Chapter 193 Lottery
The time of chatting always passed quickly, and it was already 12:30 in a blink of an eye, and the two agreed on the time to go downstairs to draw lots.

Seeing that the time was up, Ye Chixu quickly interrupted Lin Xiaolang who had been talking about Shuku's meow, and dragged her downstairs quickly.

And Lin Xiaolang still had a look of unfinished thoughts. When she got into the elevator, she still whispered to Ye Chixu that she had a good time chatting with Shukumiao last night.

"He knows a lot~"

Lin Xiaolang concluded after the elevator reached the first floor.

"Co-author, you went to get a paid escort program last night? The boss lady didn't introduce anything else to you?" Ye Chixu was speechless.

Lin Xiaolang held his face in one hand, with longing in his big eyes: "Yeah, after hearing that the proprietress went out, she said she would come back after we finished chatting, but we didn't finish talking until I got up. If it wasn't I want to go to work, I really want to stay with him and chat with him all day long."

"Okay... let's go..." Ye Chixu shook his head, thinking that this girl is hopeless.

Lin Xiaolang also persuaded excitedly: "Next time I will take you with me~ The kitten is so cute."

"That's unnecessary." Ye Chixu refused, "Did I tell you that I have a cat, he will be angry if I go out to pet the cat casually~"

Cat cub on the channel: Kouheng~ You are smart.

"It's such a pity." Lin Xiaolang felt sorry for her, "But can he find out if you pet the cat in your dream? I mean your cat."

"Of course..." Ye Chixu glanced at the cat cub at his feet, thinking that he could not only notice but also watch from the side.

"I don't think you should be friends anymore. I'll persuade you to go out and pet cats one day." The cat cub complained angrily in the channel.

Ye Chixu quickly reassured her, "She just doesn't understand the actual situation. Besides, I won't go."

"Hmm~ Really? I don't believe it." Mao Zai started to question reasonably and opened up the old score. "Last time I saw you were quite happy chatting with him~ and even let him squat on your head."

Ye Chixu: "Speaking of which, the hole in my head..."

The cat boy who was still inquiring about the crime just now went offline instantly.

Hmph, fight with me.

Ye Chixu glanced down at the kitten with its tail drooping again.

"What are you looking at? Are the shoelaces untied?" She lowered her head unnaturally several times to attract Lin Xiaolang's attention.

"It's nothing, I just thought it wouldn't open, so I took a second look." Ye Chixu kicked the back of his foot and said.

"If you think it's going to be opened, it's better to tie it." Lin Xiaolang pointed to the compartment where they came to register before, "How about we go to get the number first, and then you re-tie the shoelaces?"

"Alright." Ye Chixu nodded. She was chatting with Lin Xiaolang and getting entangled with the kittens just now, so she didn't notice the situation in the hall at all. Fortunately, there was no one in the hall, otherwise she would bump into those people at this time It's embarrassing.

The two chose two adjacent compartments, and each swiped their marks to receive the ranking and check the lottery.

In the last test, Ye Chixu ranked fifth. She blindly guessed that Shen Yunqi was the first, but she didn't think so.

The reward for No. 5 is also quite rich. In addition to the original reward of 15 treasure coins, a small piece of spiritual stone with no attributes assigned was also given. Ye Chixu looked at it and found that there were five points of experience on it, but they were not opened at the moment. As for the skill tree, she doesn't know where it can be used yet.

Sitting on the small platform next to the screen, Cat Zai also saw the content of the reward, and couldn't help saying: "It's a good thing. You can use it yourself after you choose a department, or give it to the tree spirit as a favor."

"Leave it alone~" Ye Chixu was also very happy to see that the cat was talking to her, and he was no longer angry. "Are you going to squat on top of my head? I'm going to do the task when I get out later." .”

"You draw lots first~" The cat licked its paws reservedly, "I'll squat on my shoulders later."

"Okay~ Then I smoked it!"

With that said, Ye Chixu exited the reward receiving page and chose the lottery page.

Seeing the serial numbers scrolling on the screen, Ye Chixu paused casually.

"Grouping situation: 4 groups;
Practical tasks:

1: Successfully condensed a fist-sized spiritual power ball

2: Expand personal dream map

3: Unknown mission (dream after two days, forced to send to the mission map and release the mission)"

"Then what am I?" Ye Chixu stared blankly at the screen and said, "I'm so lucky, I finished this task in a minute, and my map has been expanded by two blocks in the second task."

"It's really good luck." The cat jumped on her shoulder, "Go and see what mission your friend is on. If you can help, you can help. If you can't help, you can slip back with the excuse of mission two."

Ye Chixu is still immersed in the joy of "winning the lottery". She has never had such good luck in drawing questions before. In the past, she was unlucky to get the most difficult questions for the fourth level exam and teacher qualification interview, let alone the most difficult questions. It is said that the teacher gave a speech by drawing questions in class.

She reached out and touched the hollow ball hanging on her collarbone, wondering if this was the correct way to use the kitten?
She slowly turned her head to face the cubs on her shoulders, one person and one cat looked at each other.

"What's wrong?" The cat stopped grooming and looked at her blankly.

Ye Chixu's eyes burst out with anticipation: "I just want to ask, when will you lose your teeth again!"

"You ask this... ah!" The cat suddenly realized, and patted Ye Chixu's side face with one paw, and turned her head back, "Don't want me to spit it out to you!"

"As long as you don't eat it... There is a toilet at home, and the store is fully automatic... I have nowhere to fish." Ye Chixu was pushed to the face and it was very difficult to turn back.

"Xiaoye, are you okay?" Lin Xiaolang asked from behind.

The kitten subconsciously let go of its paws.

"It's over, did I just talk to you in the channel? Didn't I say it directly?" Ye Chixu quickly exited the page and turned to Lin Xiaolang who was waiting for her one meter away.

Cat Zai tried hard to think back and said: "It shouldn't be there, otherwise she should have asked."

Seeing her approaching, Lin Xiaolang asked with concern, "Why is it taking so long? Are the questions difficult?"

"No, I stared at the screen for a while." Ye Chixu waved his hands and explained, "One of my topics is to gather spiritual power, and the other is to return to my dreamland expansion map. I have some clues about both of them. , it shouldn't be difficult. What about you?"

Lin Xiaolang showed a troubled look: "Mine... do you know where the Tingfeng Pavilion is? My task is to find someone to notarize and share the task, and the second task is to gather a bean-sized spiritual power bead... These two I can’t even understand the task, let alone do it.”

(End of this chapter)

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