There is a lucky cat in the dream

Chapter 275 Announcing Points Details

Chapter 275 Announcing Points Details
It was still early, Ye Chixu sent the kitten back to the shop to stay with Xiong Tongzi, and went out by himself to go to Fengdui's side by car.

There was a capsule warehouse in the center of the city that could also be teleported, so Yechixu found that location to experience the teleportation function.

The teleportation function of the capsule warehouse is larger than that of Yuyu before, with more complete functions, more locations to choose from, and more positions for people to teleport.

Ye Chixu went to the lobby where he received the mission last time, found the previous seat and sat down, and silently recited the color numbers corresponding to the five elements.

"You're here so early?" Zhang Xiao sat over with An Huai and Chen Yaoxing.

"I'll come here and wait, and carry some things by the way, and I have to go to the store later." Ye Chixu explained to him, "What's the situation with you?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "After you took the hut and left, there was a big fluctuation in spiritual power, and the black air spirit should have discovered it—I am almost sure that there is a commander above Lin Meng and the others, and the ability It is very strong, it can seal the memories of several of us at once. And when Lin Meng stabbed Yao Xing later, he also suppressed a black energy."

"At first, I had forgotten all of this, but when I saw this doll when I was putting things in the bag, I gradually remembered the things we shared props before, and thus remembered the first scene we went to."

"After that, when we came out, we felt a strong suppression of black energy again. This time it was too obvious. Anhuai and Yaoxing also tried to resist, but failed. Because of the doll in my bag, The black air he released and the black air he suppressed cancel each other out, so I still have a complete memory."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that we would have such a big impact on you when we left with that hut." Ye Chixu apologized, "Especially Brother Xing was injured."

Chen Yaoxing was injured on the left side of his chest. Lin Meng originally wanted to hit his heart directly, but when Zhang Xiao and An Huai collided with him, he was hit on the left shoulder.

He waved his right hand and said, "It's not a big deal, it'll be fine in two days. Without your doll, Zhang Xiao wouldn't remember anything, and I don't even know how I got hurt."

Even if he said so, Ye Chixu was still a little embarrassed, he thought for a while and analyzed: "So the dolls in three of the five locations have already been taken, even if you go next time, there are only two places you can go to." Take the doll?"

"If you go there next time, there may be only one place where you can get the doll." Zhang Xiao said with a frown.

"Ah? There is one building in the school. That person took one away last time... so there are two more?" Ye Chixu was a little puzzled.

Zhang Xiao shook his head and said, "In the scene where you took away the hut, Ms. Rose might be that doll. Besides, that scene completely collapsed after you left, and now there are only four places in it."

Lady Rose is not a doll, but a potted flower.

Ye Chixu explained to them the relationship between the hut and the scene and then suggested: "Then...if I give Ms. Rose's flowerpot to you, do you think you have brought a doll in? I know you must still I have to go in again.”

Zhang Xiao thought about it and weighed it: "The key is can you control the state of the flower spirit of the potted flower? Ms. Rose's flower spirit is not in a normal emotional state. We take her in, and she may change at any time." risk."

Ye Chixu was stunned when she heard this. She now has a way to control her spirit.

She thought for a moment and then said directly: "Having said that, I want to discuss another thing with you. What I want to do is to postpone the spiritual contract book that is the No. 1 reward this time to you."

All three were shocked by what she said.

"You have to think carefully, don't you just want to get that book? We all know how important that book is." Zhang Xiao let out a breath, suppressing the excitement in his heart, and tried his best to calm down Di persuaded.

The temptation of that book was too great, he was afraid that he would not be able to hold on, so he agreed directly.After all, that book was an opportunity that Xiao Yezi had obtained through her own efforts, and he hoped that she would think carefully about whether to give him that book or not.

