Fast Travel: Debt Repayment Strategy

Chapter 105 I rely on food to dominate StarCraft 1

Chapter 105 I rely on food to dominate StarCraft 1
The moment Su Mu left Tang Yue's body, she suddenly felt a suction behind her pulling on her soul.

Turning around suddenly, he saw a gray air mass about the size of a thumb.

It is the wild system that was previously bound to Anwen.

"What do you want to do?"

"What? Of course I devoured your soul as nourishment for my growth. You are the most powerful soul among the people I have met."

Su Mu felt anxious as his soul was being pulled slowly.

What's going on with Feifei, haven't you brought her back to the Soul Office yet?
Or what did this pheasant system do!
It's a pity that I didn't ask Fei Fei for an item before, otherwise I wouldn't be so passive now.

Su Mu felt that she couldn't hold on anymore, her soul was pulled over at once, and in the severe pain of the soul being pulled, she passed out directly.

A golden imprint appeared from her forehead, and suddenly the golden light burst out. After the wild system let out a scream, it disappeared immediately, as if it had never existed.

Under the influence of this mysterious power, a slight ripple appeared in the air, and a black vortex appeared in vain to suck Su Mu's soul into it.


"Beep beep."

"Warning, warning, the starship is about to crash due to an attack by an unknown force."

"Whether to activate the escape hatch."

When Su Mu woke up, she only felt a splitting headache, and there was a voice buzzing in her ears, she subconsciously said yes.

Immediately afterwards, the body was stuffed into a small space in vain, and with a vibration, the escape capsule was fired like a bullet.

And she had long been spinning and lost consciousness.

A bright meteor flashed across the universe.

The escape pod crashed on a desolate planet.

After half an hour.

"Hiss, I fainted to death."

Su Mu came out of the escape cabin with difficulty, and stepped on the ground as if he was stepping on cotton, feeling dizzy.

She walked for a while before recovering gradually.

Immediately, there was a burst of pain in the head, and a large number of memories flooded over like a flood.

Today is Interstellar 3888.

After the era of great cataclysm, human beings developed rapidly and entered the interstellar era in one fell swoop.

Due to the influence of mysterious factors in the universe, most human beings suddenly returned to their ancestors and became beasts, and awakened an ability beyond ordinary people, which is called supernatural power.

Perhaps it is for this reason that the life span of human beings has also greatly increased, and the average life expectancy is about [-].

However, there are always some exceptions. Humans who cannot transform into beasts generally have a short lifespan, and are constantly eliminated in the development of history.

Nowadays, almost everyone in the interstellar world can transform into a beast. As long as they drink the awakening potion when they are old enough, they can successfully transform into a beast and awaken their powers.

The original owner, Yun Yi, was born in the Yun family of the empire. This year happened to be full, and she happened to be one of the very few people who did not respond to the awakening potion, so she was abandoned by the family and sent to a remote planet.

However, the starship was attacked by a mysterious force during its flight, and the original owner died suddenly due to the violent impact, so Su Mu arrived now.

She remembered that she was clearly taking care of Xixi at home, but why she was in the interstellar world as soon as she woke up, maybe she also caught up with the trend of time travel.

Xixi is still a three-year-old cub, unable to take care of herself at all.

When the elder brother Su Yang collects his body, he should pick up Xixi.


Su Mu couldn't help but gasped because of the pain. She felt her head started to hurt again. It seemed that she had forgotten something important. What was it?

Forget it, my head started to hurt again.

"Let's see if there is a signal from the optical brain first."

According to Yun Yi's memory, Su Mu operated a few times and successfully logged into the star network.

The starship of the original owner has been scrapped, and it is the kind that cannot be repaired.

The location she is in is a remote deserted star, there is no starship to leave at all, even if she wants to buy a ticket, she can't buy it.

There is only one hundred star coins in the account, which is simply clinking poor.

Unless a private starship passes by, this possibility is too low.

Another way is to buy a starship on StarNet, but the price is several million star coins, which is simply an astronomical figure.

But at least there is hope.

Others have golden fingers in time travel, but she is living in a barren star and has to earn money by herself, which is another hell-like start.

Wait, why did I say...

Inexplicably, there is a very familiar, very fucking feeling.

Su Mu shook his head and waved away the weird thought in his heart.

I don't know who is going to kill the original owner, but I always feel that Yun Yi's death is not an accident.

She was dispatched to the deserted star, but she was attacked on the way. It is impossible to say that there is no one here.

Perhaps the answer will only be known later!
The most urgent task is to find a way to survive on this barren planet.

There shouldn't be any beasts.

Su Mu walked into the wild forest on foot, and she planned to find a cave to rest before dark.

I don't know if it was due to good luck, but she quickly found a cave where she could stay.

She was on a deserted star with few people around. Apart from being a little lonely, she didn't feel any fear at all, and she still felt vaguely familiar.

Hiss, my head starts to hurt again, it’s really weird!

Su Mu skillfully raised the fire in the cave, feeling in his heart that he was indeed a little genius, and he succeeded in making fire by drilling wood.

Only then did she have the leisure to flip through the space button of the original owner.

Dozens of nutrients, a dagger, and supplies are pitifully scarce.

Drinking a nutrient supplement is equivalent to the nutrition intake of a meal. Apart from the bad taste, it is quite convenient.

Su Mu took a sip tentatively, his face froze and he spit it out, bah bah bah bah, f*ck this is too bad to drink.

It seems that it is not a last resort to eat this stuff.

In the interstellar era, many animals have mutated. Not only that, they also contain a toxin in their bodies, which will make people turn into beasts and die after eating them.

Every year, the empire consumes a lot of money and manpower to eliminate these flooded star beasts.

Because human beings have experienced many precious data faults in the era of catastrophe, especially the one about food.

For interstellar people, three meals a day is something that a bottle of nutrition can solve.

Natural plants have long been polluted, and plants that survive today contain a toxin.

It is similar to the meat of star beasts. Once eaten too much, the accumulation of toxins will cause humans to go berserk after turning into beasts.

The most noble profession nowadays is the chef, they have the spiritual power to strip the toxins in the natural plants, and the cooked dishes can enhance the abilities.

That's why so many people fall for it.

However, as the ability continues to improve, the more toxins accumulate, and one day it will explode.

In the interstellar age, strength is the most important thing. People who cannot transform into beasts and have no awakened powers are useless and will only be abandoned like the original owner.

 The fifth small world is here!It's interstellar food!

(End of this chapter)

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