There is a lucky cat in the dream

Chapter 236 Prove yourself

Chapter 236 Prove yourself
In fact, she also planned to visit the classrooms on the second and third floors. Generally, one grade is one floor.

There are three grades in total in a junior high school. For a smaller middle school like this, even if there are ten classes per grade, no matter how the arrangements are made, the third floor should also be the classroom floor for the second grade students. We just have to see if there are any special arrangements. .

Only one side of this school's teaching building is a classroom, and the other side is a 1.2-meter-high railing, and you can see the small square in the middle.

Ye Chixu patted the railing, and discovered the difference between this junior high school and the junior high school where my aunt was - there was a word "beautiful" spelled out of cobblestones in the middle of the square of the junior high school where my aunt was.

"What are you looking at?" Anhuai came over, "Is there something in the middle of that small square?"

His tone trembled slightly, as if it was the aftereffect of being frightened by the sudden situation in the stationery store before.

Of course Ye Chixu understood his nervousness: "There is nothing in the small square, I am just checking how it differs from the school in my memory."

"Oh, so it's like this, it's good like this." An Huai obviously breathed a sigh of relief.

"Wait for me at the stairs first, I'll go over there to see if it's the second floor." Ye Chixu turned to him and said.

"Ah, am I here alone?" An Huai didn't really want to be separated from her at this time.

"Will you come with me? That's okay. I just don't want you to walk an extra mile with me." Ye Chixu nodded and took him with him.

Now that the two of them were together, Ye Chixu planned to see the entire floor.

As expected, the second floor is mostly filled with first-year junior high school classrooms. After moving to the opposite area, you can see a second-year junior high school class.Turning to the far left corner, you can find a choir practice room. The building above should be a multimedia room.

"Why is this second grade class called Grade 22?" An Huai asked, pointing to the nameplate at the door of the classroom.

Ye Chixu didn't look back, and was about to go up one floor: "It's normal. Schools in this kind of districts and counties usually gather the classes with good grades to the ones near the upper floors, and then put the ordinary classes with poor grades together. put.

When I was on the first floor just now, I didn't see the first class to the fifth class of junior high school. Now I checked the second floor and there was no one there.They should all be queued up upstairs. "

"Then the second and third classes of junior high school are still a good class, and there might not even be ones on the third floor?" An Huai asked with his head tilted.

"Then we might have to go upstairs to have a look." Ye Chixu shrugged, "After all, we were quite noisy walking on the first and second floors, if they were in the classroom, they would have called us a long time ago .”

"Okay then." An Huai followed her slowly, turning her head to look at the empty small square in the center of the teaching building from time to time, looking very anxious.

Ye Chixu felt his emotions, and didn't say anything to comfort him. It's good to let him be nervous behind him, at least he is more vigilant...

But you still have to talk to him, otherwise it's not good for him to be too nervous.

"Speaking of which, don't reveal your secrets later!" Ye Chixu lay on the iron railing and looked at An Huai following her.

"I...I'll try my best." An Huai swallowed a mouthful of saliva secreted crazily and tried his best to suppress his emotions.

Ye Chixu blinked, "Then come up quickly, the two of us will walk together. The stairs here are not so narrow, and the two of us can walk side by side."

An Huai thought for a moment and replied, "Okay."

After speaking, he hurried up.

The two of them walked to a row. Anhuai looked at Ye Chixu's relaxed expression and seemed not to be so scared anymore.

"Why do you think you are so courageous as a girl?" An Huai started to find something to say to her, mainly because he kept holding back, he would think about things, and he would become more and more afraid.

Ye Chixu took a look at the multimedia classroom on the third floor, which was a dance studio, and then turned around, preparing to patrol the classroom on the third floor: "I'm actually quite afraid of talking to people I don't know well. These things are not very good. Afraid. If you are afraid, there is a high probability that you will swear..."

"So you are afraid of people, not those like Ah Piao?" An Huai asked curiously.

Ye Chixu pursed her lips: "Don't you know that people are much scarier than Ah Piao?"

"That seems to be true. But Ah Piao is also very scary! Look at the store we just had, we almost didn't get out." An Huai followed her closely, and walked on the outside of the railing. Keep a certain distance from the classroom.

Ye Chixu is different. She occasionally sticks the glass window on the classroom door to look inside, to experience the feeling of the teaching director: "But we have cats. Don't the old people say that cats are evil? You carry What else is the cat afraid of?"

"Isn't that cat on your body...or...we'll switch back?" An Huai carefully put forward his bold idea.

"If you're really scared, that's fine." Ye Chixu thought that the things had already been hidden anyway, and such a big lump of kitten was quite heavy, so why not put it on An Huai's back.

After making this decision, Ye Chixu gave the cat to An Huai again.

Ye Chixu patted the backpack: "Carry it carefully for me, don't drop it."

"Okay!" An Huai agreed, "We've been here for a while, why haven't we seen Zhang Xiao and the others?"

"What are you two doing downstairs?" Jin Ming's voice came from upstairs.

Ye Chixu looked up at his position in the multimedia classroom on the fourth floor.

"Have you found it yet?" An Huai asked quickly.

Jin Ming shook his head: "I didn't find it. I've searched all over this school, but I haven't seen the special classroom in the little girl's photo."

An Huai asked again: "Then there are no classrooms in the second and third classes of junior high school?"

"That classroom was empty, there was nothing." Zhang Xiao also poked his head out from the corridor on the other side, "What is Little Ye Zi holding in his hand?"

"Oh! It's a doll we just found in a stationery store." An Huai said hurriedly.

Chen Yaoxing also appeared next to Zhang Xiao: "Bring it up quickly and let's take a look."

"Okay, right away." An Huai excitedly prepared to go upstairs.

"Wait a minute!" Ye Chixu held An Huai, and looked suspiciously at the people lying on both sides of the teaching building, "How can you be sure that you are you?"

Jin Ming laughed all of a sudden, "Oh, what has happened to the little girl? You are so vigilant."

Zhang Xiao quickly contacted: "Did something happen when you were taking the doll?"

Ye Chixu raised his hand and made a stop gesture: "No. You guys first prove yourself that you are yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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