There is a lucky cat in the dream

Chapter 31 Asura Field?

Chapter 31 Asura Field?
Ye Chixu, who was slumped on the table, watched the young lady leave with red eyes.

"What kind of devil is Xun Fengbai? He made everyone cry." Ye Chixu beeped softly.

"It's not a devil." Xun Feng tapped his white fingers on the tabletop that Yechixu was leaning against, causing Yechixu to sit up and cover his ears.

"What are you doing?" Ye Chixu asked dissatisfied.

Xun Fengbai pointed at the table and said: "The tea is gone, please refill."

"You can ring the bell for a refill." Yechixu said seriously with his hands on the sketch paper, "I am currently discussing the development of the store with another boss."

"I'll help you fill up the water, just wait!" He Lan stood up abruptly, and ran down the tunnel slowly.

After He Lan left, Ye Chixu froze in place, feeling so embarrassed that he didn't know what to say.

"'Dead' He Lan, left me here alone! It must be on purpose." Ye Chixu complained in his heart.

"Are you hiding from me?" Xun Fengbai asked lightly.

"No. I just told you the correct way to use the calling bell." Ye Chixu quietly put one hand back under the table, and then slowly moved to the tip of the kitten's tail hanging under the sofa.

She thought to herself, "I'm sorry, kitten."

Then he gently pinched the sensitive tip of the kitten's tail.

"Meow~" The kitten flicked its tail quickly and pulled it out of her hand.

"You are abusing cats!" The kitten jumped on the armrest of the sofa and grinned, "I will report you to the system! Cancel your guardianship!"

The kitten wrapped its tail under its body distressedly, and carefully stepped on it with its paws: "Poor little tail, why are there so many disasters today?"

Xun Fengbai saw her little movements clearly, and thought to himself that this was something she was trying to cover up. He subtly raised the corner of his mouth and asked, "What's wrong with the cat? Did you choose a name?"

"I don't know, maybe I'm having a nightmare." Ye Chixu pretended not to know anything, and hugged the kitten with a distressed look on his face. He gently stroked his back and said, "What's wrong with my little cute Yuedan?" ?Did you have a nightmare?"

The little cutie Yuedan said in her heart, "Don't you know what happened to me?"

But he looked up and saw Ye Chixu's eyes full of "love", and chose to get into her arms and act like a baby.

The cat was under the eaves and had to bow its head.

"It might be a nightmare." Ye Chixu hugged the kitten and Xun Fengbai and explained, while muttering in his heart why He Lan didn't come up yet.

Downstairs, He Lan calmly poured hot water into the thermos, poured another pot of pure water and pressed the switch to boil the water: At that time, it was a chance for you to be alone!
"Yes. Yuedan was the name you gave him?" Xun Fengbai asked, "What two words are they?"

"The moon of the moon, the water is so light." Ye Chixu explained.

"It's pretty good." Xun Fengbai nodded, "It's much better than a name like Brother Gou."

Ye Chixu snorted and thought, "That's because you don't understand the artistry of the name Gouge."

After saying that, the two of them fell into silence. Neither of them were good at finding topics, especially after not seeing each other for so long, and they didn't know what to say. The only thing they could talk about was the kitten.

The scene was very embarrassing.

Just when Ye Chixu was calling He Lan for the thousandth time in his heart, the sound of rapid footsteps finally came from the tunnel.

Ye Chixu turned his head and looked over there expectantly. Unexpectedly, it was the young lady who had just left.

"Hello, is there anything left in the store?" Ye Chixu hurriedly got up and asked.

The focus of the young lady was not on her. She was crying and asked Xun Fengbai who was standing aside: "If... if I don't go to Beidu to study, can we... can there be... another relationship between us?" Any chance?"

Wow!Really ex-girlfriend wow!

One side of Ye Chixu's heart was the surprise of guessing the object of the gossip, and the other side was the inexplicable sadness.

Sure enough... he is a very beautiful and excellent person...


The two fluttering words hit Qiaoman's heart like a heavy hammer. The tears she held in her eyes instantly rolled down from her eyes, drawing a crystal arc along her cheeks, and then fell from her graceful chin, hitting Qiaoman's heart. on the carpet.

What a picture of a beautiful woman crying.

Ye Chixu didn't have time to sigh in his heart, so he quickly took some papers and handed them to Xun Fengbai who passed by the table.

Alas, they are all people who have had a crush on each other, how can they not know the pain in each other's hearts?

Ye Chixu was thinking and scolding himself for being a bit of a saint.

But what she never expected was that the young lady in front of her didn't wipe her face after taking the paper, but stared at the name tag on her chest, which made Ye Chixu feel a feeling of chills in the back and numbness in the scalp. Feel.

"Ye Chixu?" She crumpled the paper into a ball and pinched it in her hands, as if she was holding Xiao Ye by the throat, "So you are Ye Chixu."

"Ah? What? I am, what's the matter." Ye Chixu tried hard to think back. She thought that she had never contacted Xun Fengbai after she learned that he was in love. She didn't even dare to send a message, for fear The account of the man and his girlfriend were linked and a message came: "Please don't contact him again" or something.

"Hehe, it's nothing." She wiped away the tears on her face, "I'm Qiaoman, do you know?"

"Should I... know?" Ye Chixu was taken aback by her operation.

"Should you know? You actually asked me, should you know?" Qiaoman murmured incredulously, her figure swayed slightly, and she took two steps back as if she was unsteady, "Hehehe, Then you should remember me, because I am the girlfriend of the legendary Xun Fengbai... Oh no, it should be the ex-girlfriend now."

Ye Chixu stretched out his hand to protect her who was teetering on her stiletto heels, for fear that she would lose her footing and fall.

In fact, she suddenly felt that this ex-girlfriend might have some brain problems. Could it be that she was so stimulated and started talking nonsense?

So she said cautiously: "Okay... hello... would you like to sit and rest for a while now?"

Qiaoman closed his eyes and took a breath, as if trying to endure something.After a while, she let out another long breath, and said quietly: "It's okay, you will know me later."

After finishing speaking, she pushed away Ye Chixu's hand, turned around and left again neatly.

Ye Chixu looked at Xun Fengbai in bewilderment, "Is your ex-girlfriend out of her mind?"

Xun Fengbai also took a breath, and sighed in a tone that was very similar to Qiaoman but different: "So you don't know..."

"What should I know?" Ye Chixu felt like his head was going to explode. Did the couple have brain problems?

She said frantically: "Please explain it clearly to me, don't make me take the blame!"

(End of this chapter)

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