Chapter 286 Benefits
"How is it? You went around and chose your favorite department yet?" Ye Chixu went to the back room to pour two more cups of tea—Xun Fengbai took it from his department.

Anyway, it's all there, so don't drink it for nothing.

Lin Xiaolang held his face together: "I just haven't figured it out yet. I think it might be better for me to go to Suzaku or White Tiger for my nature of fighting monsters."

The corner of Ye Chixu's mouth twitched, the head of Baihu you want to go to is sitting there...

"I think Suzaku has a strong connection with reality, but their minister is now an acting minister. I don't know if the future minister will come back and it will be difficult to get along with."

Obviously she is more attracted to Suzaku Department.

Ye Chixu knew about this matter, and she knew more about it.

"It may take some time for the minister to come back. When he comes back, you will have a firm foothold in the department, so it shouldn't affect too much."

"How do you know? I don't even dare to ask these." Lin Xiaolang asked curiously.

Ye Chixu pointed to the tree spirit who was playing puzzles with Xiong Tongzi and Cat Cub in the corner and said: "He said. This uncle knows a lot of things."

Tree Spirit: "..."

"Wow, then your store is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!" Lin Xiaolang sighed.

Ye Chixu thought that there was a tiger, but the dragon still didn't hide it.

"Then I'd better go to Suzaku. But to go to Suzaku, I still need to take an exam. I need to test some of my monster-fighting skills. I don't think I can do it myself." Lin Xiaolang bumped into Ye Chixu, and said playfully. She squeezed her eyes, "If I can't do it, I'll come to your shop and work for you."

"The salary for working for me is not high." Ye Chixu shrugged, "Although I had this idea, but now you have a department you like more, you should try it first. If it doesn't work, I will be your successor here." Just the way."

Lin Xiaolang hugged Ye Chixu's arm and rubbed it up: "It's still you~"

Ye Chixu pulled her off his arm: "Okay, don't you want to tell me where the practical test was and what happened? Tell me quickly."

"Oh... about this... Shen Yunqi was still talking to me in the car just now." Lin Xiaolang sighed, "I really think he trusts Li Xue too much. Looking at such a smart person, why? Are you all stupid by then?"

"Tell me about that school first. I think the external environment of a school I went to this time is very similar." Ye Chixu briefly described his experience in that school to her as he spoke.

"We went to... probably the same school, right? That school has a big problem! When we went there, it was still a red brick house, which should be the prototype of the first generation school. It hadn't been renovated before. the way it used to be."

Lin Xiaolang felt very headache when he thought of the corridor-like design of the school.

"You said that when the school was built, it would be fine if it was built directly into a zigzag shape. When we run, we can run in circles, and just chase and fight that thing on that floor.

But, it happened to have a gap, so every time we ran to the end of a corridor and had nowhere to run, we could only go downstairs or upstairs. "

"After all, there needs to be a gap for people to get in and out." Ye Chixu had actually been to the school on site.

"Let me tell you briefly, the main prop of the practical mission is the pair of glasses. Once you wear those glasses, you will be targeted by the male Ah Piao. Yes, that's right. The setting of this scene She is definitely not the female Ah Piao." Lin Xiaolang still looked disgusted when she said this. It seemed that her impression of horror movies was really established.

Ye Chixu sighed, she thought of that bald Ms Rose, and she hadn't found time to purify her yet.

"Actually, it's more troublesome for you to meet a female Apiao. The second scene of the mission I did was a female spirit. The most bald thing is that she is locked with my flower shop, which is equivalent to me receiving this flower. After the store, I have to find a way to purify her."

Speaking of which, Ye Chixu pursed his lips and motioned Lin Xiaolang to look at the two delicate red roses at the corner of the table.

"Only those two flowers were brought out from that. It's been two or three days and there is no sign of drying up at all."

Lin Xiaolang reached out and fiddled with the petals, and immediately felt the chill on them.

"Hey~ I used to think that it's good for you to have adventures, but now it's not easy to come to these adventures!"

Ye Chixu groped his chin and thought for a while: "Actually, the rewards are directly proportional to the risks."

"It's true that this time I ranked higher than others, and the rewards I got were quite good. I even got ten more treasure notes. It is said that the difficulty factor of the basic test this time is relatively high, and it is an extra reward for us. There are only five on Shen Yunqi's side."

Speaking of which, Lin Xiaolang called out her panel and showed Ye Chixu her savings. In fact, this value is relatively high among newcomers.

Seeing that she had brought up the panel face to face, Ye Chixu didn't avoid her anymore, and directly called out her own panel, and checked the basic test completion ceremony that was sent over.

She only has some basic rewards that she deserves for her ranking: "It seems that I still don't have the subsidy of that treasure."

"Damn it, why do you have so much savings?" Lin Xiaolang said in shock, looking at the number of Yechi Xubao notes.

"We went to do that special task. Because of this flower shop, I got the first place by chance, so I gave a lot of money." Ye Chixu grinned, "So, I think it's good to have an adventure. .”

Lin Xiaolang: "I'm sore."

During the conversation between the two, a few more people came to pick up flowers. Ye Chixu found the corresponding bouquet according to the number on the number plate and handed it over, and then carefully put away the number plate.

The code scanning gun should be available in the near future, otherwise she would be really uneasy with so many number plates in the drawer.

"Your window seems to be quite relaxed when there are few people, right?" Lin Xiaolang asked, propping her chin.

Ye Chixu looked back at the remaining flowers in the store, then raised his wrist to check the time, feeling that the next peak was not far away: "It's like this when there are few people, but when there are many people, it's like what you saw before." That way, all three of us are a little busy."

