Fast Travel: Debt Repayment Strategy

Chapter 143 The Robbery Book Piercer 13

Chapter 143 The Robbery Book Piercer 13
Song Zhenhua held the pickle jar in his hand blankly, lowered his head, and narrowed his deep eyes, as if he was thinking about something.

He could vaguely feel the temperature in his palm that didn't belong to him.

The fragrance that belonged to the girl in the air has disappeared, but the tip of the nose seems to be still there, and the smell is very light.

No one knew that Song Zhenhua's heart beat irregularly a few times, as if a stone had been thrown into his heart lake, and his whole body was not as calm as usual.

Su Mu's appearance just now was still playing in his mind, and somehow he found it cute.

My emotions were actually affected...

Song Zhenhua still stood where he was, watching the girl leave with complex emotions in his eyes.

Su Mu hurriedly left with small steps, not daring to look at the hot gaze behind him, and pulled Lin Lanhui who was hiding in the corner and walked away.

She felt a little ashamed.

If you don't leave now, when will you wait?

Yang Mei may have been humiliated and felt ashamed. She really couldn't stay, and she had long since disappeared.

The two walked for a short distance.

The cold wind blew on the face, and the dryness and heat in the body disappeared in an instant, as if someone had suddenly poured a basin of cold water.

Su Mu's thoughts suddenly cleared up. She came here this time to ask Song Zhenhua about her falling into the river.

Thinking of this, she immediately stopped, bit her lower lip, annoyed at her cowardly behavior just now.

It's impossible to go back now, don't you want to lose face?
Su Mu scratching his head in annoyance was completely captured by Lin Lanhui's eyes. Sure enough, love makes people brain-dead, and the ancients do not deceive me.

"Cuihua, why are you crazy? If you don't follow me, I'll leave first."

"Wait for me." Su Mu quickly shouted and followed her friend, her thoughts temporarily put aside.

Anyway, we'll see what happens next.

Tang Guoer didn't seem to be a scheming person, not to mention that Yang Cuihua, a little girl, could have any enemies, so the biggest suspect was Yang Mei.

Su Mu was [-]% sure that the other party was the culprit. As for the reason, it was really puzzling.

That morning should be the first morning in the world that Yang Mei had just crossed, and she and Yang Cuihua must have no deep hatred.

So there must be something unexpected that made Yang Mei want to kill the original owner.

What can endanger bayberry?

For example, the Lingquan space is exposed.

If you think about it carefully, it may be huge.

Yang Cuihua accidentally saw Yang Mei taking something from the space, but the other party became murderous.

This golden finger is something that Yang Mei lives and lives in, no matter how stupid she is, she still knows the importance of the matter.

Yang Cuihua didn't need to pass by the river on her way home.

It was such a long way from the village to the river. It was early in the morning, and many villagers were still wandering outside. If someone was carrying Yang Cuihua on his back, the possibility of being discovered was too high, and there were too many uncertainties.

Secondly, the body that the other party traveled through was very thin and weak, and could not carry a girl from the original owner at all.

But if Yangmei hid the original owner in the Lingquan space, used it as a medium to consign the body, and dumped the body by the river, all this would make sense.

If it was really her, someone in the village would always see it.

Su Mu suddenly became enlightened, and the pace that he planned to go home slowed down a little, and he changed the direction again.

"Cuihua, what are you doing, don't you go home for dinner? I'm so hungry!"

"I'm going to ask something." Su Mu smiled, and cast a malicious look at Lin Lanhui. At this time, a tool man is needed.

Almost half an hour passed.

Su Mu and Lin Lanhui respectively interviewed villagers who might have seen Yangmei that morning on their trajectories.

Hard work paid off, and finally got a clue.

Aunt Qian from the village said that she seemed to see a short educated youth in an army green coat passing by that morning.

Su Mu is almost sure that this is Yangmei, but she can only keep this matter in her heart for the time being.

After all, she couldn't tell others that the murderer was Yang Mei. The other party had a spiritual spring space to cover up the traces.

He was killed because of the other party, so others must think Su Mu is crazy.

But this matter can't be left alone, she will definitely 'thank' Yang Mei well.

What can be more painful than not having what you want right in front of you?

Su Mu expressed that she was very much looking forward to Yang Mei's next move, asking her to use her golden finger first, and then wait until the moment when the opponent's expectations were highest, and then throw her down hard.

Oops, I seem to be a bit of a villain for no reason.

low profile.

The little fairy always does things quietly.

"Cuihua, it's time to go back, I'm exhausted." Lin Lanhui kept breathing with her arms crossed.

I don't know what the little sister is going to do with this.

Her mind was not spinning fast, and she was in a fog.

Forget it, I don't want to think about such a brain-consuming thing, and the important thing is to go back and cook.

Lin Lanhui told her mother early in the morning that she had lunch at Cuihua's house, so there was no meal for her at home, and there was nothing to eat when she went back.

When the two returned to Cuihua's house, Zhou Xiaoju and Yang Weiguo were already packing up and getting ready to go to work.

As for the eldest brother Tie Jun, he just left for a while.

"Cuihua, why did you come back so late?" Zhou Xiaoju complained, and hurried back to the main room to get a cup of hot water for the two of them.

"Xiaoju, it's time to go to work, don't be late."

Zhou Xiaoju answered Yang Weiguo loudly, and told the two of them: "The meal is hot on the stove, you eat first, I'm going to work."

"Mom, go quickly, I'm not a child anymore." Su Mu felt helpless, but her heart was warm.

Lin Lanhui covered her mouth and sniggered aside, then lifted the lid of the pot familiarly, and brought the wild vegetable nest and rice bran soup to the table.

Su Mu filled a bowl for each of them with a colander.

The wound on her head wasn't healed yet, but it wasn't a problem.

After all, in this age, things are scarce.

That's all there is to eat. If you want to supplement your nutrition, there's nothing you can do. As for the two eggs last time, Zhou Xiaoju was cruel and exchanged them for grain from the neighbor's house next door.

The other party's family didn't have many eggs, so they raised an old hen, which laid one egg a day. His wife was recently pregnant and needed to replenish her body.

Those two eggs were still squeezed out between the fingers. If it weren't for the good relationship between the two families and Cuihua's head injury, they wouldn't be willing to exchange them.

Nutritious things are generally more expensive.

At this time, the pork is as expensive as [-] cents per catty.

People in the village are too expensive to buy it, unless they are determined to buy some during the Chinese New Year, and they are all used for sacrifice stoves, and they have to be placed for several days before they can be eaten.

Su Mu felt that her mouth was almost as pale as boiled water. She was a bit greedy and planned to make a mess.

Lin Lanhui still didn't know what the little sister was thinking, she was gnawing on the steamed corn bread, eating it very deliciously, as if she was tasting some delicacies from mountains and seas.

People, when you are hungry, you can eat anything delicious.

(End of this chapter)

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