Chapter 255
Looking back, everything seems like yesterday.

Su Yang narrowed his eyes slightly, and at the same time his thoughts came back, he felt a little itchy on his face.

A little chubby claw covered in pastry crumbs was poking his face, his small eyes were full of curiosity, as if he was playing some interesting game.

He once suspected that when the two of them were born, he might have inherited their IQs.

Otherwise, why would my sister still look silly and completely like a child after more than 700 years have passed?

Oh, by the way, I still feel like I have a problem with my intelligence.

It's cute, but it's easy to be deceived!
Su Yang is really worried, but he will be worried about danger if he takes his own cubs out.

800 years have passed, and Su Li has been delayed for some reason, and has not come back for so long.

If he destroyed the formation, that guy should be able to feel it.

"elder brother?"

Su Mu looked at Su Yang who was in a daze, and couldn't help poking his face again, his eyes were full of interest, as if he was already addicted to the game.

Su Yang didn't dislike it either, a trace of tenderness flashed in his eyes, he held his sister's chubby claws, and said with a firm expression: "Mu Mu, brother recently found a delicious recipe, but there are no ingredients in the family, so I have to go out Yuanmen, obediently wait for brother at home, okay?"

"Wow, delicious!"

Su Mu's eyes lit up instantly, and she automatically ignored the second half of someone's words. Although there was no information, just because of Su Yang's so-called 'delicious food', her mouth couldn't help but start to secrete saliva.

Seeing that a certain diced radish had fallen into the sea of ​​various delicacies, Su Yang helplessly repeated what he said just now, and repeatedly urged his sister, finally making the little girl understand.

As soon as he encounters delicious food, he can't walk, and his IQ is not online at all. As Han Zai's brother, Su Yang said that he is under a lot of pressure, and he is always worried that his sister will be cheated away.

"Yeah, brother, I understand. You go quickly, and remember to bring delicious food back quickly." Su Mu tugged on Su Yang's clothes and dangled them in an urging manner, which made someone feel dumbfounded.

"This is for you. There is a lot of food in it. This is what you will eat before my brother comes back." Su Yang took out a silver bracelet that he had prepared a long time ago and put it on Su Mubai's tender wrist.

This is a storage instrument that he refined himself. It can be kept warm and fresh. It contains various pastries and dishes that have been prepared long ago. Under normal circumstances, it is enough for Mu Mu to eat for 100 years.

Su Yang won't stay outside for too long, but he also needs to make more preparations. In case something happens to him and delays him, the food he prepared can last for a while at least.

He finally rubbed his sister's little head, reluctantly put Su Mu down, and then disappeared in place.

Su Mu didn't pay much attention to it. He found a rock to sit on, and happily began to count his food.

It's a pity that both of them don't know, this difference lasted for many years, and after that, things have changed.

Su Yang appeared on the edge of the formation to the east of the Samsara Clan. He had already succeeded in cultivation, and this was the weak point of the formation. The rest only needed to break through with brute force.

He stretched out his hand and struck out a blow, which seemed ordinary, but this palm contained extremely powerful power.

The invisible formation stagnated slightly under this wave of attacks.

A huge film appeared in the sky, and a small crack appeared at the position where Su Yang attacked just now.

The corners of his mouth raised a little, his eyes sparkled, and his subordinates increased their power output.

At this moment, there was a crackling sound in the air.

Originally, there was only one crack, but it had spread a lot, and in the next second, a gap was opened in the formation.

Su Yang seized this opportunity and rushed out.

The reincarnation clan's residence is hidden in the turbulent flow of time and space. As soon as he went out, he was squeezed and torn by the space. If he was not born with a strong enough physique, he might have been reduced to pieces.

Su Yang took it for granted. He thought he was talented and powerful, and he had never suffered any setbacks. Naturally, he underestimated the power of the turbulent flow of time and space.

Surrounded by endless dark vortexes, he is constantly being attacked by space.

The resident of the reincarnation clan has long since disappeared.

Su Yang couldn't return to the clan at all, he regretted and thanked.

I regret that I should not have become stronger through cultivation.

Fortunately, Mu Mu was not brought out at that time, otherwise, with that girl's frail body, how could she survive.

There seemed to be countless hammers hitting his chest. Su Yang could only grit his teeth and could do nothing else. His consciousness continued to sink in the darkness, and his body had reached the end of its strength.

He finally lost consciousness, allowing himself to be swept into an unknown journey by the turbulence of time and space.

Su Li, who was doing a task in the small world on the other side, suddenly shrank. He seemed to feel that something bad was about to happen.

In fact, he had already noticed it as early as the moment the Samsara clan's formation was attacked.

After all, this formation was set up by Su Li, and the purpose was naturally to protect the reincarnation clan's territory, and secondly, to protect the safety of the Zaizai.

There is also a reason for Su Li's delay. Over the years, he has discovered that the collapse of certain small worlds does not seem to be a cycle that happens every hundred million years, but rather, it seems that someone has secretly tampered with it.

At present, he has tracked down some clues.

It's not that Su Li isn't strong enough, it's just that that group of people seems to be an organization, and he intends to kill them all at once, so it's not easy to act rashly.

This race group is extraterritorial demons. According to the records of the seniors in the clan, they lived outside the territory. For some unknown reason, they secretly infiltrated into the Three Thousand Worlds.

This is why Su Li is so busy. No matter how powerful he is alone, restoration needs a gradual process. It is not like destruction, which can be caused by a strong man with a wave of his hand.

The demons outside the territory feed on karma, and the collapse of the three thousand worlds will create huge karma, which will cause the collapse of order and even many irreparable disasters.

Obviously something went wrong in the clan field.

Although there are those sleeping seniors stationed there, nothing major should happen.

However, as an old father, Su Li would inevitably worry about his own cubs.

"You still have to solve the matter at hand as soon as possible, and rush back to take a look before you feel relieved."

In this small world, Su Li was tracking down a couple of heavenly demons from outside the territory. The status of the other party seemed not low. As long as he caught these two, he would naturally know more news.

It would be even better if we could find the residence of the demons outside the territory.

At that time, take the initiative to attack, find the loopholes for them to enter the Three Thousand Worlds, repair the gaps, and drive those people back to the outside world.

Su Li is not a murderer, but if those people do not listen to persuasion, he will not show mercy either.

(End of this chapter)

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