Chapter 211
Ye Chixu had no choice but to open the cat bag to show them the kittens in her bag.

As soon as the cat opened his eyes, he was faced with two strange but kind faces.

"Meow~" the cat meowed cutely at them.

"Oh, he's so cute!" The mother-in-law reached out and touched the top of the cat's head. The cat quickly determined the identity of this person and rubbed it flatteringly.

"You're so cute~" Grandpa also reached out to stroke the cat's fur, and was also pleased by the cat.

"Dad, Mom, you have to wash your hands after touching the cat and eating." Papa Ye reminded.

"Has this kitten been bathed?" Grandpa asked.

"It's been washed, but it's clean!" Yechixu replied immediately.

Grandpa immediately turned to Papa Ye and said, "I took a bath! It's clean!"

Mother Ye also added: "There will still be bacteria even after taking a bath. Xiaoye took him to the store and so on all day long. It's so dirty outside."

Ye Chixu curled his lips, and said in his heart, "It's like you weren't the one who hugged the cat for silly fun last time..."

"I've been away for a week and I haven't come back even once." Mother Ye continued to complain, "Last time I brought my things to see you..."

Ye Chixu pulled the cat bag and said, "Oh, my old mother, I'm just busy... It's hard to start a business."

Mother Ye caught the loophole in her words and said: "It's hard to start a business. You leave work so early today? The boss can't take the lead. How can the employees be active?"

"The weather is bad today. We are afraid that it will rain heavily at night, and they will not be able to go home because of other things. So we will leave work early." Ye Chixu had to explain to her that today's situation is special .

Mother Ye raised her eyebrows: "Then why don't those companies give me a weather holiday?"

Seeing that the atmosphere between mother and daughter was getting more and more anxious, the mother-in-law quickly stopped her and said, "Her mother, please stop talking. The child has finally come back and has been away from home for the past few days."

Ye Chixu walked into the inner bedroom and said, "I'll just grab some things and go back there right away... Besides, I'm not living outside."

"You still carry your bag when you go home to get things? You are reluctant to put it down, because you are afraid that we will eat your cat?" Mama Ye continued to output.

Ye Chixu walked into the bedroom closet and took out a few pieces of clothes. He also stuffed his cosmetics into his bag and threw them over his shoulder: "I'm just used to carrying them. I really just grab something and leave. No need to put it down on your back."

Father Ye also helped: "Just leave. Do you think your home is a hotel? Put your bag down and watch TV with your mother-in-law and grandpa."

The mother-in-law helped Ye Chixu carry the other side and said: "If my sister wants to go back, let her go back. You can see that it is going to rain heavily that day outside. Don't delay, I caught a cold because of the rain on the way."

Mother Ye ate a mouthful of vegetables and said quietly: "What's wrong with the rain? I live here when it rains. It's not like I didn't make her bed."

Ye Chixu explained while putting on his shoes: "If you stay here at night, the kitty will not get used to it. And he has to eat at night, there is no cat food here, and he has to go to the toilet. There is nothing here. "

Father Ye put down his chopsticks, obviously unhappy: "Cat, cat, cat, you will know your cat in one day!"

Ye Chixu complained in his heart: Hehe, you won't be really fragrant in two days.

On the surface, she still had to maintain her "respect" to her old father, otherwise she really wouldn't be able to go out.

"Didn't you teach me to be responsible for my own choices since I was a child? I think I should take some responsibility after I picked up this cat. The main reason is that he is still young and like a child, he needs everything. I'll take care of it, and you won't need it until it's two days old."

The cat cub shrunk in the bag couldn't help complaining in the channel: It's not sure who will take care of who these days.

Mother Ye quickly grasped the point of urging the marriage: "You are still a child, if you are here to take the child back, I really won't mention you."

"Isn't this here?" Ye Chixu patted his bag, "If you want, I can call you grandma every minute."

As he said that, the cat cub gave a cooperative "meow".

The scene was very embarrassing.

"Forget it, let's go." Mother Ye suddenly lost her temper, "Don't stand in my way here."

"Oh~" Ye Chixu obediently said goodbye to her mother-in-law and grandpa, then said goodbye to her parents and left.

Before closing the door, Father Ye said, "It would be a good thing if you really learned to be responsible..."

"Yeah, I will take good care of the cat. The old man is in vain!" Ye Chixu quickly backed out of the door, and then closed the door.

The world is quiet...

One's corridor is so beautiful.

Ye Chixu breathed a long sigh of relief and walked to the elevator again and pressed the button. He thought that he would not have come if he had known better. After all, clothes and cosmetics are useful.

Mainly because she didn't expect her parents to confront her as soon as she opened the door. Maybe it was out of concern, but such concern was really annoying.

"Was that your grandpa and grandma just now?" Mao Zi asked in the channel.

When the elevator arrived, Ye Chixu grabbed the bag and walked in: "Yes, otherwise."

The cat cub smacked his lips and said, "It's a good thing that I'm smart and cute, and I know how to adapt to changing circumstances. I left a good impression on my grandparents. If it was just an ordinary kitten, I would definitely be terrified."

"Yes, Yuedan is really powerful." Ye Chixu praised.

The moment the elevator door closed, Ye Chixu seemed to feel something different again.

She pressed the door-open button, but the elevator had already descended, and it was useless to give other instructions.

"It seemed weird in the stairwell facing the elevator just now." Ye Chixu patted his bag lightly and asked, "Did you feel anything?"

"No." The cat huddled in the bag, which cut off some of its senses, and it didn't pay attention at all just now.

After leaving the house and leaving the air conditioner, Ye Chixu's head soon became stuffy and sweaty. She wiped her forehead and said, "Maybe I'm overthinking. Remember to remind me tomorrow to remind Xiao Wang to pay attention when she comes home." one time."

"Xuxu, can you open the zipper a little bit." The cat said to him, "I feel so bored."

"It's too hot, I'll just turn on the air conditioner when I go back." Ye Chixu felt that his feeling just now might be infected by the sweltering weather, after all, restlessness would make him restless.

The elevator reached the bottom floor, and Ye Chixu went out of the lobby and picked up another leaf to fan the cat in the bag, hoping that he would feel better.

A flash of lightning flashed across the sky in front of him, and almost at the same time there was a burst of thunder, which frightened the kitten in the bag.

"The thunder is so close. Let's go home quickly. I think it's going to rain." After the thunder, the cat's tone became anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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