Ye Chixu knew that Zhang Xiao would not agree to it: "There is a book in that flower shop, which has been passed down to the manager of the flower shop. After that... until the end of my life, I should not give my Let the flower shop go out. So it is useless for me to bring out another spiritual contract book, which is equivalent to a waste of resources. And your points are ranked No. 2, so it is more justifiable for me to give them to you. No. 3 is Jin Ming, there is no way I can cross him and give this book to An Huai or Brother Xing."

"So this book is only for you." Chen Yaoxing also persuaded him, "If you take this book, the next time we go in, our fighting power will be different."

An Huai also nodded: "Maybe we can still get the remaining doll with it."

Zhang Xiao's heart was greatly moved, he felt that he should let go and agree to this matter.Little Yezi can't harm him, and he doesn't have to think about other things.

Ye Chixu didn't expect that even such a good gift might be rejected. She persuaded her again: "Just accept it. Don't think there's anything wrong with it. It's me who tricked you about the memory."

Zhang Xiao said seriously, "Don't say that you cheated us. Without the things you brought, none of us would be able to remember everything. The spirit deed is too precious, and I'm really excited. , but I have to consider whether to accept your book."

He paused and then explained: "Because I accepted this book, I owe you a huge favor, and I have to repay it later. Our relationship has changed from a cooperative teammate to a The beneficiary and the beneficiary. I have to think about whether I still have the ability to repay such a big favor."

"Even if you accept this book, we are still suitable to be teammates!" Ye Chixu really couldn't understand his thinking.

She just felt that this book should be in the hands of someone who needed it. In her opinion, Zhang Xiao, who had the best relationship with her, couldn't be more suitable.

She is serious about being nice to her friends.

Zhang Xiao was very moved when he saw that Ye Chixu's attitude was so resolute and he didn't seem like the kind of person who would always threaten others just because he had given him favors.

But he still forcibly suppressed that heartbeat, he needs to think again whether to accept such a big gift.

"You take the book first. I still have to think about it." Zhang Xiao exhaled again to calm his surging heart.

Ye Chixu narrowed his eyes: "You can think about it. If you bring this book to me, it doesn't matter who I give it to."

"It's really not possible, you can consider giving it to me at that time~" An Huai said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

Ye Chixu thought about it, anyway, the relationship between the three of them is so good, it seems that they are giving it to someone or not.But Zhang Xiao cooperated with her the most, and the two communicated the most.

It was Zhang Xiao who came to rescue her when she was deeply trapped in the illusion of the classroom.

"No one will give it to you." Ye Chixu made a grimace, "During the scene at school, Brother Xiao and Brother Xing both came to save me, but you were still sitting on the ground trembling."

Chen Yaoxing heard the meaning of her words, and quickly raised his hand to indicate that he was behind Zhang Xiao, if Zhang Xiao didn't want it, he would take the present in minutes.

Ye Chixu turned to the silent Zhang Xiao and said: "If you figure it out sometime, come to me in the flower shop. I can lend you Ms. Rose then. It should be easier to have the spiritual contract book." So I can control her. Besides, no scene can be opened until the fifteenth of next month. I still have a month to prune that mood-changing rose."

Zhang Xiao nodded cautiously, still looking worried.

"Okay, stop thinking so much now." An Huai put her arm on his shoulder and said, "I have given you such a long time to think, and are you afraid that you won't think clearly? We are like If you don’t have enough connections, you don’t even have a chance to queue up, so be content!”

"Hey, what are you talking about? Are you so happy?" Jin Ming stepped in the door, "What's going on with Zhang Xiao? Why doesn't he look unhappy? You're not happy after winning No. 2!"

Jin Ming put the emphasis on No.2, as if emphasizing that no matter how hard he tried, he still didn't have enough points, so he couldn't get the spirit contract.

He looked around, then sat down next to Chen Yaoxing and asked, "I heard that all the brothers have lost their memories?"

Chen Yaoxing looked at him sideways: "It doesn't matter if the two of us don't remember, as long as Zhang Xiao remembers, doesn't that mean the three of us remember?"

