There is a lucky cat in the dream

Chapter 334 The Fifth Person

Chapter 334 The First Person
"Oh, I thought my physical strength was much better before, but now I still feel a little out of breath after climbing dozens of steps in one breath." Ye Chixu put the kitten on the ground, and crossed himself without any image. Leaning against the pillar, he gasped for breath.

"Who told you to pretend to be humming there." The cat squinted at her and said, "You don't know that talking or singing while climbing a slope is the most exhausting lung capacity, so naturally you will Feeling tired."

"I know, I know, but I feel that even if I am tired, my character cannot collapse!" Ye Chixu retorted confidently to Mao Zai, "Think about what I said to the patrolman who was on my shoulder last time. What's the impression? It's a green mass, like a transparent slug, and it's too ugly. It directly affects my rating of the world."

"Even if the impression he left on you is ugly, he still captured you, didn't he? The image is not important, the important thing is to be able to photograph people." Maozai has always been a pragmatic person.

In his opinion, walking forward humming a song like Ye Chixu was nothing more than giving sleepwalking reminders to the newcomers - the inspection is coming, I have to hide quickly.

It's strange that she can take pictures of people like this.

Mao Zai tried his best to persuade her: "Think about it, did the patrol officer who photographed you last time show up quietly? That way you would have been photographed by him without any precautions!"

"But last time you promised to help me feel the atmosphere around me, didn't you feel it!" Ye Chixu only remembered this.

"This mist will affect my judgment! The green mass of the inspection tour is actually easy to identify with the eyes. It's just that he suddenly appeared in a position that we didn't expect..." Mao Zai argued for a few words He just gave up. He is really not very good at this kind of operation of reversing old things.

"So can this fog affect you now?" Ye Chixu felt himself slow down, squatted down to hug the cat, and was about to leave here and continue to go up.

There was a strange fluctuation in the mist, and the kitty shook his beard, as if he felt something.

"Maybe it will have a little impact, but it's not big... For example, there is a newcomer sleepwalker approaching here, so stop humming." He whispered to Ye Chixu.

Ye Chixu quietly turned behind the pillars of the archway: "Where is it? Under the slope?"

"It should be the promenade on our side going down." The cat looked up at the lantern, "There are still about five to eight lanterns away."

The distance between the lanterns in the ancient town hanging on the corridor is precisely calculated. The distance between every two lanterns is three pillars.In other words, the sleepwalker was relatively far away from Ye Chixu and the others.

"Then I shouldn't have to hide here in advance!" Ye Chixu sat down on the top step, "Let's sit here and rest for a while, and it won't be too late to go up when he comes."

The kitten was lying on Ye Chixu's shoulder, his little nose kept shaking, and even the tips of his ears were trembling: "His speed is very slow, and he is hardly moving now. There should be no other patrols nearby except us." The exam is over, now we just sit here and wait for the rabbit.”

With the cat cub investigating, Yechixu also relaxed and observed his position: "Speaking of which, the position from the main entrance is different. It is already in the middle of the slope, right?"

"This door is indeed the closest road from the outer layer to the community. Last time we climbed up from the small town inside, and that was the shortest route." Mao Zai did not forget when explaining to Ye Chixu Mention the path he took her to take before.

Ye Chixu nodded: "Sure enough, each has its own advantages. If you can find a way, going from that small town is indeed a better solution. It is not easy to be caught, and it is fast... If I didn't commit suicide at that time... If we go around to the main road, we won't be photographed, right?"

Mao Zai felt that everything was possible: "Not necessarily, because the path leading out is also a straight road, and the view is as wide as here. You seemed to have been photographed there."

"I just remember that when I came out of that alley, I was photographed inexplicably. It happened a month ago, and I can't remember clearly." She was photographed so suddenly that she was sent to When I went to the innermost layer, I didn't have much impression, I just remembered that I was photographed when I came out of the alley.

"Get up soon, he is only two lanterns away from us." The cat patted Ye Chixu on the shoulder and urged her to stand up quickly.

"Okay." Ye Chixu stood up and pulled her skirt so that it spread out perfectly outside the innermost birdcage, and then arranged the decorations on her body one by one, "Even if you I’m not allowed to sing, but the image is also very important.”

Ye Chixu quietly moved to the bottom of the archway and stood on the side of the pillar, facing the street.

If the sleepwalker has been walking forward vigilantly, and when he passes by, he turns aside and discovers that there is another person, he will definitely be frightened.

It's a bit exciting just thinking about it.

Ye Chixu was still immersed in her prank plan.

The novice sleepwalker was watching his surroundings vigilantly while slowly moving upwards.

Just when he was hesitating whether to continue walking forward, the intermittent singing just now disappeared.He waited there for a while, but the singing voice did not appear again, so the inspection tour must have left.

Only then did he have the courage to continue walking up.

"It's just that this kind of dream comes out of nowhere and I'm just eliminated. Why do I still want to do the task he said in the broadcast before?" He said to himself to relieve the pressure, "I said it was It’s a dream, why should you be so curious if you can just wait and wake up?”

When Ye Chixu heard his voice coming from the mist, he felt a little funny in his heart. It's quite contradictory that this person thinks so clearly, but he still has the courage to move forward.

"It's coming." The kitty said in the channel, shaking his ears.

Ye Chixu pursed his lips, trying to make a cat-like smile, so that his expression could look a little weirder, and leave a deeper impression on the newcomer sleepwalker.

The figure coming up from the corridor became clearer and clearer, and the cat cub counted down on the channel: "Three, two, one, here we come!"

The newcomer passed under the pillar.

Ye Chixu gently put his arm on his shoulder before he turned around.

The newcomer paused as if reflexively.

The stiff newcomer glanced down from the corner of her eye, only seeing the dangling metal chain on her cheek and a hand in a black lace glove.

"Good evening!" she whispered softly into the newlywed's ear.

(End of this chapter)

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