Fast Travel: Debt Repayment Strategy

Chapter 141 The Robbery Book Piercer 11

Chapter 141 The Robbery Book Piercer 11
Lin Lanhui came in a hurry early in the morning.

Su Mu had just been woken up at this time, with a look of displeasure on her face.

There are always people disturbing her from sleeping in, which is annoying.

I quietly made a note to my little friend in my heart, and at the same time planned to develop the latest usage of a tool man.

Lin Lanhui shuddered, not knowing the danger in Su Mu's heart, so she shamelessly found a seat to sit down, and poured herself a glass of water in a very familiar manner.

The water in the jug was put by Zhou Xiaoju in Su Mu's room last night, and it was cold because he didn't drink much in the past night.

But someone didn't mind it and drank it all in one gulp, with excitement written all over his face.

Lin Lanhui got up early on purpose to share gossip with her little sister.

"Didn't Song Zhiqing and the others take that gay man of unknown origin to my house, and it didn't take long after arriving there, guess what, hey, he woke up, my father questioned him, and he said he was from a nearby village People, I asked a few words and didn't find anything special, but the name is quite nice, what is it called Han Bing."

It really is the male lead.

Su Mu felt a little curious. Looking at the excitement of his little friend, it seemed that something interesting happened last night.

Could it be that Yangmei is messing up again?
Lin Lanhui seemed to be talking a little dry, and got herself another glass of water, and then said unhurriedly: "My father kindly asked this man to squeeze with the male educated youths, and also gave him a quilt , Han Bing is very handsome, tall and tall, you don't know, Yang Mei almost glued his eyes to him at that time, as if he had never seen a man before."

Su Mu chuckled, and could already think of that scene.

Tsk, isn’t it like you’ve never seen a man before?

Yang Mei knew the identity of Han Bing's male protagonist because of the book traveler, so he had to find a way to catch him, because he was afraid that Tang Guo'er would preempt him.

Su Mu actually doesn't quite understand. Yangmei has a spiritual spring space, and knowing the plot by herself, what can I do wrong? Is it wrong to pick up a man just because the other party is the hero?
Obviously he has good congenital conditions and can live a good life, but his thoughts are like... he can't live without a man.

It's really weird.

Besides, doesn’t Yang Mei feel uncomfortable with Tang Guoer’s original official match?
Lin Lanhui rolled her eyes, despised this kind of attitude, and continued: "You know, the worst thing is that when they left, Han Bing seemed to want to talk to Tang Guoer, and Yang Mei interrupted him all of a sudden, and then kept on talking." Asking questions, that enthusiastic appearance almost writes likes on his face."

"It's not enough for you to come here early in the morning."

Su Mu narrowed her eyes. She had completely seen through the gossip nature of her friend. He was a person who just watched the fun and did not take it too seriously.

Who doesn't like to watch lively things, and the joy of eating melons can only be understood by people of the same kind.

Lin Lanhui chuckled, and then she got to the point: "Didn't Yang Mei fall a few times yesterday? Her feet were swollen like a bag, but she was still restless. She wanted to lean on Comrade Han Bing, but fell again. , This time I couldn’t get up anymore, and was carried away by other people in the end, hahahahaha..."

Su Mu didn't expect Yang Mei to do such a thing. She didn't do anything this time. She can only say that some people feel that their teeth are stuck when they drink cold water when they are unlucky.

Do not live by sin.

At this time in the plot, Yangmei has already rescued Han Bing, who has been temporarily recuperating in Fengwei Village for a period of time because of his health.

That is to say, during this period, Yangmei continued to brush up her favor, and with the filter of saving her life, there was already a little ambiguity between the two.

Tsk, although Yang Mei's body was injured, but according to Su Mu's understanding of her, it is estimated that she would not let this opportunity go.

It just so happened that Su Mu also planned to thank Song Zhenhua for saving his life, so she just 'matched' Yang Mei and Han Bing.

Hehehe, why do I suddenly feel a little nasty.

Illusion, illusion.

She is a pure and lovely little fairy, ying ying ying!

"Lan Hui, are you free? Let's watch the excitement together." Su Mu gave a look that could only be understood but could not be expressed in words, and hurriedly tidied himself up.

Lin Lanhui is naturally free. She has nothing to do all day long. She just loves to eat melon. She just does everything conveniently!
Su Mu dug out a jar of pickled vegetables from the cabinet. This was the jar given by her friend. She got it from Zhou Xiaoju and said she would give it to Song Zhiqing as a thank you gift.

When it comes to giving gifts in this era, people with whom you have a good relationship usually give you pickled vegetables or something.

After all, everyone is poor and can't produce any good things.

This time is winter, where are there any fresh vegetables.

This thing is neither expensive nor cheap, but it is available in every household and is perfect for eating.

The educated youths came from the city, so they probably haven't seen this thing before.

As soon as Su Mu and Lin Lanhui came out of the yard, they were called back by Zhou Xiaoju.

When the two of them went out, they each had a wild vegetable nest stuffed in their hands.

In winter, I don’t work in the morning, so when I actually eat, I only have two meals a day, noon and evening.

At this time, there were still an hour or two before noon. Zhou Xiaoju saw that the two of them were going to Song Zhiqing's house, and was afraid that they would be hungry when they came back, so each of them stuffed a wild vegetable nest to cushion their stomachs.

After more than half an hour, the two finally arrived near the abandoned kang house where the educated youth lived.

Su Mu hugged the pickle jar all the way, the cold surface of the jar was stained with a girl's body temperature.

I don't know what Song Zhenhua will do when he receives the gift, he probably won't dislike it.

Her head would be swollen if she dared to dislike her, hum!
She was still in a pretty good mood, but just seeing the outline of the house, she couldn't help humming a little tune.

Not far away, two streams of cooking smoke rose, one far and one near.

The educated youths and Widow Zhou live here.

The closest one should be Widow Zhou's house, and Tang Guoer seems to be staying there.

Su Mu hugged the things in her arms tightly, thinking about whether to call Tang Guoer with her, but she hadn't decided yet.

They heard someone calling them from afar.

Isn't that Tang Guoer?

"Cuihua, Lan Hui."

"Little Guoer." Lin Lanhui yelled, ran over quickly, and immediately hugged her.

Oh, when did these two have such a good relationship?

Su Mu squinted his eyes and kept scanning the two of them. He didn't think of a reason for a long time, so he simply stopped thinking about it. It's not a big deal anyway.

Tang Guo'er was chatting excitedly with Lin Lanhui, maybe there was no one else around, but the two of them let go, forgetting that there was a living person beside them.

Su Mu: ...

Oh, woman, when you have a new love, forget it and love it.

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(End of this chapter)

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