Fast Travel: Debt Repayment Strategy

Chapter 98 Passerby A Online Scrubbing CP20

Chapter 98 Passerby A Online Scrubbing CP20
Su Mu's hamstring was broken. Fortunately, it was connected in time. As long as his body recovers and he doesn't do some strenuous exercise, walking will be no different from normal people, and it will basically not affect his daily life.

In a short period of time, you must lie on the bed and wait for your hamstrings to recover, otherwise you will easily suffer from sequelae.


Her current state is no different from a paralyzed leg.

After lying down for two days, I feel that my bones are moldy, otherwise Su Mu actually wanted to breathe fresh air in the yard.

dong dong dong.

There was a loud and rapid knock on the door.

There was a commotion outside the courtyard gate, as if there were many people coming.

Su Mu was about to get up to take a look. Looking at his paralyzed legs, he suddenly missed the modern wheelchair, how convenient it is.

"Shaoyao, what's going on outside?"

"Tangyue, don't get up, I'll go and have a look."

A figure ran past the door, and its gentle footsteps gradually moved away.

Su Mu waited for a while, feeling anxious, Shaoyao came back slowly, her footsteps were very hurried.

Not long after, the door was pushed open.

Shao Yao's round face was flushed red, she was sweating profusely, her eyes showed a trace of anxiety, it was obvious that something serious had happened.

"Tangyue, Tangyue, the third prince, An Jing, was arrested and imprisoned for colluding with the rebels, and Miss Xuan and Mr. Tang Rui were wanted by the whole city as rebels. The people who came at the door just now are all from the government. Paste the sea arrest document."


Su Mu felt a sudden pain in his chest, and his complexion turned pale instantly.

So fast……

It was earlier than in the plot, and Anwen's action was too fast.

How to do?
calm down.

Mo Xuan and Tang Rui hadn't been caught yet, if there was really no place to hide, they might have come here, and perhaps they should have made preparations earlier.

It's a pity that I don't know medical skills, and now my legs are no different from paralysis, which has completely become a burden.

"Perhaps someone is checking the medicinal materials store now. It's not good to buy medicinal materials, so as not to cause trouble to the upper body."

Su Mu muttered to himself, her expression became calmer and her thoughts became clearer. She then ordered Shao Yao to buy a jar of spirits.

Alcohol can sterilize, and if they are injured, it is easy to deal with them.

If it's not enough, it's okay to use her own medicine. Anyway, the foot injury won't heal within two months. She is not a martial arts master, so she doesn't need to be very strong.

Tang Rui and Mo Xuan were different. They had practiced martial arts since they were young. If they couldn't exercise vigorously like Su Mu, their martial arts skills could be said to be abolished. I'm afraid they couldn't accept the gap of becoming ordinary people.

Perhaps those government officials had already left, and the courtyard became quiet.

The charcoal fire in the stove was burning vigorously, and Su Mu was wrapped in a thick quilt, so it wasn't very cold. The faint scent of rosin wrapped around the tip of his nose, and he could hear needles falling in the quiet room, which only increased his drowsiness.

The strong wind beat against the window, making a creaking sound, which echoed in the empty bedroom like thunder.

Su Mu woke up suddenly, the heat in the room was gradually dissipated, and the cold air poured in from the window, as if he had suddenly fallen into an ice age.

Looking at the window eaves which was so close, she stretched out her hand and it was still three or four feet away.

It's so cold, when will Shaoyao come back?

Su Mu couldn't help wrapping the quilt tightly, his complexion turned sharply, and he was so pale that he didn't look like a living person.


A trace of pain escaped from between her teeth.

There seems to be something living in the chest, wriggling and gnawing, and the pain is hard to hide.

What kind of Gu-breaking insect is actually afraid of the cold, so it will attack when it gets cold.

Why don't you come back?

Su Mu felt that she was going to suffocate from the pain, and she promised to study medicine hard in the future, and sooner or later, she would dissect this girl a hundred times.

Da da da.

A few broken and heavy footsteps were mixed together, and there seemed to be more than one person from the sound.

Shao Yao and Mo Xuan walked in with the help of Tang Rui who was unconscious.

"'re back?" Su Mu endured the pain and tried to look natural.

The two helped Tang Rui to the recliner and did not notice the trembling in her words.

"Tang Yue, why is your face so pale?"

Mo Xuan let out a long sigh of relief from exhaustion, rubbed her shoulders, looked at Su Mu's pale face, and expressed deep concern in her words.

"It's okay, it's a bit cold, and the leg injury is not healed, I accidentally touched it just now." Su Mu smiled slightly, trying to hide, the heroine has a carefree personality, but she is easy to deceive.

Shao Yao hurriedly closed the doors and windows, and added some charcoal to the stove.

As the temperature in the room gradually rose, Su Mu's complexion also recovered a tinge of blood, which reassured Mo Xuan a little.

"Tang Rui, what's the matter?"

Su Mu looked at the face that was almost like Su Yang, and felt a little worried.

"It's okay, he's just injured and unconscious, the wound has been treated, don't worry too much."

Mo Xuan explained a sentence, and then began to talk about their experiences in the past few days.

Mo Xuan didn't know what happened that night, and she just woke up until the next day, only to find that Wen Yu's mourning hall had been burned to the ground, leaving only the charred bodies of a man and a woman.

They slept deeply that day, and it was obvious that someone had tampered with them.

Pian Pian Shao Yao, Tang Zi and Su Mu all disappeared.

Mo Xuan was actually a little worried in her heart, Cai Bao and Yuan Bao were sent away by them, and the huge Wen Mansion was left in ruins.

Tang Rui went to find An Jing together with her, and the three discussed countermeasures in Chengyi Palace.

Unexpectedly, it didn't take long for the fourth prince, An Wen, to take An Jing down with the intention of colluding with rebels and treason.

In order to protect Mo Xuan and Tang Rui, Jing Jing had no choice but to go to jail.

Mo Xuan also took this opportunity to confess her identity to Su Mu.

His father Mo Feng and his mother Tang Rou supported Emperor Antuo to ascend to power during the war, and the Mo Family Army they formed was even more frightening to the surrounding small countries.

However, the Mo family's achievements are so great that the emperor has a grudge, and his defenses are increasing day by day.

In the sixth year of the Southern Yuan Dynasty, Zeng Wu, the prime minister of the left, testified against the Mo family. The huge general's mansion was ransacked overnight. Mo Xuan, who was four years old at the time, was killed because the housekeeper's daughter took his place.

The imperial concubine Tang Qin and Mrs. Mo Tang Rou were sisters. They firmly refused to believe that they would conspire against each other and committed suicide to prove their innocence.

The third prince, An Wen, was originally the emperor's favorite son. He was engaged to Mo Xuan, but because he was still young, he was rejected by the emperor and was not in danger of his life.

As relatives of the emperor, the Tang family collapsed overnight. Except for Tang Zi and Tang Rui, none of the more than 100 members was left alive.

The two were chased by killers on the way to escape. Tang Rui hid Tang Zi in a tree hole in order to distract the pursuers. Tang Zi had disappeared when he returned.

Witnessing the murder of his parents and relatives, and the loss of his sister, this is Tang Rui's heart knot for many years.

Mo Xuan and the others entered Qi'an City precisely to find evidence that the Mo family and the Tang family did not conspire against each other, and to seek justice for those who died.

(End of this chapter)

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