rubbed her chin and looked at (2/3) under the task assembly number and said: "I think this task may not be as popular as you have been here for so long , there are only two people who will take on the task, think about it, there are only me and Liu Han."

"What?" Qing Jiangshen's eyes widened slightly, as if a little surprised, "This is impossible... The tasks of our department have always been very popular, especially this urgent task. Everyone knows that the rewards are very high." Rich……"

Qing Jiangshen's voice became softer as she spoke, and finally slapped her legs and said: "Oops, the task was released too quickly today, and I forgot to edit the task reward, I'll go back and get it up soon, don't worry! "

After speaking, she was blown away like a gust of wind.

"Qing Jiangshen came to ask you to take up the task?" Xun Fengbai came out from the room and asked.

"Yes, it's related to Liu Han." Ye Chixu put his elbows behind his head and stretched his waist, "I hope it's not such a troublesome task."

"Asuka's mission has never been easy." Xun Fengbai said, "Does this mission enter from the real side, or is it teleported after the dream is assembled?"

Ye Chixu blinked and said, "I didn't ask."

Xun Fengbai was helpless, Ye Chixu was more loyal than he imagined in helping his friends.Judging by his appearance, he probably didn't even look at the details of the task, so he directly agreed to take it.

"Let me take a look now... Where is the task details page? Why hasn't Qing Jiangshen edited it yet?" Ye Chi mumbled.

Xun Feng raised his forehead in vain, sure enough.

"Do you want me to go with you on this mission?" Xun Fengbai opened his own page and found that he could also take it.

"No need." Seeing that it hadn't refreshed for a long time, Ye Chixu closed the page and waited to ask Qing Jiangshen directly, "She can let Liu Han do the tasks, and there is no danger at first glance. And now that I have reached a high level, this task is only an intermediate level, so you don’t have to worry about my lack of ability or anything.”

"That's good." Although Xun Fengbai was a little uneasy, he still respected her idea after hearing her say this, "You have to bring all the props with you before you go...the few in the shop don't know water Okay, if you lose everything after being soaked in water, that would be bad."

Hearing this, the cat shrank into Ye Chixu's arms.

It's better for him not to go into the water.

"If you really want to go into the water, it's useless to bring props with you," Ye Chixu squinted and thought for a moment, "Maybe there is only a small light dumpling that can be taken down, but she has not been completely repaired yet, so I don't dare to do it casually. Take her out."

Hearing Ye Chixu's words, the small ball of light on the side shelf flickered for a while, and then quickly dimmed.

"Oh, this is another one who can't swim. Is it possible that I am the only one in our store who can swim?" Ye Chixu said to the ceiling.

"Maybe it is." Huang Lian silently hung himself from the top, "We are all wood-type, so..."

"So I understand." Ye Chixu shrugged and looked at Xun Fengbai, "Otherwise, you should report for this mission. I suddenly found that I have no soldiers to take with me."

"It's late." Xun Fengbai refreshed the next page and said, "Qing Jiangshen edited the task rewards first, and the last one has been robbed."

"What's the reward?" Ye Chi asked curiously beside him.

"One thousand points of spiritual power reserve will give you a storage bracelet." Xun Fengbai thought for a while and said, "It may be of similar quality to the one you picked up before."

"That's it..." Ye Chixu slowly retreated onto the stool.

"Speaking of which, why haven't I seen you using that bracelet? Every time you go out to do a mission, you still carry a small bag." Xun Fengbai looked at her empty wrist and said.

"Yeah, I don't think it's practical." Ye Chixu's eyes drifted.

"Do you want to consider telling me the truth, and see if I can help you solve it." Xun Fengbai said while looking at her with his arms folded.

"The spirit inside is really too noisy! It talks too much! The King of Earth has to listen to his nagging when he puts something in it, and he has to say it again when he takes it out." Ye Chixu angrily He took out the storage bracelet from his bag, "Why does the boss put a spirit in this!"

Xun Fengbai took her bracelet, and threw a ray of spiritual power in to check it out. The spirit in the storage bracelet seemed to be flicked on and started thinking.

"Stop." Xun Fengbai said coldly.

"I've held it in for so long, and you won't let me speak, I'm wronged!" Chu Wuling's voice was so loud that Ye Chixu could hear it.

"If you talk again, I will pull you out and keep your mouth shut." Xun Fengbai said calmly.

The storage spirit fell into silence.

"Ask you, can you swim?" Xun Fengbai said.

Chu Wuling maintained his precious silence.

Xun Feng smiled in vain: "If you don't speak during the interrogation, then you can consider that it won't be of much use to keep your mouth open, so seal it up."

The small voice of the storage spirit came from the bracelet: "I... I am waterproof... 嘤——"

Before he finished speaking, Xun Fengbai casually put a seal on it.

Storage Spirit: "..."

"Just take this with you. He said he is waterproof. You can stuff any props into this." Xun Fengbai handed the bracelet back to Ye Chixu.

Ye Chixu took it and stuffed it back into the bag: "Then I can consider carrying a few more swimming goggles or something... No, what's the use of me bringing this kind of spirit that can only beep? Come with me Are you kidding me?"

Storage Spirit: Wronged!

(End of this chapter)

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