Chapter 247
"Shasha... Shasha..."

The small sound attracted everyone's attention and broke the strange silence.

"What's ringing?" An Huai looked around for the source of the sound, and finally confirmed that it came from the walkie-talkie on his waist.

"Shasha... Hello... Shasha... Can anyone... hear...?" A weak and vague voice came from the other end of the intercom.

"It seems that there is no time." Jin Ming shrugged and spread his hands, "The people over there are going to tell us to go back."

"What's the matter?" Chen Yaoxing prepared his emotions, and immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and answered.

"Yaoxing... is it Yaoxing?" The voice on the other end of the walkie-talkie also became clear.

It really was Lin Meng.

"What's wrong? Did something happen? Tell me quickly." Chen Yaoxing's face was calm, but his tone was very anxious.

"Come back quickly, our doll has been robbed, and there is a problem in the spiritual world here." Lin Mengzai was crying in her voice, as if she was really in a hurry, and she was helpless.

"Is it about to start already?" An Huai asked with his mouth.

Jin Ming smiled and nodded knowingly.

Only Ye Chixu was still pretending to be confused.

"What's wrong with the spirit world?" Chen Yaoxing ran away, his footsteps stomping loudly.

Lin Meng sobbed softly: "The protective barrier of the spirit world is about to collapse, and the thing sealed inside that doll is coming back for revenge... Come back soon, I'm afraid."

"Where are they? And those who stayed at the base?" Chen Yaoxing asked anxiously.

"They... among them, those who are weak and unable to protect themselves, I have let them go home first..." Lin Meng paused, as if wiping his nose, "There are still some capable ones left. I'm here. I'm waiting for you to come back and figure out a way, and the unified command has made arrangements. I dare not let them know that I'm panicking, so now I'm taking Jiang Cheng outside."

Jiang Cheng took the walkie-talkie at this moment and said: "Brother Chen, we are outside the warehouse. The yin energy here is too strong, and the river outside the warehouse has changed its course. You should be careful when you come down later. "

"Okay, we'll be back soon. Take care of Mengmeng first, and then help stabilize the emotions of the classmates in the warehouse." Chen Yaoxing ordered. At this time, his voice had some heavy breathing, as if It feels like my breath is uneven after running fast.

A group of people followed him, trotting behind, looking at his forehead that was not even sweating and pouting.

After turning off the intercom, Ye Chixu said dissatisfiedly: "Brother Xing, isn't it good for you to deceive Sister Meng like this?"

Jin Ming smiled and said, "Silly boy, there are so many of us here, and you are the only one who is still in the dark."

"Why am I in the dark?" Ye Chixu's face was full of question marks, and he secretly despised himself as a showman, "No matter what you guys are talking about, it's not good for Brother Xing to deceive Sister Meng like this."

"Have you accepted the matter of Yin Qi?" Jin Ming asked tentatively.

Yechixu awakened after experiencing self-doubt and then being stimulated by the outside world. She knew what the state of those who had not awakened should be at this time.

She jogged for two steps and stopped, frowned and looked at Jin Ming with dissatisfaction: "Uncle Jin, isn't it just a sly thing? Don't we often deal with this kind of thing? And our association often relies on part-time jobs for this Do you earn food money for cats and dogs?"

Jin Ming was stunned, he didn't expect that in the eyes of Ye Chixu, their ability came from this way.

This is indeed an explanation that fits their current situation.

"It seems that this dream will finally unlock some of the seals on our abilities. It will give us the ability to participate in the action they need us to participate in." Zhang Xiao took the opportunity to pretend to conclude, covering for Ye Chixu.

"In this way, I'm kind of looking forward to what the next event will be." An Huai smiled and continued.

Ye Chixu pursed his lips: "What are you talking about again? I can't understand it."

"It's okay, we will try our best to make you understand later." Chen Yaoxing turned around and urged them, "Run, friends! There is still a base over there waiting for us to rescue them!"

"Why are you in a hurry~ Go slowly, just say that we are quite far away from there." Jin Ming suggested, "Shouldn't we guess what we are going to face later on the road?"

