Chapter 358 Reading
Ye Chixu patted his hand away, and turned away angrily, but the touch left on her face was still floating on her cheeks.

Oops, the weather is so hot at noon.

Ye Chixu quietly raised her hand to fan the wind, trying to blow away the blush slowly floating on her cheeks.

Xun Fengbai knew that this person couldn't be teased all the time, and he would show his paws if he teased the cat anxiously: "Let's go, let's go to the coffee shop in the comprehensive teaching building. It's very close to the hospital affiliated to the school. When the time is almost up, I'll go straight over."

"Are there any teaching buildings around there? I want to see the young people full of youthful atmosphere." Ye Chixu didn't consider at all that he is only 23 now, which is also the time of youth.

She just felt that she had been away from school for a long time, and seeing these children younger than her who were still studying had a different mentality.

"Sometimes I wonder, should I also try to go to the postgraduate entrance examination at that time." Ye Chixu looked up at the branches of the sidewalk trees growing and converging on the top, and the sunlight was leaking through the gaps between the branches and leaves, shining brightly Bright dots fell on her face one by one, and the sidewalk where the two were walking.

"Why didn't you go then?" Xun Fengbai helped pin her hair that was scattered around her ears behind her ears.

Ye Chixu pulled back the little strand of hair, pinched it, and said seriously to Xun Fengbai: "This poking hair is used to cover the face, so you can't move it casually. Why are you like my mother, you like it the most? Tuck the hair I use to cover my face behind my ears."

"Come to the back and look refreshed, you should also cool down." Xun Fengbai said with a smile.

Ye Chixu was shocked and speechless: "Oh my god, my mother said the same. She also said that I look better with my hair tied up. Don't wear bangs or anything like that."

Sure enough, the aesthetics of the mother and the aesthetics of the straight man have some commonalities...

Xun Fengbai raised his hand and closed her chin: "You continue to talk about why you didn't take the postgraduate entrance examination."

Ye Chixu curled his lips: "I just feel that I can't pass the exam, so I might as well come out to work earlier. In fact, I was fed up with the feeling of asking money from my family at that time. Many things I want to buy are quite expensive. Because the money is taken from home, I am reluctant to buy it. I want to work as soon as possible, so I can buy what I want to buy.”

"Why do you think you can't pass the exam?" Xun Fengbai grasped the key point of the first half of the sentence, Ye Chixu would describe another thing in a very specific way whenever he wanted to cover up one thing.

Ye Chixu seemed to be unable to hide, so he began to analyze himself: "You know my English, right? I really can't learn languages. In the end, maybe I don't want to memorize words or something.

Another thing is that grammar is really too difficult for me. I have studied Chinese for so many years, but I even got low scores in courses like "Linguistics Outline".I failed once when I was studying "Modern Chinese" because there were too many phonetic symbols that needed to be memorized.

The subjects I am good at are literature. As long as I listen to some original texts in class and read a lot of original works, I can pass the final exam without memorizing it.When reviewing such subjects, I memorize them two hours before the exam. "

"Then you can take the research in the direction you like, so that you will be more motivated." Xun Fengbai can still feel her love for literature from her words.

"Actually... not taking the exam is not the most regrettable thing for me. The most regrettable thing is that when my thesis was due to be handed in, the teacher called me and asked me to revise the final draft, and asked me if I had taken the postgraduate entrance examination. If it's too good, I can transfer back to school." Ye Chixu still felt a little melancholy when she mentioned this matter, after so long, she still remembered that sentence in her heart.

Although the admission rate for transfers is very low, even if you transfer back and take the re-examination, you may not be able to go back to school, but the teacher's words of caring for her still made her regret for a long time.

It turns out that the teacher still wants us to continue studying.

Ye Chixu had such a feeling.

Maybe the teacher just asked casually, but it was also a kind of affirmation to her.

Ye Chixu sighed, and said: "My English is so bad, I don't think I can make up for it at all, and the other one is really because I'm too lazy... My roommate was born in September. She decided to take the postgraduate entrance examination. At that time, she got up before 06:30 every morning to go to the library to study, fell asleep in the library at noon, and came back after the library closed at [-] o'clock every night. Fortunately, she finally passed the exam.

I still remember one night it rained heavily.Her umbrella was taken away by someone unknown, and she had to send a message to us to pick it up.We didn't have a good relationship with another girl in the dormitory, and another girl had already finished taking a shower and went to bed.I went to pick her up at that time.

When I walked downstairs, I saw a girl who was also taking the postgraduate entrance examination. It was her boyfriend who picked her up and sent her back.I thought that my roommate should be waiting anxiously now, so I speeded up and walked over to pick her up. She told me that she also saw the couple.The two of us wailed like a single dog at the same time..."

"So have you told her about your relationship now?" Xun Fengbai asked her on this point.

"Speaking of which, when we posted that photo, she gave me a like, so she probably already knew about it."

Ye Chixu pinched his chin and recalled.

"My roommate should have been in a relationship at the time, but she and her boyfriend were in a long-distance relationship. And that boy is also a straight man of steel. Many times I think it's quite... naive? Or immature? .In a word, it didn't continue after that.

That boy is not really suitable for her, he thinks many things too simply.And my roommate is really suitable for reading and doing research. She can read books and study with peace of mind. She also has a high sensitivity to literature and is good at writing... In short, she is a very good girl, I really hope It is really not easy for her to have someone who can understand her, discuss literature and many other things with her, and have a spiritual resonance. "

"So sometimes you feel that I'm boring too." Xun Fengbai lifted the hands they held together and lifted them up, "Maybe I haven't read any of the books you've read. , and there is no way to discuss literature and other related issues with you... But if you really feel sorry and want to go back to the postgraduate entrance examination now, I can help you make up for the English subject."

(End of this chapter)

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