Jin Ming curled his lips, and said in an envious tone: "The three of you have no problem with your relationship. It seems like I can only rely on myself."

But in fact, there was no envy in his eyes, more disdain.

He pointed the finger at Ye Chixu again: "Little Yezi played well this time! Tell Uncle Jin, how did you get so many times the score after leaving halfway? I want to learn too, next time Go in for the first time to get a high score."

Ye Chixu pursed his lips and smiled: "It's nothing, it's just that the team is friendly and luck is good."

An Huai couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing with a "poof".

Jin Ming's face became even more gloomy as a result.

"As for the details of my scores... the minister will announce them later. I can guarantee that this is a road that no one else can take after I leave." Ye Chixu felt that he should be arrogant when he should be arrogant. After all, there are so many points in the balance. In my hand, if I miss this time, there may be no next time.

Jin Ming snorted coldly, and said, "Okay, okay, then I'm really looking forward to what will happen to your path? What made us unable to walk after you left."

He laughed contemptuously again, "Could it be something that only related households can do?"

Ye Chixu tilted her head and thought for a while, as if she got the hut this time and it really has nothing to do with her being a related household.

After all, she got the way to get to know Xiong Tongzi by herself and the kitty, and she was the one who made the final decision to take over the flower shop.

When she was about to open her mouth to refute, Zhang Xiao spoke.

"I can guarantee that she got those points by herself, which is different from those that some people took by force."

When Zhang Xiao said this, he kept staring into Jin Ming's eyes and smiled mockingly.

Jin Ming's face suddenly became uneasy, and he knew that Zhang Xiao had seen him snatch Jiang Cheng's bag at that time.

"What's going on?" An Huai immediately asked gossiping, "Okay, Zhang Xiao! You didn't tell us such a big thing, no wonder you have a somber face today! What are you thinking about!"

With one word, An Huai put the blame for Zhang Xiao's sullen face on Jin Ming, and also let Jin Ming know that neither of them knew about this matter for the time being.

Jin Ming's face paled, he let out another breath, and said to Zhang Xiao in a negotiating tone: "If you stick to this matter, I will transfer all the No.3 rewards to your account this time."

Zhang Xiao looked at him coldly: "Is the No.3 reward good? I don't even want the No.1 reward."

"What?" Jin Ming shifted his gaze to Ye Chixu's face in shock, "You want to give him the No.1 reward? Are you crazy?"

"It doesn't matter." Ye Chixu shrugged, "You also know that Brother Xiao saved me in the classroom, so I should repay him!"

Jin Ming was stunned again. Outside the classroom, he had prevented the two of them from rescuing her, and once held the kitten hostage.If at that time he hadn't...

Jin Ming's expression kept changing, and finally settled on one of extreme regret. He stood up silently and walked towards the place where he sat last time.

An Huai secretly gave Ye Chixu a thumbs-up gesture, which was heartbreaking.

Who told you not to choose to cooperate well at that time, the opportunity was already in front of you, but you didn't cherish it.

The atmosphere between the four of them also eased because of Jin Ming, mainly because Zhang Xiao no longer had a sullen face.

An hour later, people in the hall arrived one after another.

Xun Fengbai also maintained his icy face that was reserved for the outside world and walked slowly down the stairs. Then he stood in front of the stage and told everyone in the hall the general story of the matter and the results of their research and discussion.

Later, he also projected this time's ranking onto the empty wall in front of the stage.

Among them, only Ye Chixu's points are detailed, and the most eye-catching one is that he found the "key" to open Chunque's lost flower shop in the attic of the stationery store, and took over the flower shop to take it from the supervision area of ​​the black spirit. out and destroy one of the five anomalies.

When Ye Chixu saw his details, the corner of his mouth twitched.In her opinion, aren't these three all the same thing?That's way too many points...

"No matter what it looks like to you, in terms of credit, it's what you deserve." Zhang Xiao smiled at her.

(End of this chapter)

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