Chapter 266
The time flow rate of each small world is different.

Although Su Yang has only experienced the reincarnation of one life, thousands of years have passed in the reincarnation clan.

Sometimes Su Mu also laments that if her brother had not left the reincarnation clan, the current situation would not have happened.

Unfortunately, time can never be turned back.

Obscure Moon's belly is getting bigger day by day, but Su Yang seems to be a different person, he will still take care of each other, but his attitude is always indifferent, and only when he mentions the unborn child can he see the color on his face tenderness.

Su Yang has always been a smart person. When he trusts you, he won't have any doubts. When he doesn't trust you, there are loopholes everywhere.

He never believed in any coincidence in this world, the identity of Obscure Moon and the timing of her appearance were all when he lost his memory.

It's hard not to think of something...

Su Yang was just giving himself a face, it was too cruel to expose the truth after all.

But broken mirrors are hard to round. Even if the broken mirrors are pasted together, the cracks will never be eliminated. In the end, it will only be a torture for both parties.

He gave himself time to take it all in slowly.

As for attitude?

As early as the beginning Su Yang expressed it very clearly, not being clear will only cause deeper harm.

Obscure Moon is an extraterrestrial demon, and Su Yang is a member of the reincarnation clan. The child born by their union should be the first freak in this world.

No one knows what kind of life will be born in the end.

Time is approaching little by little.

On the day Obscure Moon gave birth, the time-space turbulence outside the reincarnation clan began to riot without interruption.

Su Yang accompanied her, waiting for the arrival of the child.

Su Mu assisted Ozuki from the side. After all, the child in the womb of the other party was her nephew or niece, not to mention that it would be more convenient for her to do anything.

Brother Su Ran still hasn't come back. He has been away for a long time. No news makes people unconsciously worry, but when he thinks about the opponent's strength, Su Mu feels more at ease.

Father Su Li went to restore the Three Thousand Worlds some time ago, and Obscure Moon was due to give birth a few days after he left.

Su Mu and Su Yang had already made preparations, but it was the first time for them to deliver someone else's baby. They had read a lot of materials and practiced many times, but they were still a little flustered in practice.

Obscure Moon's painful cries resounded in the air, and stopped after a while.

Because Su Mu's little niece was born, it was as fast as a child popping out of the hall.

Obscure Moon fainted immediately after giving birth, and didn't even take a look at her own baby.

At the same moment, the space-time turbulence outside the reincarnation clan violently attacked the formation, and cracks had already formed invisible.

Su Mu wrapped her little niece in swaddling clothes, she looked at Zai Zai's wrinkled face like an ugly monkey.

The eye sockets became slightly hot unconsciously, and the black karma turned into chains and enveloped the newly born child.

"Mu Mu?" Su Yang looked at his sister's solemn expression and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"Brother, have you thought about the name of your niece?"

"At first I thought that such a noisy child would be a boy, but the original name was a bit inappropriate. Why don't we call it Su Crispy Bao?"

"Brother, I beg you, don't gossip about your daughter's name. She will definitely want to strangle you when she grows up with such a crappy name. You are a useless name." Su Mu looked at her niece's closed eyes, and she was really quiet. My child, if you don't cry or make trouble, how can you be really good? The only shortcoming is that you are a little ugly.

"Then what's your name? You're her aunt." Su Yang kicked the ball and brought this matter up to Su Mu again, the corners of his mouth almost turned up to the sky, which made people feel unworthy of a beating.

"That's called Su Xixi, which means that the tide rises and falls, but it never dies. I hope this child can go on strong no matter what he goes through in the future."

Su Mu couldn't help but reached out and patted Su Xixi's head lightly. She didn't dare to use any force, for fear of beating her niece stupid.

She was already ugly, but if she was so stupid, it would be difficult to get married in the future.

Just as Su Mu was about to hand Xixi to Su Yang, some power surged in his body again. The karma entangled in his niece increased many times in an instant. They seemed to be not only permanently conscious, but also extremely aggressive. rushed over directly.

A layer of faint golden light appeared around to block the attack of karma, but it also clearly illuminated the rich karma wrapped around Su Xixi's body.

Su Yang was about to reach out and hug his daughter, but his smile froze on his face, his eyes were full of worry, and he said in a trembling voice: "Mu Mu, did you see Xixi just now... …the karma on the body.”

Su Mu nodded. She knew that she couldn't hide it. Xixi couldn't control the karma on her body at all, so it was better for her to hug her for the time being.

"Brother, the karma on Xixi's body just now really didn't have that much, but it suddenly increased in a flash just now, I also find it very strange."

She felt that there was something strange behind this matter, how could it increase for no reason?

Both of them focused their attention on Su Xixi, but no one noticed a trace of black mist flashing around Haoyue's neck. She died quietly without even struggling.

Thanks to the many books that Su Mu had read in the storage room before, the faint golden light that appeared outside her body was something called merit.

It is said that this thing can only be obtained in the Three Thousand Worlds. She guessed that it might be an amulet that her father Su Li got for herself sometime.

Su Muke had never been out of the clan, so how could she gain merit for no reason? As for the energy surging in her body, she subconsciously ignored it.

"Brother, take good care of Ozuki. Why don't I take care of my niece first? The main reason is that the karma on this child is a little abnormal."

Su Yang retracted the hand that was outstretched in mid-air, and moved his gaze to Ozuki, looking at the woman's pale complexion, he gently stroked the other's cheek, and all he felt was a coldness.

The man's face turned pale suddenly, and he breathed out Tanlongyue's breath tremblingly, he was already out of breath.

Seeing her brother's expression that was not quite right, Su Mu couldn't help hugging Xixi tightly in his arms, his heart skipped a beat, and he tried to see the karma on Ooyue, but found nothing.

She seemed to know how the sudden increase in karma on Xixi came from.

"elder brother……"

Su Yang picked up the woman's body, turned and left here.

He had already decided to forget Obscure Moon, but this woman died suddenly.

The anger and sadness of being deceived before seem to be unimportant at this moment.

Death is like a lamp going out, ashes return to ashes, dust returns to dust, and there is no need to dwell on the past.

But the pain in his heart was infinitely magnified, Su Yang didn't know what he was thinking, obviously he had decided to forget it before.

But when facing the scene of Ozuki's death, his cold heart seemed to have been poked a hole.

(End of this chapter)

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