Fast Travel: Debt Repayment Strategy

Chapter 228 The Ancient Beast World 18

Chapter 228 The Ancient Beast World 18
Lingshan didn't have time to stop it, she could only watch helplessly as the hard-won golden leaves flew away.

My own efforts seem to have made a wedding dress for others.

The woman's complexion suddenly became extremely ugly, distorted as if her parents were dead, she was so angry that she almost talked nonsense, and after a while she said: "Hu Yi, what tricks are you playing?"

Hu Yi glanced at the other party indifferently, and Lingshan unconsciously took a step back with his stern and terrifying gaze.

The center of the sinkhole.

Surrounding Su Mu were nine golden leaves that radiated light. As if something was being pulled in his body, the other three golden leaves that had long been integrated into his body emerged from his fingertips.

The twelve pieces were neatly suspended in the air, and slowly revolved around the girl, as if some mysterious ceremony was being held.

She suddenly felt something trembling in her chest and heart, as if something was about to break free.

"What exactly is going on!"

Su Mu was also very surprised, she couldn't help turning her eyes to Hu Yi.

The man walked towards the girl slowly, and stopped at a distance of two meters.

He just looked at Su Mu quietly and tenderly, without giving a single glance to others.

Lingshan was so pissed off by the two people's ignorance, she stretched out her hand and shot a black air on the ground, wanting to kill Hu Yi first.

It's a pity that the man is very skilled, and he can dodge with a light dodge.

Hu Yi took out a thin piece of stone from somewhere. Without frowning, he made a strong cut on his palm, and golden blood flowed down from his palm.

Golden blood soaked the ground, and an invisible formation seemed to be awakened.

Centered at Su Mu's feet, an invisible strong wind formed, carrying dust and sand and covering everyone's sight.

Golden lines suddenly appeared on the ground, criss-crossing each other, and the whole looked like some kind of flowing pattern. To be precise, this seemed to be a special formation.

Everyone is trapped in it.

Lingshan's face, which was originally flushed with anger, turned pale in an instant. Beads of sweat emerged from her forehead, and her eyes were slightly absent-minded, as if thinking of something terrible.

"Impossible, how could there be such a thing here."

She murmured to herself, her whole body falling into a kind of madness, and the dangerous aura around her continued to rise.

The snake orc who came in with him felt the woman's low pressure, and his face instantly turned pale. He could only endure the discomfort and remained silent.

This thing is called Sacrificial Repair Formation.

Lingshan's family is not simple. She has been exposed to it since she was a child, and she has some basic understanding of things like formations.

But she truly experienced the power of this formation thousands of years ago, when she was used as food by that person, and her strength was greatly reduced as a result.

If he hadn't escaped by luck, there would have been no such person in this world.

It is precisely because of this experience that Lingshan knows the horror of this formation even more.

Once inside, it is difficult to escape.

Lingshan doesn't want to give up. She has been supporting her so hard for thousands of years because she wants to live.

If her people hadn't provoked such a terrifying existence back then, the snake's heart would not be enough to swallow.

Otherwise, he would not be in the situation where he is the only one left now.

Lingshan thinks that ambition is a good thing, but sometimes, if ability cannot match ambition, it is a kind of stupidity.

If they had been more ruthless, the place would have looked like what it is today.

"Hu Yi, are you sure you want to fight to the death? No one left in this formation will survive. I advise you to untie this formation as soon as possible." Lingshan barely maintained her composure, sweat dripping from her forehead. But it revealed her restless heart.

Sacrifice to repair the formation, relying on absorbing the energy of the people who entered the formation to achieve the ability to repair a certain treasure, except for those in the center of the formation who control the eye of the formation, they will not be hurt, and the rest of the people will all die.

This man is so cruel that he won't even let himself go.

Lingshan had never heard of any flaws in such a powerful formation, nor had she heard that anyone could survive it. She really had no choice.

Hu Yi didn't look at the other party at all, and looked calm and composed.

He seemed to feel Su Mu's gaze, and suddenly raised his head and smiled slightly at the girl. His innocent smile swept across his heart like a feather.

"Hu Yi, you are injured."

Su Mu stared at the man's bloody palm, feeling uncontrollably worried.

She was about to take a step forward when she suddenly felt she bumped into an invisible wall. Her forehead turned slightly red and her eyes couldn't help but become hazy, as bright as glass washed by spring water.

"what is this?"

Su Mu couldn't believe it. She frantically slapped the air wall that didn't know when it was formed, and the anxiety was magnified and spread in her body.

Hu Yi didn't give any answer, his golden eyes were full of hot affection, he stared at Su Mu without blinking, his expression was extremely gentle, as if he cherished every minute and every second left.

He couldn't help squinting his eyes, his eyelashes trembling slightly.

The memory was suddenly brought back to the night when I met Su Mu.

Hu Yi came to a deserted forest.

His body glowed with a golden light, and a shadow gradually appeared in the sky.

If you look carefully, they look exactly the same.

"She has already arrived. I don't need to say more about the next thing. When the time comes..."

"I know, after so many years, I should return to my position."

Hu Yi is different from others. He has known since childhood that everything is very simple for him.

This world has a special sense of alienation for him, and he doesn't feel like he belongs.

He always felt as if something was missing.

Until one day a huge meteorite brought a girl.

He was hiding in the forest, and his wandering heart seemed to have found its backbone in an instant.

Hu Yi's instinct told him that this person was very important.

So he immediately brought this person back to the Tiger tribe.

That person appeared that night, and the other person helped Hu Yi recall all his past memories.

His name is Bai Ze, and he is also Hu Yi.

After Su Mu left, in order to trace her whereabouts, Bai Ze kept looking for her footprints in countless worlds.

It is not clear how many worlds have been searched.

For Bai Ze, the time of a thousand years is just a flash, and there is a price to be paid for crossing the world.

So his strength is constantly weakening.

Bai Ze felt Su Mu's breath a few times, but every time he came a step late.

Bai Ze was born good at listening to everything, he could know the past and the future, but he couldn't figure out everything about that person.

I have traveled through countless worlds, and I have no time left.

He had divination countless times, and finally he was able to wait for her chance to be reincarnated in this world.

Fortunately, I succeeded in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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