Fast Travel: Debt Repayment Strategy

Chapter 234 God's Punishment Trial 4

Chapter 234 God's Punishment Trial 4
In the evening, the sun has already packed up and got off work, leaving only the ignorant sunset glow to dye the sky red, the golden red carp swimming freely in the sea of ​​clouds, and the dim projection that falls gradually merges with the twilight in the passage of time.

Su Mu played with the two human cubs in the community for more than an hour. To be precise, she was playing games the whole time.

Xixi and Feng Heyun were originally playing on the slide, but they were the only two left at this point. After playing for a while, they found it boring, and then rushed over to watch Su Mu play the game.

Originally, she planned to show her skills, but the network in the community was not very good, so she had to quit a certain chicken game.

Su Mu said that this kind of passionate game, good girls like her must participate.

It doesn't matter if people watch it fall into a box or something, the main thing is that children can't watch this game. In order to protect the physical and mental health of flowers in the motherland, she is naturally duty-bound!
So Su Mu used his cube-eliminating skills for many years and successfully won the praise of two human cubs.

"Wow, auntie, that's amazing!"

"Sister Mu Mu, she actually passed three levels in a row."

"Ahem, it's nothing to worry about, the main thing is that not everyone has talent, so there's no need to envy it."

Su Mu covered the corners of her crazily raised mouth with her hands, her expression was calm and composed, she was rather modest.

Author: Do you have any misunderstanding about the word modesty, bah(*`へ*)!

Su Mu stretched, and glanced at the time. It was almost seven o'clock, and the orange street lights on the cobblestone road had already turned on.

The basketball court next door was filled with red, yellow, and yellow lights, and there were magical square dance songs in my ears. Through the cover of the woods and iron nets, I could vaguely see the charming bodies of the aunts.

The temperature in the evening wind was several degrees lower than that in the daytime, and it was a little frighteningly cold.

Su Mu couldn't help but sneezed a few times, feeling a little cold.

Before she came out, she specially brought a piece of clothes for Xixi, fearing that her cubs would be cold, so she had already put them on.

She thought that as an adult, she shouldn't be afraid of the cold, but she made a mistake.

Feng Heyun's clothes were a bit flimsy, maybe it was because of his body fat, but he didn't feel cold at all.

Maybe boys have the physique of a stove since they were young, so they are not afraid of the cold.

Su Mu guessed that it was getting late, and planned to take Xixi back first. She couldn't help looking at Feng Heyun. She didn't see the child's parents coming to find someone for so long, so she felt relieved. My own child, or...

"Yunzai, is your adult nearby?"

"Sister Mu Mu, are you going back?" Feng Heyun's IQ was on the line for such a rare time, his bright eyes dimmed for a moment, his whole body slightly lowered his head, but he still tried to pretend to be okay.

He is a child after all, not good at hiding his emotions.

Su Mu sighed slightly in his heart, a little distressed, and opened his mouth slightly: "If Yun Zai wants to play with Xixi tomorrow, you can make an appointment tomorrow. It's getting late now. If you don't go home, your parents will be worried." Oh!"

"They won't worry about me." Feng Heyun muttered a sentence with a look full of reluctance, but he didn't say anything more, he just nodded and turned around to leave.

The back figure was a little lonely, as pitiful as an abandoned deer.

"Yunzai, where is your home? Xixi and I will take you back first." Su Mu was really worried. Although the community is safe, he is still a child after all. If he goes back alone, he will meet bad guys. what to do.

Although the possibility is extremely small, it is still possible to take precautions before it happens.

Well, the reason for talking so much is actually because Su Mu couldn't bear it. She thought Yun Zai was a pretty good kid, so she would naturally feel more pity for him.

Feng Heyun stopped in his tracks instantly, turned around abruptly, his reddish eyes were astonishingly bright, and said excitedly, "Thank you, Sister Mu Mu."

Yun Zai's family lives in Building B 805, just next to Su Mu's house, but she has never seen this child before, and she may have moved in only this year.

She has lived in Qingyan Community for many years. Although she seldom interacts with people, she has basically seen most of the faces.

It's not uncommon to occasionally meet someone you don't know, either as a new tenant in a building, or as someone who just bought the property.

Therefore, Su Mu didn't pay much attention.

The orange warm lights reflected the shadows of the cubs, Yunzai held Xixi's hand, and the two sang out-of-key nursery rhymes, bouncing and bouncing all the way, full of vigor and vitality.

She walked behind them unhurriedly, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Children are fine, and there are no worries.


Su Mu couldn't help but let out a painful murmur. It felt like something exploded in her head for a moment, and her heart kept ticking like a clock, as if it was starting an unknown countdown.

Breeze stroked the broken hair on the girl's forehead, her footsteps stopped in place, her eyes were clear for a moment, and then she returned to dazed again.

"What's going on here?"

Su Mu felt as if he remembered something just now, but he seemed to have forgotten something, and his expression fell into confusion.

At this time, cubs shouted in her ears, she could only shake her head to let go of the weird thoughts in her heart, and trot towards Xixi and Yunzai, who were about seven or eight meters away.

Su Mu didn't notice that there was a fluorescent green filament wrapped around her wrist at some point. The brightness was extremely dim, as if it was about to go out at any moment, and it was completely inconspicuous under the bright street lights.

They took the elevator and finally arrived at Feng Heyun's house.

The street lights in the corridor are induction devices and do not need to be turned on manually.

The location of 805 is on the inside, after passing through four doors, the innermost one is the one.

Feng Heyun rang the doorbell, but no one opened the door for a long time. His expression was a little more astonished, as if he hadn't expected it, and walked up to Su Mu with his head down, his voice was very soft: "Sister Mumu, my elder brother hasn't come back yet. Home, you go back first, I will wait at the door for a while."

"How can this be done? Don't you have a key?" Su Mu frowned, feeling more doubts in his heart.

Feng Heyun shook his head at her, and said after a while: "I lost the key."

Su Mu didn't say anything, and looked at the electronic lock in front of her. She couldn't open it, but it wouldn't be safe for Yun Zai to stay outside alone.

"Do you have your brother's phone number? Why don't you go sit at my house first and send a text message later. If he comes back and sees you, ask him to pick you up at my house."

Feng Heyun's eyes lit up, he was obviously very moved by this decision, he didn't know why his eldest brother hadn't come back so late today, he couldn't help rubbing his shriveled stomach.

(End of this chapter)

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