Chapter 167
Children always like to talk to themselves and do whatever they think of. They are not good at hiding their emotions and express their attitudes clearly.

Sometimes unintentional words may hurt some people.

Although they are not malicious in themselves.

The taller boy had already started counting the time, and the children who were originally surrounding him had already fled.

The only ones left on the field were Tan Tiantian and Ming Jin.

Su Mu didn't enter the venue. She planned to see if the truth about the falling into the water was an accident, or someone did it on purpose.

The plot is narrated from Tan Tiantian's point of view, which doesn't mean she is just.

Sometimes the position is different, and the things you see are also different.

Whoever is the winner has the right to speak.

The male and female protagonists in each small world are not necessarily all bad, and the plot is half true and half false.

Su Mu has always paid attention to the facts and will not judge a person based on the so-called good or bad.

After all, we are not children anymore. Many things in the world are never black and white. Talking about absolute good and bad is simply a meaningless debate. Human beings have always been a complex species.

Most of the time it's just a difference of opinion.

Whoever is the protagonist will stand on the side of justice.

Tan Tiantian's actions determined the other party's next fate.

For Xiaoxiao's death, the Bai family was the direct factor, while Tan Tiantian was the indirect factor. No one is innocent.

Since you have done something wrong, you should be punished.

The original owner was kind-hearted and did not mention this matter, but Su Mu was not a child and would not be deceived by the so-called family affection.

None of these people can escape.

What she needs to determine now is whether Tan Tiantian is a real child.

Su Mu has experienced several worlds, such as rebirth, time travel, etc., and he has never seen anything before, without any fear at all.

"Sister Mingjin, let's hide quickly, Ah Chen will arrest someone soon."

Tan Tiantian grabbed Ming Jin's little hand and ran away without giving anyone a chance to refuse.

"I..." Ming Jin opened his mouth, but he didn't finish his sentence, his expression was very tangled, and his body subconsciously followed the other party without any objection.

She didn't know why, but she hated Tiantian in her heart. She didn't know if it was because she was born wrong.

At the moment when he was grabbed, Ming Jin was particularly irritable and strongly wanted to throw away the other person's hand, but due to etiquette, he could only hold back his inner impulse.

What's more, the other party's grip was too tight, as if stuck with 520 glue, which made her extremely uncomfortable.

Su Mu had been standing behind the flower bed, paying great attention to concealing his whereabouts. In addition, he was far away from the two people, so he was not discovered.

Her soul was that of an adult. If it could still be discovered by the two cubs, she might as well just re-create it.

Tan Tiantian and Ming Jin trotted all the way, and the surroundings became increasingly quiet.

The sound of leaves being blown by the wind can be heard faintly in the air.

You can see a small pavilion not far away, and there happens to be a small pool nearby.

Summer is a good place to enjoy the shade, but it's a pity that the season is not right, otherwise you can enjoy a pond of lotus.

Today's bare water surface can only appreciate some swimming fish.

Ming Jin, this little fool, didn't realize anything was wrong at all.

This place is too secluded, there is no one, and there is no camera.

If something happens, it's just the two of them here. If both parties insist on their own opinions, the group of people outside will probably just think it's an accident.

Su Mu is not a real child, she is now sure that Tiantian did it on purpose, and it is difficult to distinguish the motive.

She quietly reached out and turned her skirt outwards, and her palm touched a cold rectangular object.

Before coming here, Su Mu sewed an unpretentious yellow cloth bag under the skirt, which was about the size and just enough to hold a mobile phone.

It was inconvenient to hold it in her hand, so she had no choice but to make this decision.

I finally took this out secretly from Mingyan's study.

These days Su Mu played games a bit too much, and even broke Ming Jin.

The two of them stayed up every night, and the team game was played in black, and the handles fell into boxes.

The dark circles under his eyes for several days in a row caught Ming Yan's attention, and he was immediately arrested that night, and both mobile phones were confiscated.

Su Mu dawdled with him for several days, but in the end the man was completely unmoved, so she could only steal.

Bah, the phone is hers in the first place, how can it be called stealing her own things, this is 'taking' back in a fair way.

She found a few rocks, put the phone on the ground, and quietly turned on the camera.

There can never be too much evidence.

A group favorite, right? Su Mu said that she would solve the problems directly from the source one by one so that the other party could no longer stumble.

"Sister Mingjin, I think I saw someone coming. Let's hide quickly."

"I didn't see anyone."

Ming Jin turned his head and looked around a few times, feeling a little confused.

At this time, Tan Tiantian suddenly exclaimed, hooked her left foot to her right foot, and rushed towards Ming Jin, just by coincidence she pushed her directly into the small pool.

With a splash, there was a big splash on the water.

"Sister Mingjin!"

Tan Tiantian lowered her eyes, a trace of ruthlessness flashed in her eyes, she was no longer innocent and ignorant before.

Finally got rid of this woman.

She immediately picked up the pebbles on the ground, hit her forehead viciously, and then fell to the ground.

Su Mu looked at this change, and a sneer flashed across the corner of his mouth.

Tan Tiantian is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Fortunately, the other party is not a real child, otherwise it would be too difficult to torture.

Su Mu ran towards the small water pool without hesitation.

Although Ming Jin was rescued in the plot, he was discovered a little too late and was almost not rescued.

Although the small pool is not too deep, it is only for adults.

What's more, it is autumn at this time, and the weather is still a bit cold.

An adult would feel cold, let alone a child with fragile bones.

Su Mu 'accidentally' stepped on Tan Tiantian's foot, deliberately ignoring someone's stiff look, and then jumped in directly.

She knows how to swim at least, so it is absolutely no problem to save someone.

Su Mu took a deep breath on the water, dived like a fish, quickly found Ming Jin, and dragged her up.

"Mingjin, wake up."

"Cough, cough, cough."

Ming Jin was dragged by Su Mu, and as soon as he came out of the water, he coughed unceasingly. It hadn't been a while before he drowned, and he hadn't passed out yet.

"Xiaoxiao, why are you here?"

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Let's think about how to get up first."

Only then did Su Mu realize that the walls of Xiaoshuitan were smooth and it was not easy to climb up. What's more, she had short hands and couldn't reach it, and she had to drag Mingjin, which was really difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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