"Guess as we go, it's not good for us to hide our identities if we go back late." Zhang Xiao picked up the speed while talking.

Chen Yaoxing thought about it, and felt that they had already refuted Jin Ming several times, and they still wanted to save him some face.

At least don't let him and them get angry and tear their faces in subsequent activities.

He took the initiative to say: "If you want to talk about guessing, I think it must be the group of people we haven't met before."

"Who are those people we haven't seen before?" Anhuai woke up late, and he didn't remember clearly what he had experienced in the warehouse before.

"While we were in the warehouse, there were a lot of people that we had never met before we teleported. They are not our people, do you understand?" Zhang Xiao explained to An Huai.

"A spy they planted in?" An Huaiqi asked.

"Yes, including the one who has been making noises." Chen Yaoxing added.

An Huai touched his chin: "Then this mission is unprecedentedly difficult!"

"Actually, it's not that the task is unprecedentedly difficult, it's that we underestimated him too much before." Zhang Xiao explained, "Some of us have already awakened, and we are constantly trying to awaken our companions."

Jin Ming smiled and stabbed: "Even people of your rank are like this, think about those who are lower ranks but have no awakened companions, they can only be used as puppets."

An Huai didn't care about his yin and yang weirdness, but just said with his last words: "It's not popular to talk about puppets now, everyone says they are tool people. Although the meaning may be different, I think we should be closer to tools. people."

Seeing that An Huai and Jin Ming on this side tended to escalate their quarrel, Chen Yaoxing hurriedly stopped the discussion: "Everyone, don't talk about it, we're almost there, they're outside that warehouse, if they overhear us The content is not very good."

"Why do you feel that the distance has been shortened?" Zhang Xiao looked at the newsstand, a landmark building in front of him, and they were indeed about to reach their destination.

"Then do we have to hand over the doll we got?" Ye Chixu asked in a low voice, "This is what Anhuai and I got it with great difficulty. Are we going to hand it over so casually? The one we received There is no such thing as a part-time job."

"If you can hide it first, let's hide it first." Zhang Xiao thought for a while and said, "Put the kitten in the schoolbag and hide it, we will use it as an ordinary cat now. .”

"Okay." Ye Chixu stopped, slightly panting.

Sometimes I don’t feel tired even if I keep running, but once I stop I feel like I’m going to die.

Ye Chixu is like this.

She had been following them at a constant speed before, and listening to their discussion, her attention was not on her physical exertion at all.Coupled with the shortened distance, her physical exertion was not very great, but she stopped suddenly and inevitably had to breathe a few more times.

An Huai handed over the bag readily, and decided that he would be in charge of the backpack after the return trip.

He knew that doll, so he always felt uncomfortable with the coolness behind his back.Now ask him to take out the bag, he is 1 happy.

The cat cub desperately opened his hands and feet, resisting the bag with his whole body.

"He won't go in." Ye Chixu drooped his brows and begged pitifully, "Can we not put the kitten in that little bag? He will be uncomfortable."

"It's fine if he's really an ordinary cat." Zhang Xiao said in an unquestionable tone, "Put him in the bag quickly, and don't let Lin Meng see it."

Mao Zai yelled at Zhang Xiao angrily.

Zhang Xiao frowned, turned around and said to Chen Yaoxing who was still trotting on the spot: "How about this. Yaoxing, you take the two of them back first, just say that Xiao Yezi can't keep up, and I will accompany her behind."

"Alright! Uncle Jin, An Huai, let's go first." Chen Yaoxing greeted.

An Huai looked at Ye Chixu who was still fighting with the cat, and then at Chen Yaoxing who was waving at him, and still gave the bag to Zhang Xiao, and followed him.

Although Jin Ming was a little skeptical, he felt that they couldn't find any flowers, so he followed him back step by step.

"Why doesn't this cat go in?" Zhang Xiao was tired. He didn't believe that the little cat with its arms and legs stretched out was not tired.

