Chapter 231
"It's a crime for that god dog to follow him. If I were to lead it instead, he would definitely be able to exert his due ability." Jin Ming really disagreed with Jiang Cheng's actions.

Zhang Xiao had the opportunity to see the pastoral dog not long ago. He shook his head and said: "From what I have seen before, it is far from the description of a divine dog."

Jin Ming couldn't help but sighed and said, "But what I have never figured out is that his attitude towards that spirit beast is so bad. Why doesn't that spirit beast forcefully terminate the contract with him?"

This is probably the question of many insiders.

Zhang Xiao spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders: "Probably... this is the legendary dog ​​who doesn't dislike family poverty, right?"

"It's not that the family is poor." Jin Ming frowned, "Jiang Cheng earns quite a lot and lives well. But he treats his spirit beasts harshly."

Zhang Xiao really didn't understand Jiang Cheng's approach very well, but he also knew that Jiang Cheng felt that the puppy was too ordinary, and even despised him as an ordinary pastoral dog.

But he is not willing to say more now, after all, this is someone else's business.

"Maybe he still can't pass the hurdle in his heart." Zhang Xiao curled his lips slightly, which was a manifestation of his disapproval of Jiang Cheng's actions from the bottom of his heart.

While talking, the five-person team finally reached the end of the black brick street.

Looking at the school gate not far away, Jin Ming smiled and said: "The two of us have been talking in front, and we have forgotten that there are three people behind them."

Zhang Xiao glanced back at the three quarrelsome people, and said, "The three people behind them may not remember, there are two people in front of us."

"Who can't remember that there are two people in front of you? You two are so tall and walking in front. We are not blind, so of course we can see." Chen Yaoxing answered loudly.

"Mr. Chen is still as sharp as ever." Jin Ming joked.

Chen Yaoxing cupped his hands and said, "Where can it compare to Brother Jin, no movement within a radius of tens of meters can escape your induction."

"Okay, you two, stop being weird to each other." Zhang Xiao stopped them from "flattering" each other, and insisted on finishing the question he just asked, "According to your previous description, has Jiang Cheng already awakened? "

"The moment Jiang Cheng awakened caused too much emotional fluctuation, or a kind of spiritual power fluctuation."

Mentioning this, Jin Ming frowned subconsciously, it was obvious that he was still very concerned about this matter.

"The moment of awakening will definitely cause fluctuations in spiritual power." Chen Yaoxing continued, "Actually, this awakening is equivalent to a process of breaking through the seal."

"Yes. I felt Jiang Cheng's spiritual power fluctuate at that time, but soon, this spiritual power fluctuation was forcibly suppressed by another force." Jin Ming carefully recalled the scene at that time in his mind, "I'm sure that force is the power of the black energy that controls this dream."

"Then we have to pay more attention." Chen Yaoxing looked at the two "fools" beside him, pointed at An Huai and said, "This, it's so explosive, if you wake up, you will probably be discovered."

He pointed to Ye Chixu again and said, "This is not sophisticated enough, it is very likely that there will be a huge fluctuation of spiritual power at that moment."

"Not necessarily." Jin Ming looked at Ye Chixu with a half-smile, and at that moment, Ye Chixu felt as if he had seen through him.

Just when she was feeling nervous, Jin Ming looked away from him again, turned to meet Chen Yaoxing's eyes and said, "This man's spiritual power may be too weak, even a relatively large emotional fluctuation cannot trigger the alarm."

Ye Chixu couldn't help but said: "Although I don't know what weird things you guys are discussing, I really feel offended when you say that."

"I'm telling the truth. You'll know when you wake up." Jin Ming didn't want to entangle her with this issue any longer. He smiled and turned to look at the school in front of him, then raised his chin at Zhang Xiao Said, "How can I be sure that this is the place? If we are sure, we will go in."

Zhang Xiao blinked, as if quickly going through the map in his head.

"Come on, it must be here. The sooner we move, the better."

"Then do you want to search the canteens outside?" An Huai felt that he finally had a role to play.

