There is a lucky cat in the dream

Chapter 289 Just One Point

Chapter 289 That’s it

Chigua Xiaoye kept his doubts and opinions in his heart, and wanted to ask Xun Fengbai when he was free, so that he could deal with them in the future.

Qing Jiangshen sent her out of Asuka's gate all the time, giving her a lot of face, and let the young lady at the front desk firmly remember this person, so if she comes back in the future, just let her go directly.

Ye Chixu had no idea that her status in the Bird Club had been greatly improved. After saying goodbye to Qing Jiangshen, she returned to her private dreamland via Jiushu's shop.

After a while, the cat cub started to play tricks when he got home, yelling at Ye Chixu to lend him back early, and don't leave him in the boss's house for a long time, because he felt uncomfortable in other people's house.

Ye Chixu poked his hairy head and said, "You little heartless, you've only been with me for a few days, so you don't want to follow Xun Fengbai who has raised you for two months?"

The kitty smacked his lips, shook his head from side to side, and said aggrievedly: "Then, do I feel a lot of pressure to follow the boss? He is so cold, and it's not like you usually fight with me. I went to his house Basically, I just find a corner to cat and don’t dare to disturb him too much. And before I followed you, I thought he was used to how everyone gets along at home, but once I have seen a good and harmonious relationship, then I I definitely don't want to go back."

"Just follow him for a few days and think about Maosheng. I think you have been with me for too long. If I am too gentle with you, you will hide everything from me. How many times have I told you before Now, don’t act on your own, you still went to the store like a cat... In short, this time I want to make your memory long, so that you won’t answer that old saying in the future.”

"What an old saying~" The cat kept rubbing around her legs, acting like a spoiled child.

Ye Chixu picked him up and rubbed him in his arms: "Curiosity killed the cat, what else?"

The cat cub let Ye Chixu rub it round and flatten without love.

Suddenly he exclaimed: "Oops!"

"What's wrong?" Ye Chixu stopped moving.

The cat cub squeezed out an aggrieved nasal voice: "I heard the boss's alarm clock ringing, and we are about to separate."

Just as he was speaking, he slowly disappeared from Ye Chixu's arms.

Ye Chixu hugged for a while, then grabbed her long hair, put a ball on the back of her head, and let go.

"It's really a bit early to get up now. But the little cat forgot, even if Xun Fengbai got up, I have to go pick him up."

Covering the mark with spiritual power, Ye Chixu woke up leisurely.

She got up and washed her face, then put her hair into two random buns and combed it on the top of her head. She looked in the mirror again - it turned out that the purpose of bunting her hair was to do it while her hair and herself were not paying attention, so that the hair would be fluffy and round. of.

Picking a skirt from the wardrobe at random, Ye Chixu sat in front of the dressing table and began to skin care and prepare for makeup.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

Ye Chixu hurriedly got up to open the door, and it turned out that Xun Fengbai came in with the kitten bag.

"I'm leaving. I'll have a rest tomorrow. I can go to the store with you."

"Oh." Ye Chixu took the cat and let him out.

As soon as the cat opened the door, he quickly rushed into the bedroom.

Xun Fengbai raised his eyebrows: "It seems that he really doesn't want to be with me."

"Well, yes. He said you were too fierce." Ye Chixu complained openly.

From inside came the cub's aggrieved whine: Xuxu actually betrayed me!
Xun Fengbai didn't pay attention to him in the middle, stared at Ye Chixu who had no eyebrows for a while, and said: "So girls don't have eyebrows in the morning!"

Ye Chixu touched it subconsciously: "I haven't drawn it yet. For convenience, I have trimmed it down to only one brow."

"But it doesn't affect your appearance." After Xun Fengbai finished speaking, he closed the door for her and walked away.

"Won't it affect your appearance?" Ye Chixu touched his eyebrows again, "Who are you lying to?"

But after hearing these words, her mood couldn't stop getting better, and the corners of her mouth couldn't stop rising.

I'm a little happy~

Ye Chi thought.

After tidying up briefly, Ye Chixu took the kitten out at about the same time as yesterday.

