There is a lucky cat in the dream

Chapter 195 Sharing Success

Chapter 195 Sharing Success
After leaving the boundary of 'Swimming Fish', the window glass automatically turned black, and the two of them couldn't see the outside scenery, so they had to continue chatting.

As soon as the cat cub entered the boundary of 'Fengdui', he started alert mode. Aunt Jiu Shu told him not to approach this area of ​​the ancient battlefield alone before and after the Ghost Festival, otherwise he would be caught. steal and eat.

Naturally, he held on to Xu Xu tightly, always alert to the movements around him.But fortunately, Ye Chixu and Lin Xiaolang went directly to the city of 'Fengdui' by car, which saved them a lot of trouble.

"The station 'Fengdui' has arrived. Passengers who arrive at the station can get off. Please take care of your belongings." The driver reminded before opening the door.

Ye Chixu and Lin Xiaolang checked that their belongings were complete, and got out of the car together.

There are signs at the station to find the way. Ye Chixu pretended to observe and memorized the map, but in fact waited for the cat to start navigating automatically.

"Let's go, let's go, I know this place very well." As expected, the cat urged.

Under his guidance, the two quickly found the legendary "Tingfenglou".

Tingfeng Tower is named elegantly, and it was also built in an antique building similar to a turret.After the two opened the door and entered, they found that the decoration is also antique, but the fly in the ointment is that the staff inside are still the same as the front desk lady they met before, all in uniform white shirts.

There were four staff members, two men and two women. They sat in a row behind the counter, and there were two stacks of application forms in front of them.There is also a large cabinet and a desk behind the staff, I don't know what they are used for.

There are long benches in front of the counter, which can be used by two people to sit down and fill out the form together.

"Shall we go directly?" Lin Xiaolang asked in a low voice.

Ye Chixu: "Otherwise, no one is queuing up anyway."

"But I don't even know how to speak." Lin Xiaolang felt timid at this moment.

"In this case, let me ask." Ye Chixu took the initiative to go to the stool and sit down. "Are there any conditions and requirements for handling shared tasks?"

"At present, there is no such thing, as long as both parties agree that the tasks need to be shared." The male notary behind the counter showed a professional smile.

"Come on~" Ye Chixu pulled Lin Xiaolang to sit down, "We are doing basic practical tasks, and one of her tasks needs to be shared."

The notary directly printed two new forms from the nearby printer, and then pushed out: "Here are two forms, please fill them out so that I can register them."

Ye Chixu took it first, and then pushed Lin Xiaolang's form to her. Before pushing it, she took a look at it herself. The contents of the two forms were the same.

Ye Chixu took a closer look. This form is famously a special form for novice tasks, and in the column of shared tasks, only the tasks prepared by the sharing initiator need to be written, and there is no need to write the tasks held by the helper—otherwise it will be rejected. Lin Xiaolang saw that her mission requirements were much more difficult.

She also confidently and boldly filled out the form quickly.

The above content is probably to fill in the name, and then agree to the terms of sharing the task, plus the imprint of the dream.

The method of stamping is to use spiritual power to touch the paper and then the imprint pattern will appear.

Ye Chixu thought this was a good opportunity to show that he had indeed touched the edge of concentrating spiritual power, so he gave Lin Xiaolang the assistive device handed over by the notary—this was the notary's intention after knowing that they were newcomers. Taken from the cabinet in the back.

Ye Chixu directed the spiritual power into his palms, folded his hands and pressed down.In fact, she could have pressed it directly with her fingertips, but she always felt that her mark was a bit strange, so she wanted to cover it up.

The imprint of the dream melted into the notarial certificate a second after it was covered. Ye Chixu nervously moved his hand away and found that the place just covered was still blank, and he couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

Ye Chixu thought about the posture of letting the auxiliary device just now, how embarrassing it would be if it wasn't covered.

Seeing that she was stunned, the notary also looked at her application.He picked up the application form and flicked it, and after confirming that there was a milky green light flashing by, he said: "This application has been stamped. To protect the privacy of customers, the paper we use will automatically hide the imprint pattern." .”

He looked at Lin Xiaolang who was at a loss holding the auxiliary device again and said: "This auxiliary device will automatically guide your spiritual power, just hold it firmly and put it on the application form."

Lin Xiaolang operated according to the method he said, and sure enough, a blue light flashed after she dropped the auxiliary device on the paper.

"Okay, the two application forms have been stamped. I'll go to the back to complete the notarization." The notary left his seat again, took out a seal from the cabinet just now, and directly stamped it on the small table next to the cabinet .After finishing the application form, cut off a corner of the two application forms with a paper cutter, and delivered them to the two.

"This triangle is your certificate. I have already notarized the application for you. The dream world system will distribute rewards according to your completion ratio after the task is completed. After the distribution is completed, this triangle will disappear automatically. Come back to us Do a filing." The notary explained to them, and wished them a successful completion of the task.

The two thanked the notary, put away the triangle, and went out together.

"This voucher has to be put away. It will take two days. Don't lose such a small one." Lin Xiaolang, who had been quiet for a long time, couldn't help reminding Ye Chixu that he just stuffed it into his pocket carelessly.

"It's okay, it won't fall." Ye Chixu patted his trousers pocket and stuffed it in again.

"Then don't touch things casually." Lin Xiaolang was still a little worried, but he was concerned about the time, "What time is it? Will we have time to do the task? Will you not have enough time to do the remaining tasks?"

"Hey, I don't know if I don't look at it. It's more than two o'clock now. I feel that the stamping is very fast, but have we been in the car for so long?" Ye Chixu glanced at his watch and felt that half of today's dream time had passed. Well, they haven't actually done anything yet...

"Sorry for wasting your time." Lin Xiaolang was very sorry when she heard the time.

"It doesn't matter, my task is fairly simple, and it will be done soon. I will also gather a little bit of spiritual power. You saw it just now. I will teach you again, and we will finish it soon." Ye Chixu He waved his hand to show that it was okay.

"Then let's find a place to start!" Lin Xiaolang was still a little anxious, after all Ye Chixu spent most of the night helping her.

(End of this chapter)

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