Fast Travel: Debt Repayment Strategy

Chapter 59 Everyone Wants to Kill Me 8

Chapter 59 Everyone Wants to Kill Me 8
In the dark cave.

Wisps of black magic energy floated in the air.

Numerous and complex formations appeared on the ground.

A large black wolfdog lay on the ground, its eyes switching back and forth between black and red, its face ferocious, as if it had suffered great pain.

roar roar.

A low growl escaped from its teeth, full of unwillingness and resentment.

"Don't struggle, this is an ancient formation that I have been looking for for a long time. Although it is a bit incomplete, it can't suppress you."

"Heh, who would have thought that Wuwu, one of the ancient beasts, would be so naive that he gave the inner alchemy to a practitioner. If he hadn't escaped in time, it would be hard to say what would happen now!"

The man laughed wildly, and immediately his eyes fell into madness, his expression was obsessed, as if he was immersed in his own fantasy world.

Ao Ziyi cursed secretly in his heart, trying to struggle out of the formation, but unfortunately the inner alchemy was lost, otherwise he would definitely be able to break free.

Damn, the boat capsized in the gutter!
Suddenly I thought of a certain little girl, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness in my heart. I am afraid that the possibility of surviving in that situation is extremely small, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a narrow escape.

Fang Yu...

And the magic cultivator in front of him.

If given the chance, he would never let it go.

roar roar.

The beast's cry became more and more tearful and high-pitched, carrying a kind of natural rebellion and unyielding, and it did not stop for a long time.


Su Mu took a rough look at this place for a while. At present, the place she is in is called the marrow washing room for the time being.

Except for a muddy pool of water, there seems to be no other exit, and the walls are empty.

It stands to reason that places like this usually have organs, secret rooms, and so on.

I groped for a while with my hand on the wall, as if I touched something, and suddenly heard a click, and there was a vague mechanism operating.

The wall then made a roaring sound, and suddenly there was a slightly opened door in front of the stone wall.

Su Mu pushed the door open, and was suddenly choked by a burst of dust. It seemed that no one had been to this place for a long time, and it was dusty.

In front of him is very simple, and there is an incense table made of sandalwood.

I don't know what this candle is made of. The small blue flame seems to have been burning for a long time and still hasn't been extinguished.

On the contrary, the spiritual seat is still brand new, as if it was just put on it, and it doesn't fit in with the wax drops that have accumulated on the table for a long time.

From the analysis of the overall indoor environment, the oxygen in this place should have been used up long ago, unless there are other exits.

Su Mu's thoughts changed for a moment, and he caught a glimpse of the words on the spirit tablet, feeling a sense of embarrassment in his heart. The original owner was illiterate, and she couldn't read, so she was in a hurry to wait online.

"What do you think?"

A deep and magnetic male voice suddenly sounded, and a burst of hot and humid breath came from behind Random's ears, and Su Mu was startled that Bai Ze came in with her at some point.

Are they like ghosts, walking without making a sound?Scared to death!
"none of your business."

Su Mu took a few steps back, staring at him like a thief, and began to feel like a villain in her heart. If she hadn't started to practice, she would let this gangster who took advantage of her lie down and go out today!

But thinking of the other party's strength and the matter of asking him to be asked later, Su Mu froze instantly. After hesitating for a moment, he pointed to the spirit seat on the table and said weakly, "Are you literate?"

Bai Ze suddenly chuckled, clear and melodious, like spring water, with endless smiles on his face, as if he had discovered something very interesting.

This was also the first time Su Mu saw the other party showing such an undisguised expression. No wonder she always felt that this guy was a little weird before. His every move was romantic and elegant but there was an unreal feeling. It turned out that his expression was too fake.

It seems to be romantic and uninhibited, but in fact it is alienated and perfunctory.

"Look at what I'm doing, and what's written on it!" Su Mu changed the subject confidently, and heaved a sigh of relief when he couldn't feel the other party's gaze.

As expected of her, perfect for pretending to be calm!
"To enshrine the spiritual tablet of the unknown immortal monarch."

"Wuming Xianjun? Why is this name so weird!"

Bai Ze lowered his eyes, as if he didn't hear Su Mu's doubts. There was a little trance in those black eyes, as if he remembered something old, and he immediately restrained his complicated and obscure expression, and only one person could hear it. The voice murmured to himself: "It turned out to be him."

"What are you talking about, Bai Ze?"

Could this guy know something? Why is he so weird?

Su Mu was wondering, when Bai Ze suddenly pushed him to the ground, and he didn't get any reply after asking, so he was very angry.

At this time, a cold wind suddenly blew up in the room, and the spiritual seat suddenly lit up with a blue light, which was gentle but not aggressive.

An ancient sigh sounded vaguely.

"I didn't expect to see you again, Bai Ze."

Su Mu was a little confused, what the hell is this?A fake corpse?No, there are no bodies here either.

Bai Ze on the side seemed to have expected it, and nodded in response.

"What time is it now?"

"It's been ten thousand years since you disappeared, Qiongjin."

"It's been so long. When I failed to fight against the inner demons, I died. Now this remnant soul can't last long. I didn't expect to see you again."

Bai Ze didn't know what to say, after all, he had long thought that Qiongjin was dead, and he didn't expect that there was still a remnant soul left, but it was about to dissipate soon, it's just a pity...

At the beginning, Wuwu and Qiongjin were as close as brothers, but after that happened, maybe not telling him was the best solution.

"Little girl!"

When Su Mu heard the voice of Qiongjin, he quickly drew back his attention and asked what he meant.

Without waiting for any answer, the blue light suddenly rushed over, turning into dots of starlight in the air, and melting into her body little by little.

"Bai Ze, I can feel that the inner demon still exists in Shixing. This little girl is my successor. You should be more protective. As for Wu Wu, don't tell him. If he finds out, tell him for me." Say sorry."

Only this sentence was left behind in Qiongjin, and then it disappeared completely without leaving a trace of spirit, there is no such person in this world.

Before Su Mu could feel the changes in his body, an unspeakable sadness suddenly arose in his heart.

Qiongjin, no, I should say master.

Although he didn't teach anything, he passed on Su Mu's own lifelong practice inheritance.

A teacher for a day, a teacher for life.

She kowtowed three times to the spiritual tablet on the ground, her forehead was flushed, but her body seemed to no longer feel the pain.

Suddenly a shadow covered her head, a warm hand gently rubbed her head, and gently dried her hair with spiritual power.

There was an inexplicable emotion in Su Mu's heart, and a little ripple appeared in the water in his heart, and he lowered his head and said in a muffled voice: "Thank you."

The voice was inaudible, but Bai Ze was a monk, so he couldn't hide any troubles, let alone Su Mu's words.

He remained silent, but there was a faint smile in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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