The cat cub struggled hard, his whole body was twisting, but he didn't think about hurting Ye Chixu.Obviously, if he scratches or bites, Ye Chixu will let go of the pain.

"I think it's the doll in the bag." Seeing the three people walking away, Ye Chixu picked up Mao Zai and held it in his arms, "Why don't you take out the doll and talk about it?"

Zhang Xiao thought about it and thought it was really possible, so he took the doll out of it.I compared the size again, and it happened to be able to barely fit into my pocket.

He opened the schoolbag again, and the kitten got in quickly: "Sure enough, it's because of that doll. It's the child who understands himself."

Ye Chixu pouted, took the schoolbag, carried it in front of him and hugged it tightly: "I guess it might be. He has always been very disgusted with these things."

"How is it? Are you still affected by that Yin Qi?"

Everyone has left, and the two familiar people can talk about some topics they want to talk about.

Ye Chixu patted his forehead: "I have recovered a lot now, and it was really hard when I came out."

"Is that thing really scary?" Zhang Xiao didn't believe that a person who dared to go upstairs to take a doll alone would be frightened by such an illusion—although that illusion was indeed very capable of trapping people, even he himself was affected. its impact.

Ye Chixu sighed and pressed his chest.

She did have some psychological shadows about that scene: "I kept thinking about the scene when I was walking on the road. The appearance of that little girl was actually not too scary to me. What was scary was the black shadow and The atmosphere at the time. Even now, I get the creeps thinking about it."

"Is it really that scary?" Zhang Xiao smiled, thinking of ways to comfort her.

"Compared to the scene at that time, what I think of now is Jin Ming's attitude is more terrifying." Ye Chixu exhaled, "I was in such a bad state at the time, why didn't he think of using that kind of suppressing emotion? Do you have the ability to help me suppress it?"

"It happened for a reason. Everyone was too anxious at the time." Zhang Xiao didn't think about it carefully. Although the previous incident made him have a grudge against Jin Ming, but if he put himself in the situation and thought about it, people who got out of the predicament were not so quick to think of themselves. capable.

"Also, he must have done something to make the kitten attack him." Yechixu patted the travel bag and said, "It's no longer convenient to ask in this place. If I have the chance in the end, I will definitely ask. I’ll tell you later.”

"But I think he admitted it very readily, and he doesn't seem to have any concerns." Zhang Xiao recalled the scene at that time.

"What about An Huai's awakening? After we came out, why didn't Jin Ming suppress the spiritual power fluctuations caused by his awakening? According to what he said before, even if he didn't think of helping me, helping himself should be instinctive, right? ?”

Ye Chixu was still in a daze before she came out, she didn't know that An Huai was awakened in the scene, but her words also reminded Zhang Xiao.

"An Huai's awakening was very sudden, but it wasn't after we came out." Zhang Xiao rubbed his chin and recalled, "It was after we went down the stairs... Thinking about it this way, if he didn't see something, it was before The accumulated stimulus value is enough...

But we caused such a big change in space in that environment, there should be a lot of fluctuations in spiritual power, but there was nothing to spy on us—or something came to spy on us, but Jin Ming didn't tell us. "

"Forget it, it's useless for the two of us to guess here. Why don't we go back a little bit and let the little cat tell us what happened at that time, so we can go back." Ye Chixu covered his heart and said, "My heart Suddenly, I don’t know what I’m jumping about restlessly.”

Zhang Xiao looked at the roof of the warehouse not far away, and agreed: "Let's go to the newsstand, that place is neither far nor near, if someone comes, we can also hide behind the cabinet for a while, all aspects It's all just right."

The two of them walked back a few steps into the newsstand while they were talking. Ye Chixu finally caught up with the cat on the channel, and learned about what happened during her twilight period.

"Jin Ming... really wanted to run away by himself." Ye Chixu bit his lower lip.

According to the cat cub's description, she could also guess how dangerous the situation was.

"We may have to find an opportunity to ask Anhuai about the reason for his awakening. From Xiaomao's side, what I can tell is that in that environment, there was no black energy to test him."

(End of this chapter)

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