Fast Travel: Debt Repayment Strategy

Chapter 30 Long Aotian Gets Out of Poverty by Farming 4

Chapter 30 Long Aotian Gets Out of Poverty by Farming 4
"Your house is too dilapidated to be inhabitable." Luo Tiantian's chubby little face was filled with disbelief and disgust. If he hadn't been unfamiliar with this place, he would have turned around and ran away now. He had never thought about it. There will be people whose homes will be ruined like this.

This guy Gu Shen is a scam.

"Ahem, why don't we go to the neighbor's house for a night first." Su Mu made a suggestion with some embarrassment. To be honest, when she saw this small earthen house, her heart was broken.

It was evening now, and the remaining sunlight was still exerting its residual heat, the sky was dyed orange red, and the clouds on the edge were burning red, like overripe pomegranates.

Although it is still bright now, as soon as it passes seven o'clock, the whole sky will darken.

According to the dilapidation of this small earthen house, Su Mu and Luo Tiantian would not be able to clean it up in a short time. The most important thing is that it is dark, making it difficult to see clearly and making movement inconvenient.

It takes three to four minutes to walk from their nearest neighbor's house to see the house.

The person living in this family is Wang Lian. The old man lives alone. His wife passed away early. The son and daughter-in-law dislike the poverty in the village and work in big cities and rarely come back.

There are only dozens of people in the village, all of whom are old people, women, children, and children. The men have all gone out to work, and they can't come back several times throughout the year.

Su Mu and Luo Tiantian not only shamelessly stayed at Uncle Wang's house for one night, but also had a meal by the way.

A night without dreams.

The next day, early morning.

Early in the morning, Su Mu dragged Luo Tiantian, who was still asleep, away from Uncle Wang's house, and started tidying up the dilapidated little earthen house.

"It's too early, I still want to sleep." Xiaopang Dunluo squinted his eyes every day, as if he hadn't woken up yet.

"Sleep wherever you want. Young people should go to bed early and get up early. If you can't hold on, then go home." Su Mu stared at someone meaningfully. If this little chubby guy can't hold on and leave, he will have less to blame. If you keep at it, wouldn’t it be nice to have one more tool person?She will never lose this time.

"Hmph." Luo Tiantian wrinkled his face, obviously reluctant, but helpless, he managed to make someone laugh.

This Gu Shen is simply inhuman, hmph, people have to bow their heads under the roof.

The door of the original owner's house was unlocked, and Su Mu opened it with a light push.

The weeds in the courtyard were so high that the vines climbing into the inner wall from the outside covered a third of it, and there were also a few fragments of dogtail grass stubbornly growing in the corner.

Under the cover of weeds, there is still a well that can be vaguely seen. I don't know if it has dried up.

There are three earth houses in total, the utility room is on the left, the main room is in the middle, and an empty room is on the right.

There are many bits and pieces of daily necessities and tools placed in the utility room.

The main room has the largest space and is divided into accommodation and kitchen. The two areas are only blocked by a wooden door.

The kitchen is very simple, with only an earthen stove, a table, and four slender wooden stools.

The remaining empty room, who should have lived in it before, only has a bed and a wardrobe.

They cleared up the weeds in the yard in one morning.

Fortunately, the water in the well did not dry up, but they did not have the tools to draw water, so they had to borrow a wooden barrel from Uncle Wang's house.

In a day's work, the two of them cleared out both the main house and the empty house.

As for the utility room that has not been tidied up, all the things that need to be used have been cleaned up and started to be used, and the remaining things that are not used will continue to be sealed in it.

After a tiring day, Su Mu lay directly on the wooden bed, with another fat body lying on the left side that was also exhausted.

I don't know what the original owner's wish is, but there are still people chasing him. Could it be that he was so downcast that he became a beggar just to hide from those people?

Thinking of meeting a burly man in a suit before, she couldn't help but shiver.

The original owner was so down and out before, could his wish be to get rich?Or take revenge on someone.

Gu Shen, Gu Shen, if something happens, can you tell me about your dream, so that she can take the right medicine?

Wait, Su Mu suddenly remembered something. After entering the office, Gu Shen's soul was only one-third, so where did the remaining two-thirds go?
This world obviously looks similar to the world she lives in, and there shouldn't be a broken soul, unless there is something special here.

"Luo Tiantian, do you know if there are people with special abilities in this world?"

"Gu Shen, are you thinking too much? You're so sleepy, go to bed quickly." Luo Tiantian cursed, turned over and continued to sleep.

Uh, well, it seems that Su Mu is overthinking again, but there must be other dangers in this world, which can threaten the soul, she must be careful, if the car rolls over, it may not be possible to save it.

The most important thing at present is to solve the problem of food and clothing.

Some vegetables or fruit trees must be planted in the yard, so as not to starve to death.

From time to time, I go to the mountains to look for wild rabbits or something. Life is very happy, of course, the premise is that I can catch them.

The most important one is making money.

Nono Village, oh, it is not called a poor village now.

Here is sparsely populated and poor, and she earns a hammer's worth of money.

It is impossible to leave, such a remote place, how suitable to hide from others' pursuit.

What if the original owner's wish is to get rich, so Su Mu must think of a countermeasure.


Su Mu glanced at a certain chubby who was snoring, and couldn't help laughing.

Forget it, talk about it tomorrow, go to bed first.

Not long after, there was a shallow breathing sound in the room.

outside the house.

Silent night.

There are a few stars shining in the inky night sky, the evening wind blows gently through the mountain forest, the leaves are swaying, the insects are chirping and the frogs are chirping. This scene seems to have been washed, and it has a quiet and leisurely meaning, which makes people feel relaxed.

A rustling sound sounded in front of Su Mu's house. It sounded like the footsteps of some animal.

A black figure sat quietly on the top of the wall, soundlessly, as if it had merged with the night.

In the dim environment, the sound of footsteps became louder and louder, and a pair of green eyes suddenly appeared in the bushes.

Cold, greedy, hungry, that kind of gaze seems to devour people.


The man spit out a word lightly, ridiculed and contemptuous, obviously not paying attention to the danger in front of him.

The cold silver light flashed away, and a sharp dagger quietly appeared in his hand.

The figure in the bushes finally revealed its entirety.

It was a lone wolf with dull gray fur. It was at least one meter long.

One person and one wolf looked at each other, and the frozen air suddenly became quiet.

The next moment, they moved.

The two figures intertwined, a cold light bloomed in the night, and the air was filled with blood.

The wolf howled only lasted a few seconds and then stopped.

The man stood quietly in the night, the night wind blowing away the strong smell of blood from his body.

(End of this chapter)

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