Chen Yaoxing made an arrangement at this time: "You and Xiao Yezi can stay and search the outside. If you don't find any information after searching, just come in and find us."

"When I go in to find you, I have to tell you where it is first?" An Huai asked.

"The classroom of the second and third classes of junior high school." Zhang Xiao replied.

"If you don't find us in that classroom, I'm considering looking for it in the multimedia room." Jin Ming added, "I don't look like I'm in a small classroom when I look at that photo, so I also put the multimedia room in this room. A big place has been taken into consideration.”

"So maybe that photo wasn't taken in the classroom?" Chen Yaoxing reasonably questioned.

"It may also be a special activity room or something. In short, if you don't find us in the classroom, consider looking for the big classroom at the corner of the stairs or the school's multimedia building, or just Go to the top floor and look for it." Zhang Xiao arranged accordingly.

"Okay, we'll go there soon." Ye Chixu patted An Huai on the back and said, "Let's go find him and follow them as soon as possible."

"Why are you in such a hurry all of a sudden?" An Huai turned to look at her.

Ye Chixu pressed his chest, and his expression was not very good: "I don't know. I always feel that my heart is on fire, as if something is about to happen."

"Then it looks like we have to speed up." Jin Ming signaled Chen Yaoxing and Zhang Xiao to enter the school together, "The kid's premonition should be believed!"

"Hurry up and catch up! If you really feel unwell by that time, call us at the small square in the center of the school. Get on Anhuai, make your voice louder, we should be able to hear you." Chen Yaoxing instructed.

An Huai nodded: "Let's go quickly, what if Xiaoye Zi has a premonition that he can't find the mission props?"

In this way, the two teams were temporarily divided into two groups. Ye Chixu and the others first searched the canteens around the school, mainly to see if there was any additional information.

Chen Yaoxing and the others had relatively high force values, so it would be safer to go to a place with a lot of time.


The test papers of the canteens in the circle around the school are on the houses in the circle outside the school wall.

These private houses are all small second-story or bungalows built with black bricks.

The bungalows are mostly used as snack bars, selling some cold noodles, spicy noodles, hot and sour noodles, or fried and roasted things.

When An Huai took Ye Chixu into a spicy hot pot restaurant, even the bottom of the spicy skewers pot on the stove was still boiling.

"Why don't you turn off the stove when the boss is not here? This is a safety hazard!" With that said, An Huai was about to step forward and turn off the igniter on the stove.

"Don't move yet." Yechixu stopped him immediately because the cat in the schoolbag turned over and started scratching the bag.

"What's the matter? Can't the fire be turned off?" An Huai turned to look at her.

"Maybe the staff just left temporarily, let's not touch the furnishings here." Ye Chixu couldn't tell him that the cat cub reminded her, so he could only use this as an excuse to stop his behavior.

"But in case the soup base dries up, it won't be good if the pot burns through and causes a fire." An Huai said, pointing to the half pot of soup base left.

Ye Chixu shook his head violently: "Anyway, let's not touch the furnishings here, let's go out and look around to see other shops, if the staff has not come back by then, or the soup in the pot has already boiled There isn’t much left, let’s turn it off again, okay?”

"Why are you so careful?" An Huai walked back to her side and said, "Are you scared by what they said before?"

"No, no, it's just that the stove gave me a particularly bad feeling." Ye Chixu didn't care about anything else, and the kitten in the bag scratched the bag faster and faster, as if reminding her to leave quickly .

"Is the kitten out of oxygen in the bag? I heard him grabbing the bag all the time." An Huai also heard the sound in the travel bag.

Ye Chixu pulled him and walked straight out: "It's possible, let's go out and have a look."

Unexpectedly, the first store was so unsuccessful. Yechixu subconsciously pulled Anhuai to a store farther away. As she got further and further away from the spicy skewers store, the cat in the bag gradually calmed down. down.

"Why are you just dragging me away? Look at the cat in the bag." An Huai couldn't help but stop, grabbed Ye Chi who kept moving forward and said, "He didn't make a sound, yes Isn't it really suffocating?"

