Chapter 197 Game 13
Guan Han protected Zhang Xian behind him, and he gently pushed open the door of the church-like building in front of him.


Su Mu and Lou Ye were delayed for a while, but fell far behind.

When the host and hostess entered the door, they hurried over.

The scope inside is very wide, and there are many densely packed chairs everywhere.

There is an exquisite high platform sitting at the front.

A long aisle was paved with a red carpet in the middle.

There is an opening on the left and right sides of the wall that can accommodate at least six people passing through side by side.

There is an upside-down stone statue above the ceiling. It looks like a person, but it is not quite like it. It is holding a silver cross in its arms, and there is an indescribable weirdness all over its body.

This place really is a church!

Su Mu murmured in his heart, and after looking around for a long time, there was no one.

Just like that, Zhang Xian and Guan Han disappeared, and they didn't know where they went.

There is some dust scattered on the ground of the passages on both sides, and the tracks run over by the wheels are very shallow.

She walked on the red blanket and glanced at the seats one by one. They were spotless, with some water glistening in some places, as if someone had specially cleaned them.

Su Mu couldn't help but reached out and touched it. It was slightly damp. She sniffed it close to her nose, but her brows frowned slightly.

It's strange, why there is a fishy smell, like the soil is mixed with something, this smell is very light, but it makes people feel nauseous.

"What's wrong?" Lou Ye stopped calling her sister at this time, and didn't even say her name. Maybe it was because there were no outsiders around, so he simply didn't want to pretend anymore.

Su Mu doesn't care either, this guy is just weird, isn't it reasonable for a big villain to be mentally abnormal?Even if someone said that Lou Ye was a pervert, she would nod in agreement without frowning.

"This seat has been cleaned by someone, and it's still a little wet, mixed with some soil smell, but there are some other things, I don't know what it is, it's a bit smelly anyway."

Lou Ye imitated Su Mu's action and touched it with his hand, put it in front of his nose to smell, squinted his eyes, and raised a cold arc at the corner of his mouth: "It's blood, the corpse has been rotting in the soil for many years, you Say it stinks or not."

"I knock!"

Su Mu couldn't help but exclaimed. She looked menacingly at the hand that touched the seat just now, and felt the chill spread all over her body along her fingertips.

Lou Ye took out a handkerchief from somewhere, wiped his fingertips gracefully, and glanced at Su Mu with a playful look, as if asking her what she wanted to do?
"Ahem, lend me a square scarf." Su Mu is also a clean freak. Although he has dealt with zombies before, and even used a dagger to dig out crystal nuclei in his brain without changing his face, this is not the same as reaching out to touch the corpse. Not the same.

Although it was said to be indirect, she just put it on the tip of her nose and sniffed it.

A normal person wouldn't be able to stand it.

Under Su Mu's pitiful gaze, Lou Ye pulled out a handkerchief of the same style from his pocket, just like a Doraemon.

She wiped her hands and threw the scarf on the ground. Anyway, Lou Ye did the same, so it shouldn't matter if she threw the things herself.

"Why do you still have this with you?"

"Take it easily."

Lou Ye made a rare explanation, and immediately looked around, as if looking for something.

Su Mu always felt that the other party was perfunctory to her, but he was not a person who probed into the bottom line, so there was no need to dwell on this issue all the time. It would be better to find out where Guan Han and Zhang Xian were going if they had this time.

How could two living people disappear in such a short period of time?

Lou Ye seemed to have the same idea.

The two searched in the church in silence, but found nothing.

The high-risk occupation of the hero and heroine is indeed an accident constitution, and one who doesn't pay attention will be gone. Fortunately, they didn't go with them.

Otherwise, there would be two more people missing now.

"Zhang Xian? Guan Han?"

Su Mu yelled a few times, only the echo rang in his ears.

Lou Ye remained silent, walking calmly on the red blanket, stomping slightly along the way.

Until walking to the middle, the voice was a bit muffled and empty.

A dim light flashed across his eyes, and he didn't care if it was dirty or not. He stretched out his hand and pulled it towards the red carpet. The blanket didn't move at all, as if it was stuck to it.

Su Mu imitated the other party and tried to lift the red carpet around him, but he couldn't lift it up either. The red carpet in the center of the church seemed to grow on the ground and couldn't be lifted at all.

There must be a way down here, as long as you find the mechanism.

Su Mu pondered, and when she came back to her senses, Lou Ye was already standing on the high platform, and he seemed to have found some mechanism.

There was a slight sound on the ground.

A boxy stepped passage appeared in front of my eyes.

Su Mu was about to call Lou Ye to go down together, when she noticed that the cross held by the stone statue was shaking slightly, as if it was about to fall, and Lou Ye was right under the cross.

She suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart.

"Lou Ye, get out of the way."

When Su Mu shouted, he was already a step behind.

On the contrary, Lou Ye was very vigilant, barely dodging the cross a second before it was about to hit him.

This scene is thrilling.

Su Mu patted her chest and finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the other party was fine.

She quickly ran over, hugged Lou Ye, and murmured: "Fortunately it's okay, you almost scared me to death."

Lou Ye was not used to being hugged suddenly. His body stiffened slightly for a moment. A dark light flashed under his eyes. His originally indifferent expression softened a little. He curled up the corner of his mouth and patted the girl's back gently.

It was obvious that he was in danger, but now he wanted to comfort others.

"Ahem, um, did we show up at the wrong time?" Zhang Xian said weakly, looking at the two of them with gossipy eyes, and muttered: "So they have such a relationship."

Lou Ye saw the two people coming out of the passage early in the morning, but he did not remind Su Mu, but took the opportunity to swear his sovereignty.

His own kitten can only belong to him.

Su Mu hurriedly pushed the person away, turned around and saw two gossip faces, blushed unconsciously, and changed the subject forcefully: "Ahem, Zhang Xian, why did you come out from inside, we were just going to find you? "

Zhang Xian originally wanted to make fun of someone, but Lou Ye's gaze made her swallow the words abruptly, rearranged her words, and said with a weird expression: "When we came in, we found a maid who was in a hurry. I entered the tunnel, and then followed her without much thought, but not only did I not find anyone, but the entrance to the tunnel on the way back was closed, if you hadn’t opened the passage, we would have been trapped to death in it.”

(End of this chapter)

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