"Then I'm actually a little bit cautious about the work of your flower shop." Lin Xiaolang stretched out two fingers to measure a little distance, and then zoomed in a little bit, "If, when the time comes, I can't find it." I'll come and find you at work."

Ye Chi smiled and said: "Come to my store and I can provide you with a job for at least one year. The main reason is that I have made an appointment for another small shop assistant after one year. At that time, I will lay off my staff."

"Wow, you made a reservation a year in advance?" Lin Xiaolang opened his mouth in shock.

"It's a little sister I know in reality, and it's also a coincidence that I know that she is also working in the dream world." Ye Chixu is very happy when he thinks of Xiao Wang. If she comes, she should be able to take care of the spirits in the store soon. plant.

Moreover, they are people who have known each other in reality, and they know each other well, so there is no need to worry about her having other bad thoughts.

Lin Xiaolang pouted, thinking that relying on herself is more reliable. Since the old saying of relying on everyone has been passed down for so long, there is also a reason for it, but at least he now has a guaranteed job.

"I really can't figure it out. In reality, I want to work. When I go to bed at night, I still think about finding a job."

Ye Chixu nodded. She had felt the same way recently. She felt really tired if she continued like this. Maybe she had some free time, so she had to choose not to fall asleep for two or three days to take a good rest.

"Let me continue to tell you what happened that day." Lin Xiaolang decided to let himself play for another night, and then go to solve the matter of his examination department tomorrow night.

"Tell me." Ye Chixu wanted to ask before, but the guests interrupted her again, and she still wanted to finish listening to the story before the next peak of passenger flow arrived.

"The main task of the school we went to was to open the box. It was the kind of locker that put books or things in the last row of the classroom. That pair of glasses was from the floor of a high school behind Li Xue and the others. It was opened inside.

We were divided into several groups, and each group was responsible for opening all the cabinets on the first floor, and the things in the cabinets had to be taken away after they were opened.There may be some weird things out.

In terms of group results, which team has opened the boxes on that floor first, and then in terms of individual results, it is the number of boxes opened. "Lin Xiaolang first briefly explained the rules of the practice test.

"That's equivalent to saying that a team will continue to compete." Ye Chixu thinks this rule sounds simple, but it's actually quite unfriendly. .”

"Yes, but each person must open at least ten boxes, that is, ten boxes is the bottom line, even if the group gets a high ranking, but you must open ten boxes to be considered a pass." Lin Xiaolang mentioned here I am quite happy.

"I'm more courageous! Moreover, the time we went to that school was set in the evening, and the light was relatively poor, but my night vision is a little bit better than that of ordinary people, so I can open it. At the same time, I saw what was in that box. If there was something bad in it, I would just take it out and throw it away.”

"Throw it away? Then why don't you throw away Li Xue's glasses, and keep them to harm people?" Ye Chixu was shocked. She thought that there was no way to lose this setting, and she had to hold it by herself when she took it out of the box. .

Lin Xiaolang nodded: "It can be thrown away. There is a trash can for recycling in every classroom. If you drive something bad, you can throw it into the trash can within ten seconds. There will be no problem.

Our group actually got a felt doll with a few needles stuck in it. I thought it was a bad thing and threw it away.Now that I think about it, that doll is very similar to the cursed doll that appeared in the movie. "

Ye Chixu thought for a while, this scene should not be the same as what she experienced, it should be a new scene designed by that building.

After all, the building she went to didn't have a trash can, and it was such a friendly setting that things could be recycled.

"The scene you participated in the practice test should be a pre-set scene. The background of the scene is the same as the one I went to, but the things inside are different. The things in the box should also be put by the staff, but it's not the same. There are not some things that were originally problematic in that school." She thought so in her heart, and said so.

Lin Xiaolang thought about it for a while, she felt that the setting of the trash can was just a kind of protection for novices.

In ten seconds, you can do it as long as your reaction is not too slow.

"But didn't Yu Xuanying say that our scene was enhanced? Otherwise, why would so many people die?" This is what Lin Xiaolang couldn't figure out.

"Didn't Li Xue score very well?"

Ye Chixu still remembered reading the rankings, Li Xue was many places ahead of Lin Xiaolang.

"I think she might have opened someone else's box, for example, Shen Yunqi's. According to what you said, their pair of glasses was brought over from the high school building. It was drawn over there and fell on Shen Yunqi. In this way, it will be much more convenient for them to go back and open the box or come here to open it."

"But if they finished opening the boxes, they won!" Lin Xiaolang didn't understand, "Why are they opening so many other people's boxes?"

Ye Chixu actually didn't know the situation of the grouping, so he just guessed: "The people in their group should have passed the test, right? There are still so many people in the classroom who failed the test... and in order to take care of this part of the people Mood, Yu Xuanying will definitely say that the difficulty is increased this time. In fact, they did not increase the difficulty this time, but Li Xue and his team added it to everyone."

"In this way, the scores of their group are indeed quite high..." Lin Xiaolang touched his chin and said, "Shen Yunqi said that he wanted to go back and apply for a re-test, but I don't know if it is possible. I am quite satisfied with my ranking. If I could do it again, I think my results would be even better.”

Ye Chixu was not hopeful: "I don't think it is possible to re-match again, and I didn't say that I can't give the props in it to other teams. However, if I were Shen Yunqi, I would definitely write down this grudge .”

"What's the benefit of her doing this? Isn't it just a basic test?" Lin Xiaolang pouted with disgust.

"If she gets a good ranking, she can choose the department she wants to go to without taking the exam. Someone should have told her about this rule." Xun Fengbai came out from the inside, "Based on the number of you this time, She can choose if she gets the top three."

Lin Xiaolang was taken aback by his sudden appearance, but when she turned around, she was surprised again.

"Hey, when did Chi Chi hide a handsome guy in your store?"

(End of this chapter)

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