Chapter 157
As soon as Su Mu landed on the ground, she felt weak and extremely hot. The clothes on her body were sticky to her skin due to sweat, making her extremely uncomfortable.

The surrounding environment was very dark, and she guessed that it might be night.

My vision was not very clear. A small amount of light filtered in through the small window on the wall, and I could only vaguely see that this was a small space.

There are all kinds of miscellaneous things, it should be a place similar to a utility room.

Su Mu stretched out her hand, trying to push away the broken hair from her forehead, when she looked at the chubby hand in front of her, her expression dull for three seconds.

There seems to be something wrong with this hand.

Am I turning into a child?
Su Mu had already guessed that the object of time travel was the four-year-old child in the plot who was forgotten by everyone.

She touched her head and it was hot.

Is this a fever?
This place doesn't look like the Tan family. The time should be when the original owner was sent back to the Bai family.

At this moment, in the dead of night, Su Mu began to receive the memory of the original owner with peace of mind.

Fortunately, I didn't do anything wrong this time, and my memory is quite complete.

The original owner is Tan Xiaoxiao, who is only four years old this year.

It all started when Xiaoxiao accidentally fell and injured herself in the kindergarten. Tan Ming and his wife took her to the hospital for an examination, and found out that the child had type O blood.

Tan Ming has type AB blood and Shen Yixue has type A blood. It is impossible to give birth to a child with type O blood.

Tan Ming and Shen Yixue were in a family marriage at the beginning, they married first and then fell in love, and their life was very happy, otherwise they would not have given birth to Tan Yu, Tan Hao, and Tan Xuan one after another.

Tan Xiaoxiao is the only daughter in the family, and the husband and wife naturally love her very much.

Tan Ming did not doubt Shen Yixue, after all he knew the other party's daily whereabouts clearly, either at home, or on the street with his best friend.

The husband and wife's first reaction at that time was that the baby might be wrongly held. At the beginning, Shen Yixue was rushed to the hospital in the middle of the night because of premature delivery.

She was not the only one who gave birth at that time.

Tan Ming immediately contacted and checked, and soon found out Bai Tiantian, who was born at the same time as Tan Xiaoxiao that day.

The husband and wife rushed to Bai's house non-stop, and when they saw Bai Tiantian's delicate and cute appearance, she was exactly like the young version of Shen Yixue, even more beautiful.

Tan Ming discussed with Bai Kang and his wife, and the group took Tan Xiaoxiao and Bai Tiantian to the hospital for a paternity test.

As expected, Bai Tiantian is Tan Ming and Shen Yixue's child.

As for Tan Xiaoxiao, he is the child of Bai Kang and Wu Hong.

This is a few happy and some sad.

Bai Tiantian was hugged excitedly by Shen Yixue and Tan Ming and did not let go. Bai Kang and his wife stood aside, with expressions of reluctance and entanglement, as if they wanted to take their daughter back.

Only Tan Xiaoxiao stood there alone, no one cared about her.

Because Bai Tiantian couldn't let go of Bai Kang and his wife, in order to coax their daughter Tan Ming and Shen Yixue, they promised to take her back to Bai's house often.

Bai Kang and his wife felt a little better when they heard the words. After all, the daughter they had raised for several years suddenly said that she was not their own. Now that their biological parents are coming to take her away, they are naturally worried and reluctant, fearing that they will never see her again. It's sweet.

Hearing the ecstatic expressions of the adults, Tan Xiaoxiao held the little bear in her arms, her eyes gradually becoming moist.

Su Mu could feel the sadness of the original owner, the silent sobbing, but he didn't dare to make a sound.

In the heart of four-year-old Xiaoxiao, her parents are her world.

Suddenly someone said that he was not born to his parents. The original owner must be worried that his parents would be taken away.

What's more, whether it's the biological parents or the adoptive parents, everyone's attention is on Tiantian.

Tan Xiaoxiao is like a discarded rag doll.

Bai Tiantian changed her name to Tan Tiantian and officially moved into the Tan family.

The three brothers who originally shared the same hatred with Tan Xiaoxiao also fell under Tan Tiantian's strategy, but she had no choice.

All eyes were on Tan Tiantian, as long as the other party touched her, it must be Tan Xiaoxiao who did something.

Tan Xiaoxiao wanted to explain countless times, but Shen Yixue never listened to her, and only believed what she saw.

She was sent away by the Tan family because Tan Tiantian fell down the stairs. Tan Xiaoxiao happened to be on the corridor at the time and saw Tiantian falling down by herself.

Everyone felt that Xiaoxiao was jealous of Tiantian and pushed her downstairs on purpose.

Even though Tan Xiaoxiao explained it, Tan Ming and Shen Yixue didn't believe it at all. They were worried that she would hurt Tiantian, so they sent her directly back to the Bai family and even moved her household registration.

The three brothers also didn't believe in their sister who they had lived with for four years. Tan Xiaoxiao had no way to explain because these people couldn't hear what she said.

The Bai family already liked Tiantian more, and when they heard that Tan Xiaoxiao did this, they naturally hated her even more.

Bai Yi is only seven or eight years old, he is a gentle brother to Tiantian, but he is very cruel to Xiaoxiao, he often pinches her secretly, and even does some bad things to slander the original owner.

Tan Xiaoxiao just wanted to go home and ran out of the house several times to go back to find Tan Ming and Shen Yixue. However, he was caught and brought home by Bai Kang and his wife not long after running away.

The two locked the original owner in the utility room to prevent her from running around.

Because Bai Yi was making trouble and the original owner was framed and hurt Tiantian, Bai Kang and Wu Hong couldn't like Xiaoxiao at all. They thought Xiaoxiao was a vicious child, and they were disgusted in their hearts. They wanted to lock up the original owner for a few days and change Change her vicious temper.

The Bai family is really cruel. They haven't even delivered food these days.

Occasionally, I can hear Bai Yi taunting Tan Xiaoxiao at the door, chewing the food in a loud voice on purpose, saying that this is delicious and that is delicious.

Tan Xiaoxiao hadn't eaten for two days, and she didn't have any strength in her body. In addition, the utility room was not kept warm, and it was very cold at night, so she immediately developed a high fever.

Children have poor resistance and have not eaten for a few days. A high fever can easily kill them.

Su Mu couldn't help but wiped the moist corners of his eyes, this child is too miserable.

The Bai family is too vicious, Tan Xiaoxiao is only four years old, this is their biological daughter, can't it be sweeter than a child?

Besides, what's wrong with the child, you just need to discipline her well, don't give her food and drink, and keep her in a dark environment, this can be called child abuse.

What's more, the original owner didn't do anything at all.

This made Su Mu so angry that she felt like a volcano was about to erupt in her lungs.

There is no way, as long as she thinks of Xiaoxiao's child who is only one year older than her Xixi, she will feel angry and sad.

If Xixi is treated like this, Su Mu will ensure that the grass on the other side's grave will be seven feet high.

What did the little cub do wrong? She was just afraid that her family would be taken away.

This Tiantian is definitely not a good bird. Maybe the other party deliberately framed Xiaoxiao and wanted to drive the original owner out of the Tan family.

(End of this chapter)

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