There is a lucky cat in the dream

Chapter 332: Drawing a Map

Chapter 332: Drawing a Map
The area of ​​the maze has two floors, and there is a circular runway in the middle of the two floors, which runs through it all the way.

The farthest thing Ye Chixu could see from the outermost wall was the track.

If you want to draw a full picture, you have to climb the fence next to the runway.

"If I had known earlier, I would have just climbed this wall." Ye Chixu came to the vicinity of the circular track after drawing all the routes she could walk on the wall where she was just now.

"But now you don't have much time left, it's like 5 minutes. When the map opens, the examiner standing on the wall will be automatically ejected." Cat Zai reminded her friendly.

Ye Chixu clapped his hands, took two steps back, sprinted, jumped, and climbed up the wall: "Then I have to keep an eye on the time and draw."

When we arrived at the wall of Central, the field of view was indeed much wider, and Ye Chixu was able to quickly fill in the rest of the area she had just painted.

With ten seconds left to clear the field, she jumped off the wall.

She tapped the notebook with a pen and said: "It seems to be quite troublesome to draw like this. It seems that I have to come here many times to finish the painting."

The cat cub said softly, "It's actually not troublesome. If you want to finish drawing the map of the maze earlier, you should draw according to the big map when you were waiting for the teleportation."

Ye Chixu was taken aback for a moment, then stuffed the tool into the bag and said, "Didn't you say it earlier?"

The kitten flicked its tail, and said innocently: "At that time, I didn't expect you to have such a showy operation as drawing a map!"

Ye Chixu reached out and grabbed him and hugged him: "I didn't draw the map to remember the way!"

Mao Zai smacked his lips and said unconvinced: "You don't need to draw a map to remember it. You just need to remember what is more distinctive at every corner."

"What if there's nothing at that corner?" Ye Chixu put him in his arms and tapped his head.

"There is nothing at the corner, so remember what is in the corridor in front of the corner. The grass is always different, right? The reference in this maze will not change, only the location of the maze will change." The cat's tone is very relaxed, as if this is a very simple and basic thing.

However, this is indeed the case for their spirit beasts.

"Wait, tell me first, will this maze change direction?" Ye Chixu quickly grasped the point of his words.

"Yes, otherwise why do you need this ring track in the middle?" Mao Zai raised his paw and pointed at the ground, "So even when you draw a map, you should distinguish the outer ring from the inner ring. Then you just have to remember them individually."

"Are the furnishings in those two rings unchanged?" Ye Chixu suddenly felt that what he had just drawn might be a piece of waste paper.

"The things in the two rings will not change, what will change is only the positions of the exits opposite the two rings." The kitten explained to her, "The inner ring rotates clockwise, and the outer ring rotates clockwise." It rotates counterclockwise. If you want to draw a map, draw two rings respectively, and then nail them to a board. Then count the time and rotate.”

Ye Chixu felt that the map he had drawn before might be salvageable...

The more the cat thought about it, the more trouble he felt, so he said, "How about you face the painting on the map when we come in next time."

"I'm going to draw while walking first." Ye Chixu put the kitten on the ground, and took out the notebook and pen from the small backpack, "This time I plan to draw in more detail, on the route I drew before Replenish."

With that said, she walked towards the gap she came out of before.

"Let's draw the inner ring first today. It would be the best if we can meet the person who came in for the dream test. If not, we will cross the river and go to the central area to wait in an hour."

The kitten nodded, followed her pace, and explained to her what was different about this place while she was drawing, so that she could mark it.

One person and one cat walked in the maze in such a planned way, Ye Chixu quickly drew almost 1/4 of the area of ​​the inner ring.

"Okay, it's good to be able to draw so many today." Ye Chixu stuffed the notebook into the bag, and reached out to hug the cat.

She thought that he should be tired after walking for so long.

"Now I will go to the exit of the wild grass according to the route I remember." She bowed her head and said to the kitten, "If I take you to the wrong place later, you should remind me. Let's go there soon The central area is better.”

"Okay." Maozai nodded, "It's been so long since I've been here, I've almost reviewed the maps in my memory."

After walking through it again, he remembered it even if he had to start from scratch.

Ye Chixu just held the cat in his arms, looking for a way out leisurely, as if he had completely given up on finding a sleepwalker in this maze.

"Speaking of which, it's the first time I've photographed them, can they teleport?" As she walked, she remembered her experience when she first came in.

"They will be teleported directly to the next circle, but they will not be teleported beyond one level." Mao Zai explained to her.

Ye Chixu nodded knowingly: "No wonder I was patted on the shoulder in the ancient town last time, and I was teleported into the community. So it is the least cost-effective to be photographed in the maze, so I can only teleport people It’s just out of the maze, and it’s still far away from the final round.”

"If it is photographed at the innermost layer, it will be teleported to the place closest to the mission point." The cat continued to explain the rules, "But this is a pity, because if it is not photographed, there will be additional Plus, it’s quite high.”

"Then it's a pity that I was photographed last time." Ye Chixu felt a little regretful when thinking about her last experience. The place where she was photographed last time was actually not far from the community, and she climbed up a slope almost there.

The cat thought for a while, and comforted her and said: "You are already very good. Basically, no one can complete the dream entrance test without being put on the shoulders."

Ye Chixu was actually very satisfied with her last ranking before, but now that she has rich experience and looks back, she will find that if she had been more careful and vigilant about the surrounding environment at that time, she could have completely avoided that time Shoulder.

Still thinking this way, Ye Chixu walked out of the maze unconsciously, without any mistakes in the middle.

"Wow. It's not bad, I can remember the way so quickly." Cat Zai praised her.

"Ah?" Ye Chixu came back to his senses and found that he had walked into the grass, "I just... It seems that I didn't think about how to get out and came out..."

(End of this chapter)

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