Fast Travel: Debt Repayment Strategy

Chapter 116 I rely on food to dominate StarCraft 12

Chapter 116 I rely on food to dominate StarCraft 12
The starlight caresses the ground through the thin gauze curtain, and the evening breeze fills the heart with the faint fragrance of flowers.

Su Mu rubbed his swollen and aching head, opened the surrounding darkness, it seems that Jun Yan sent him back to the room.

Could it be that the interstellar environment is a bit harsh, or the original owner's body would faint at every turn.

"I don't know where the light is?" she muttered, and the room suddenly lit up.

A mechanical voice slowly sounded in my ears.

"Hello, master, I am Smart Butler 2179."

Su Mu patted her chest, comforting her frightened little heart, it turned out to be it.

She hurried to the bathroom to wash her face, she became sober in an instant, and her stomach could not help but growl.

I didn't eat much for dinner, so it's better to cook something delicious.

Su Mu was thinking in his heart, and he had already walked to the kitchen.

The dishes and chopsticks have been disposed of by the dishwasher. There is no Dongpo meat left, but there is still some rice.

It's better to have egg fried rice and seaweed egg soup.

She took out an egg the size of an ostrich from the freezer, and couldn't help frowning slightly. It was a bit too big and might not be able to finish it in a while.

Jun Yan must have fallen asleep, why don't you send a message to ask.

Su Mu turned on the live broadcast, and there were quite a lot of night owls at night. After a while, 10,000+ viewers flooded in, and the number continued to increase.

The dense barrage was full of condemnation of someone, strongly urging her to cook Dongpo meat.

But doing this in the middle of the night is a bit too greasy, she couldn't help smiling, and casually agreed to do it next time, as for when to do it, of course it depends on the mood.


Su Mu apologized to the audience in the live broadcast room, and then quietly opened the message. It was from Jun Yan. He said he would be there soon.

It turned out that this guy was also a night owl, and he couldn't help feeling a layer of joy in his heart.

She cracked an egg and put it in a bowl, and stirred it with chopsticks for a while.

The carrots and badger pork were diced, and the cabbage was chopped and set aside.

Heat the oil in a pan, pour in two-thirds of the egg liquid, stir-fry until golden and formed, then add pork, carrots, and cabbage.

A little salt and monosodium glutamate are essential, and the last thing is rice, stir fry for a few minutes on high heat and it will be out of the pot.

After finishing the last seaweed and egg drop soup, Su Mu took a deep breath and rubbed her sore wrists. Only then did she realize that a group of people had flooded into the live broadcast room at some point, and the malicious barrage made her suddenly I froze in place.

[Xiao Gangjing: It's so unpalatable, what the hell! 】

[Do Not Disturb: That's right, even trash like you deserves to be compared with our baby Ke Ke. 】

[Niu Yaozi: An ugly monster who dare not show his face. 】

[Visitor 2456: Yes, you are so ugly, please turn off the broadcast yourself as soon as possible. 】

[Silence is golden: You plagiarized our Ke Ke, yet you still dare to broadcast live here, I wish your whole family the best of luck. 】

Su Mu's head froze for a moment, she had never encountered such a situation before, her bewildered expression was full of bewilderment.

She swallowed, feeling a little itchy in her throat, but she couldn't say anything, as if she was silenced for a moment.

A special red tip floated across the barrage, sweeping away all the malicious barrage.

['Yan' tipped a universe-class starship*9999]

【Yan: Be good, give me a housekeeper, and seal up all these sailors. 】

Su Mu finished the operation in a daze, looking at the blocked accounts one by one, unable to recover for a while.

Under the clean-up of the room manager 'Yan', the live broadcast room gradually restored harmony. Fans who were still indulging in the delicious food just now realized what it was, and sent rewards to comfort Su Mu one after another.

[I'm a snack foodie: Just after I came out of the delicious food, I found that Yiyi was attacked by a group of people. It was obviously a navy army invited by someone. 】

[Little Mushroom: Hug Yiyi baby, I'm so scared, it's really fortunate that there are tens of millions of star coins from the big boss 'Yan', who can throw them away, it's like love. 】

[Crowd eating melons: Didn't you find a problem?From the tone of the local tyrant, it feels like they know each other. 】

[Small bench: I don't believe it, I don't believe it, Yiyi belongs to everyone. 】

Su Mu said hello to the fans, and the broadcast was soon released. She sat on the stool and couldn't help sighing a few times.

There are so many people who are popular!
Keke, it couldn't be Yunke, could it be that this woman stole her own food videos before, changed the soup without changing the medicine, and said it was original with the cheek, and now she still hires sailors.

This time, if 'Yan' hadn't been in control of the overall situation and cleaned up the water army, she really didn't know what to do.

I always feel that after traveling to the interstellar space recently, my mind has become more and more sensitive. I didn't seem to be such a hypocritical person before. Could it be that I was influenced by Yunyi?

Su Mu thought of the tens of millions of star coins rewarded by 'Yan', and felt inexplicably irritated, so he sent a message to the other party to return the money.

After all, the amount was too large, and she always felt uneasy holding it, and this time the other party obviously rewarded her so much to help her, what if it was just a spur of the moment.

A gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way. She is not short of money anyway, and she really feels ashamed for receiving such great kindness from others for no reason.

The most important thing is that she hadn't seen 'Yan' in the live broadcast room before, so many rewards all of a sudden, and the familiar tone always made her think of someone.

"what happened?"

Jun Yan had already sat down beside her at some point, seeing the girl's frowning look, his heart was slightly moved.

"This 'Yan' in the live broadcast room has rewarded me so much all at once. Do you think he has any plans for me?"

Su Mu secretly glanced at someone, wanting to confirm something in his heart, but he didn't see a reason after staring at it for a while, but his eyes were a little sore because he hadn't blinked for a long time.


【Yan: No need, egg fried rice is delicious. 】

[Mu Yi: I make a lot of egg fried rice, why don’t I send you some. 】

【Yan: No need, delivery is not easy where I am. 】

Could it be that he was thinking too much? Su Mu bit his lower lip and thought about it, but then he suppressed all the thoughts in his heart.

"Jun Yan, I want to distribute some fan benefits, that is, take out some of these egg fried rice and send them out in small portions."

The girl's tangled appearance was like a little squirrel, Jun Yan couldn't help itching in his heart, as if thinking of something in a flash, he withdrew his hand slowly.

"Let's take a part of it directly, anyway, it's not suitable to eat too much at night, you are also very tired."

"Jun Yan, you are so kind!"

Su Mu couldn't help but praise. She didn't know why she felt very happy when she heard the other party's words.

While she announced a 5-minute fan lottery on Xingwang, she quickly ordered some small packages from Xingwang and divided them into almost ten small portions. As soon as the list came out, she wrote down the addresses sent by fans and sent the items. .

 Afraid that shielding will affect full attendance, I added an extra chapter on purpose, blah blah!
(End of this chapter)

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