Fast Travel: Debt Repayment Strategy

Chapter 95 Passerby A Online Scrubbing CP17

Chapter 95 Passerby A Online Scrubbing CP17
In the past few days, Su Mu has been eating alone, and occasionally he can hear Tang Rui, Wen Yu and Tang Zi's conversation, and he simply doesn't pay attention to her.

Hum hum.

In my heart, I quietly took a small notebook and made a note for the two of them.

She often pays attention to Tang Zi's every move, trying to find any flaws, but unfortunately the other party does not leak, oil and salt do not enter.

If he didn't know that he was the real Tang Zi, Su Mu wouldn't doubt him at all.

Tang Rui lived in a small courtyard next to the main courtyard. It was said that Tang Zi wanted to be closer to his brother, so he also lived there, which was not far from Wen Yu.

Coming to Wen Yu every day, he must have something wrong in his heart, Su Mu said that he is definitely not jealous, absolutely not! ! !

According to Shao Yao, the relationship between Caitao and Tang Zi has eased a lot recently.

Su Mu faintly smelled an unusual smell, and finally caught their braids today.

She went to Shaoyao just in time to hear Caitao and Tang Zi discussing something furtively, and could only vaguely hear the words "study room" and "account book".

Knowing that they were about to act, Su Mu was overjoyed and followed them quietly.

Taking advantage of Wen Yu's absence, the two sneaked into the main courtyard, Caitao stayed outside to let the wind pass, while Tang Zi went into the study alone.

Afraid of being found out, Su Mu had to take a long way and climb over the wall to get in. He tiptoed to the outside of the study, poked a hole with his hand, and peeped inside, but strangely, no one saw it.

At this time, she pushed the door open and closed it smoothly. The room was empty and deserted.

Seeing a book dropped on the ground, I just bent down to pick it up and was about to put it on the bookshelf.


The door was pushed open suddenly.

Wen Yu's Qingjun figure came into view, followed by Yuan Bao and Tang Zi.

Su Mu immediately stood there, vaguely feeling that something was wrong, and a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

"Hey, uncle, why is Miss Tangyue here? What is she holding in her hand? Didn't she say that ordinary people are not allowed in the study?" Tang Zi blinked her eyes, her innocent tone seemed particularly puzzled, hinting at something .

"Wen Yu, if I say that I came in with Tang Zi, believe it or not." Su Mu suddenly felt that her words were a little weak, this time she was too anxious to fall into the trick of this fake Tang Zi.

Wen Yu should believe her, after all, they have experienced life and death together.

"But I have been with my uncle just now, I... I know that you don't like me, Tangyue, but you can't frame me." Tangyue's eyes were slightly red, tears filled her eyes instantly, and she looked like she was about to cry. The appearance of not crying made Su Mu look aggressive.

"That's right, Tangyue, how can you lie, Miss Tang Zi has been following the young master all along." Yuan Bao suddenly interjected at this moment, already clearly stating his position
Fake Tang Zi, a scheming girl, can win an Oscar for her acting skills!
A surge of anger suddenly rose in Su Mu's chest, and he subconsciously clenched his hands, hoping to cast his eyes on Wen Yu who had been silent all this time.

"Tang Yue, the so-called risking your life to save me is all to gain my trust. How can you, a weak woman, rescue me when surrounded by killers? I have always hidden this account book in a secret compartment. Who sent you? people?"

Wen Yu's eyes suddenly became sharp, not as gentle as before, and his words pierced into his heart like a knife blade.

"No, I don't. I don't know what kind of ledger it is. It just fell on the floor and I wanted to pick it up, and then you came in."

Su Mu's face was as pale as white paper at the moment, she wanted to smash Wen Yu's head, and asked if there was something wrong with this guy's brain, didn't he say that his wisdom was close to a demon?

Just like this, you can't tell right from wrong, and you are still right, bah!

"But the account book is in your hands, Tangyue, tell me honestly, so that I can help you intercede with uncle."

"Shut up you."

In Su Mu's tone, he made no secret of his dislike for Tang Zi. This woman is so good at sowing dissension. In just a few words, they saw themselves as an unrepentant villain, and she was just a pure little white flower.

"Wen Yu, tell me how you want to solve it." Su Mu knew that it was useless to say what he said at the moment, so he didn't bother to argue any more.

"I've treated you well, you can go by yourself."

Wen Yu's eyes were lowered, making it difficult to fathom his emotions, and Qing Jun's figure was a bit bleak for some reason.

"You want me to leave Wen's residence? Well, Wen Yu said it yourself." Su Mu chuckled, with an indifferent expression, and immediately threw the account book in his hand to Wen Yu, and wiped it from beside him. Passing by.

This girl has never been wronged like this!
OK, you can do whatever you like!
She doesn't care anymore.

Su Mu angrily walked out of the gate of Wen Mansion.

The cold wind whizzed past with the dead leaves, shrill and desolate, as if mocking something faintly.

The biting cold made her suddenly fall into an ice cellar, she reached out and rubbed her arms, feeling annoyed that she should go back and get a thick cloak before leaving.

But it's embarrassing to go back like this!

"Damn Wen Yu, you dog man!"

Su Mu was so angry that he couldn't help stamping his feet. After scolding him, he suddenly felt much better.

Thankfully she had some money with her.

Originally, I wanted to save it to redeem the deed of sale, but now...

Speaking of it, Wen Yu meant to let me go, but the deed of prostitution is not still with him.

Forget it, don't think about it for the time being.

Since coming here to eat well and sleep well, the original owner's body bones have also grown a bit, and his appearance can be regarded as cute and charming, Xiaojiabiyu.

Although this is Qi'an City, at the feet of the Emperor, there may be people with evil intentions.

She is a girl, so is she going to pretend to be a beggar again?

The night is cold, and I am afraid of the cold. If I don't find a place to spend it, I will easily freeze to death.

After staying in the Wen Mansion for several months, I was a little bit reluctant to leave suddenly.

Su Mu raised her feet and left, with a lonely back and a rather lost expression.

Suddenly, she felt a tap on her shoulder, and she turned around immediately.

"Ah Yue! I've called you all the way, why don't you respond to me." Mo Xuan wiped the sweat from her cheeks, her eyes showed genuine concern.

Su Mu's eyes were slightly sour, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of grievance in her heart. She recounted the incident intermittently.

"I didn't expect Tang Zi to be such a person."

"You believe me?"

"Of course I believe in Ah Yue, we are good sisters."

Su Mu couldn't help but hugged Mo Xuan, and sobbed, the heroine is so kind, such a beautiful and heart-warming lady, how could she take advantage of An Jing's big trotter.


Cheng'an Palace.

An extravagant sound came from the luxurious and extravagant bedroom.

It took a long time to stop.

Behind the thin gauze curtain, An Wen looked at the woman in his arms with a displeased look on his face. The lustful thoughts in his eyes had not faded yet. He frowned and murmured:

"Master System, why has my desire become more and more intense recently? I am already on my fourth sex today, and I am not fully satisfied yet."

"Host, after binding the system, with the enhancement of physique, the aspect of being a man is naturally the same, so there is no need to make a fuss."

(End of this chapter)

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