She plans to go to the second floor to decorate during the cake baking time, and isolate the small area of ​​the cat cubs separately.At about nine o'clock, I will contact the master who installed the anti-theft net for her. One is to ask if the anti-theft net is ready, and the other is that he sees that they are also in the business of soundproof sliding doors, or invite them to measure quantity.

When He Lan and the others came to the store, the master had already measured the width, and was holding a picture book to introduce the pattern of their door to Ye Chixu.

Ye Chixu just pushed this errand to He Lan.

This door must take into account both sound insulation and aesthetics. The main thing is to match the style of the store and not be too fancy and affect the sight of the guests.

The most important thing is that Ye Chixu and the others wanted to make a hole in the door and install a cat door. The master had never heard such an unreasonable request, and emphasized again and again that if it was like this, the sound insulation of the door could not be guaranteed.

It didn't matter to Ye Chixu and the two, anyway, they planned to order another small blackboard on the door to write reminders, and there should be no people gathered under such reminders to chatter.

The master had no choice but to agree to go back and negotiate with the manufacturer. If they want to install the cat door, it will be a customized price, which will be more expensive.

Ye Chixu, who just made money in his dream, didn't care about these at all. With a wave of his hand, he asked the master to go back and ask and send it to them. As long as it wasn't too outrageous, they would order it.

The master left with the album in his arms, and made an appointment with Ye Chixu to go to her house to install the anti-theft net on Monday morning.

Ye Chixu thought that this time was just right, she could still wait for Xun Fengbai to come to the store together, but she didn't know what he was going to do in the store...

In short, he can come if he wants to.

After a lot of preparations for opening the shop, Ye Chixu began to sort out the things to be given to Chi Qiu, and piled them up to the second floor.

He Lan looked at this posture and even said that she didn't seem to want to make it clear, but more like a gift giver, which made Ye Chixu a little at a loss.

After learning the story behind the umbrella, He Lan thought about it seriously, and advised her to consider Chi Qiu, such a boy is quite good, kind and caring.The most important thing is that every time you send something, it can be delivered to Ye Chixu's heart.

Ye Chixu paused, thought for a while, Chi Qiu was indeed very kind to her during the short contact, but the fact that Xun Fengbai came to find her in the dream really moved her even more.

He also helped her solve a lot of things over and over again. The important thing was that after analyzing many things, he let her make her own decisions, fully respecting her own wishes, and his attitude was quite correct.

The point is, is she even more familiar with Xun Fengbai...

It's too tiring for Chi Qiu to get along and get to know each other again...

As usual, there are not many customers in the morning, and everyone in the store gathered together to quickly settle lunch in advance, waiting to meet the peak flow of people in the afternoon.

Ye Chixu also sent a message to Chi Qiu, reminding him that he must come today.

Chi Qiu didn't come back for a long time, but he still came to the store when it was close to lunch time.

"Is the business good?" After he entered the door, he saw many customers walking around the boutique area on the first floor.

"You're here." Ye Chixu came out from behind the counter, "Let's go upstairs and talk."

Chi Qiu looked around and said, "Can you walk away with so many customers in the shop?"

"The current customer flow is pretty good. The snacks are all prepared. They are very busy."

With that said, Ye Chixu took out a small mirror cake from the freezer and handed it to Chi Qiu: "New product, chat while eating."

She herself took Chi Qiu upstairs with a tea tray. What she prepared today was an English style black tea, besides the teapot, there was also milk and sugar cubes.

Chi Qiu saw that she was carrying a little heavy for a girl, so she wanted to change it with her.

"No need, I'll still carry this thing." Ye Chixu smiled at him and continued walking forward.

When Chi Qiu raised his eyebrows, he was still a bit born.

The two went up to the second floor, and He Lan gave up his seat when he saw the two of them coming.

This is what they discussed before. After she came up, He Lan went to help the first floor. In case a customer orders, she can also help with errands.

Xiao Li also changed places with Guan Er. Guan Er is not very proficient in making drinks, and He Lan hasn't learned at all, so she can rest assured that Xiao Li will go on the first floor.

Chi Qiu, who witnessed the transfer of staff, laughed: "When I come, it's too motivating."

Ye Chixu poured tea for him and said, "Normal staff change positions are basically arranged in this way. As long as I leave, they will automatically take over, so that it will not affect the normal work of the store."