"He's fine..." Ye Chixu opened her schoolbag to show him. In order to ensure the oxygen supply of the kitten in the bag, she didn't zip it up at all, but closed the other side of the schoolbag to cover it with both hands. .


An Huai leaned over and saw the cat's big shining eyes, and he even barked at himself.

An Huai was taken aback, and immediately changed his tone and said: "It is said that cats can see things that we can't see... That store can't be really..."

"Stop! Please don't say it!" Ye Chixu was actually not very scared, but considering that her previous character was a girl who couldn't even get out of a tree, of course she had to stop this kind of scary story immediately.

"Oh, you understand anyway." An Huai blinked, and now he was pulling Ye Chixu forward, "Why don't we stop searching outside, let's go find Brother Xing and the others Let's meet up, looking at the three of them, they should know something we don't know."

"It doesn't matter, I think the main thing is to leave that store." Ye Chixu waved his hand, insisting on looking at other stores.

In the next short period of time, they only need to enter small food stores.Kittens in travel bags will react extremely strongly and tell them to leave.

An Huai pulled Ye Chixu, "Wow, let me tell you, little leaf, I was joking with you before, but now I'm really scared."

"Is there some unpleasant smell in the small food store?" Ye Chixu thought this was a normal thought.

"Could it be that the gas in those small restaurants is leaking? Impossible!" An Huai sighed as she looked at the row of shops that she had seen, "Little Yezi, why don't we come out with Brother Xing and the others later?" See you later."

"Retire as a first-class performing artist?" Ye Chixu looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"No. You're also afraid of those things, you should know what I'm worried about." An Huai tried hard to explain.

"I'm afraid it's true, but now it's broad daylight, how could there be those weird things?" Ye Chixu pointed to the next few stationery stores and said, "Actually, there are only a few stores left that we haven't looked at. Well, if we don’t finish reading before leaving, I think we might miss some information.”

An Huai grabbed her and prevented her from coming forward.

The roles of the two are now completely reversed.

An Huai persuaded: "It's broad daylight right now. If it's really a gas leak, these shops are so close to the snack bar next door. If it explodes, we won't be able to hide."

" can there be so many explosions?" Ye Chixu wanted to point out that this place was a dream, but she was afraid that she said something she shouldn't say, so she was really imprisoned.

The most important thing is that An Huai is a really unawakened person.Zhang Xiao had already told himself to hide first and go in later, but An Huai said it would be bad if he leaked his words.

"How about this, you help me carry the kitty." Ye Chixu took off the bag straps from his shoulders, and held up two straps for An Huai to carry on his back, "I'll go in and check out the stationery store, and I'll be out soon. "

"How can I let the girl go in alone..." An Huai reluctantly put on her travel bag, and persuaded again, "Otherwise, let's use the walkie-talkie to contact Sister Meng first, and ask her about the small shops here. what's going on?"

"What do we want to ask Sister Meng? Tell her that the kitten meows as soon as we enter the small shop?" Ye Chixu asked back.

"It doesn't seem right to say that." An Huai scratched his head, and said with a flash of inspiration, "We just said we wanted to eat, and saw that the fire on the stove was still burning. Why is there no staff? Can I just ask? eat?"

"This is even more suspicious, okay?" Ye Chixu exhaled, "If you are really worried, follow me to the stationery store. You will guard me at the door. Is this the head office?"

"You turned in, what should I do if I can't see you?" An Huai was still hesitating.

Ye Chixu was helpless, she even felt like she was coaxing a child now: "Look, the stationery store here is just that big, you can easily see the inside when you stand at the door."

An Huai looked around for a while, hesitated for a while, and finally plucked up the courage to say, "Let's go in together, so we can take care of each other."

Ye Chixu: "..."

Then why did you disagree just now?It made me waste so much time not to say anything, but even gave you the cat...

Ye Chixu decided to pull the travel bag off him directly.

(End of this chapter)

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