Fast Travel: Debt Repayment Strategy

Chapter 215 The Ancient Beast World 5

Chapter 215 The Ancient Beast World 5
Su Mu's life in the Tiger tribe was extremely ordinary.

Well, it should be like this.

It's just that everyone was a little too enthusiastic, which made her unable to resist.

For example, when walking in the tribe, someone suddenly stuffed wild flowers or sweet fruits for himself, but they were all scared away by Hu Yi's stinky face.

Ever since she encountered this incident, this man has followed him every step of the way, as if he were some kind of prisoner.

Someone also warned Su Mu very seriously that he is not allowed to accept other people's things, no matter if it is female or male.

Anyway, it doesn't matter, I just didn't expect these people to welcome her so much.

Hu Yi also deliberately added some information about the development of the orcs in these years to Su Mu.

It turns out that since the year when the gods sinned, it is almost impossible for females in various tribes to conceive, and even if newborns are born, most of them are males.

Until now, the number of females in each tribe is less than single digits.

Some small tribes even have only one female.

This is enough to show the preciousness of females in this world.

However, although the females were not as strong as the male orcs, they were not too weak. At least hunting alone was absolutely no problem. Some females were no different from males, and their huge biceps were a symbol of their strength.

There are almost no females with thin skin and tender flesh like Lingshan and Su Mu, so naturally, rare things are more expensive.

What's more, sometimes, it is not only from the surface to see whether a female is weak or not.

Lingshan, another time-traveling girl, is an example. She helped the snake tribe find the salt mine, which is enough to show that her use is not just a vase.

Su Mu felt that these people might also have high hopes for him.

After all, salt is a particularly important material in the Orc Continent.

But she doesn't know how to find salt mines, which may disappoint the people of the Tiger tribe.

Su Mu had a vague idea in her mind, but she was afraid that the greater her expectations, the greater the gap would be. Naturally, it would be difficult for her to say it out loud, so she could only express in advance that she would not be looking for any salt mines.

Some things should be explained as soon as possible to avoid any misunderstanding in the future.

At least it feels good to stay here, she doesn't want to change places for the time being.

Hu Yi is a very careful person, and he told the people in the tribe in private. Since then, no one will come over for no reason, at most just to say hello on the road or something.

Su Mu's pressure was also much less.

Time passed by, and soon it was the day of the Tribal Trading Conference.

Hu Yi led a group of people and Su Mu to the Tiankeng.

There is the location of the tribal fair, which is held every six months.

It is said that this place was caused by meteorites dropped by the gods in anger. From a height, it is just a huge pit.
However, this rumor is not very reliable. After all, there are no meteorites here at all, and there are not even large scattered stones. It is as if someone has pressed them under the ground out of thin air.

Therefore, many people scoffed at this rumor and did not believe it at all.

If it were Su Mu, she would not really believe it.

The entrance to the sinkhole is a narrow passage that can only accommodate five people. After passing through, the view suddenly becomes clearer. The ground is empty and vast. It can even be said to be a little too clean. The walls are extremely smooth.

There are very few gravels on the ground, and it's not surprising that people don't believe that meteorites have fallen here.

The reason why the trade conference is held here is also very simple, the place is big and empty.

The most important thing is that the twelve tribes' territories are exactly around this place.

For each tribe, the route is neither far nor near, and it is a suitable place.

Almost everyone brought by Hu Yi this time was carrying a large basket, and the purpose was naturally to exchange some necessary supplies.

It's almost winter, so it's natural to prepare necessary things like salt mines.

These days, Su Mu naturally did as the Romans did, and changed into a fur dress with her own clothes inside.

The main reason is that I am afraid that my skin will be tanned, so I will become a zebra.

As for hiding your identity?
It's really unnecessary, her appearance and petite height already represent everything.

Female orcs are not so weak and short.

Anyone who is interested can naturally guess Su Mu's identity by thinking about the meteorite that fell from the sky a few days ago.

After all, this is not an isolated case. Isn't Lingshan's existence the greatest proof?

On the way, I happened to meet people from the Rabbit Tribe and the Cow Tribe. After all, they are their neighbors and their destinations are the same. Isn't it normal to meet them.

Originally, Su Mu thought that the people of the Rabbit Tribe were very small, until she saw their biceps.

Numb, my eyes are blind.

Isn't the contrast too great? Moreover, the animal shape of these rabbit tribesmen is not a small one, it has been magnified several times.

Don't ask, if you ask, your eyes will be burnt on the road.

The unique status of a female, coupled with Su Mu's background, naturally made people from the two neighboring tribes curious, and conversations were inevitable.

Anyway, with Hu Yi by her side, she is not in vain, she is full of confidence.

And when necessary, it is also good to pull an alliance.

Of course, Su Mu still hoped that it would not be useful until that day.

Where there are people, there will naturally be disputes, and she also left an extra backup for her own safety.

Heartless people are particularly prone to death.

Su Mu naturally wants to live well.

If possible, she still wants to go back to her original world, where her brother Su Yang and her little niece Xixi live.

Since there are gods here, there must be a way to go back.

Hu Yi seemed to have noticed her absence, and leaned over and whispered in her ear: "Mu Mu, are you a little scared because there are too many people here? Don't worry, I will protect you."


Su Mu smiled bitterly, but did not express his inner thoughts.

Perhaps Hu Yi values ​​her so much just because he is a female.

Rare things are more expensive, no one understands this truth.

Other than that, Su Mu couldn't find any reason.

People always want to try their best to prove something in order to determine their position in the other party's mind.

She is such a sensitive person.

If he knew that he was going to leave, he didn't know what Hu Yi was thinking.

Forget it, let's talk about it later, these are things that have no shadow now.

When Su Mu came back to her senses, there were already a circle of people surrounding her.

Those people looked at her with extremely hot eyes, as if they wanted to snatch her home in the next second.

Fortunately, Hu Yi seemed to have guessed the scene in front of him a long time ago, and ordered the people of the Tiger tribe to make their stalls into a circle shape, just to block the sight of those people.

The man's tall figure seemed to cut off everything, building an invisible wall for Su Mu invisibly.

The familiar scent of grass calmed her panic and anxiety.

"Thank you for making you mess up."

Maybe Hu Yi knew this situation would happen early on.

Su Mu really didn't know what to say other than thanks.

(End of this chapter)

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