"I'll do it myself." Chi Qiu picked up the milk jug and refilled half a cup for himself, "Actually, this kind of black tea is basically milk for me, and I don't like sugar too much."

Ye Chixu nodded and poured himself a cup of pure tea.

She simply thought it was a bit weird to have mirror cake and Chinese tea, so she prepared this kind of afternoon tea.

She herself likes to drink pure tea, so she would choose to have a cup directly.

"Has your mind not changed yet?" Chi Qiu asked while stirring the tea in the cup.

"I probably haven't told you that I had someone I liked before." Ye Chixu took a sip of tea, and said straight to the point, "I was too young at the time, and he didn't think he could fall in love with a child, so he just missed."

Chi Qiu narrowed his eyes, but he never thought that Ye Chixu would be so straightforward: "Is that the boy who brought your cat that day? His name is Xun Fengbai."

Yechixu nodded slightly.

"Have you promised him now?" Chi Qiu asked again.

Ye Chixu shook his head lightly: "Not yet."

Chi Qiu took a sip of milk tea leisurely, "That means you are still single, and I still have a chance."

"Probably no chance." Ye Chixu bit his lower lip and said, "What I want to tell you today is to let you not delay. If the current trend continues, I will agree to him sooner or later."

"Is there something wrong with me?" Chi Qiu was still very confident in himself, but he couldn't guarantee that he would satisfy Ye Chixu's appetite.

"You're very good... I'm sorry. I know that saying this sounds like a good person card, but I am really too lazy and don't want to spend time getting to know other people. I feel that I have known Xun Fengbai long enough and we are familiar enough. , and he happens to be the person I liked a few years ago." Ye Chixu shrugged, she couldn't figure out her thoughts now, and if she could, she would rather choose not to get married.

Since the family is urging, and there are people who I like and like me in front of me, I can try dating and see if I can change my current thinking.

Ye Chixu took a sip of tea, and suddenly felt that his thoughts were scum.

However, if that person is Xun Fengbai, she thinks it's okay.

After having the experience in the dream and learning his true identity, Ye Chixu felt that after all in his long life, he might really be just a passerby.This passing scum is just a little scum, he probably won't care too much.

As for whether he will have other people in the future, she really doesn't want to know, just cherish the present.

"Then...does he know your identity as a sleepwalker?" Chi Qiu suddenly threw out what he thought was a big move in silence.

Xun Fengbai hid his aura so well last time, he didn't notice it at all, not everyone has the opportunity to meet other ministers, even if he knew his name, he thought it was at most the same name as the character in the dream .

Ye Chixu almost spit out the sip of tea that was in his mouth. Chi Qiu thought she was surprised by his sudden question, but she almost burst out laughing.

"Is this important?" She casually thought that it was Xun Fengbai who had controlled his aura. Even in the dream of the black spirit, he could suppress himself into an ordinary sleepwalker, let alone facing a Late autumn.

Chi Qiu narrowed his eyes: "So that person is really you."

"Huh?" Ye Chixu put down his cup, "What are you talking about? You don't even know, you lied to me just now!"

"I just heard that a person in the ministry found the flower shop, his name is Ye Chixu. If you are, then he...should know about it?" After Chi Qiu confirmed one thing, he quickly deduced another. One thing, "It shouldn't be as simple as having the same name."

Chi Qiu is not stupid, he can match people up by gathering the information. Before, he really hoped that the two people just had the same name, so that his chances of winning would be greater. He just looked at the reaction of the person in front of him, He quickly judged that Xun Fengbai was the famous Minister Fengdui in the dream.

Chi Qiu pursed his lips, feeling mixed feelings in his heart. Although he felt that it was not good to think of someone like this, it was the most direct interest he could think of.

He hesitated again and again, but still expressed the guess in his heart: "You didn't choose him because you could get better resources from Meng...?"

Ye Chixu was speechless, she suddenly had the urge to pour tea on his face like the girls in TV dramas.

After shaking the teacup, she calmed down and said with a pun: "Just what you said is enough for me to choose him."

He never thinks of me that way, but this is indeed one of the most obvious advantages in the eyes of ordinary people.

(End of this chapter)

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