Chapter 91

What can change in four years?
Most of the people in the airport are in a hurry, and Song Weiyi is no exception. She is holding the suitcase in one hand and holding the phone in the other hand, discussing with the other party about the casting of the new film later.

"Waiting for you at the door, hang up." She put the phone in her bag.

In four years, she has long since left the childish state she had at the beginning, and has truly transformed into a mature woman. She walked out of the airport wearing an ordinary red dress and high heels, attracting the attention of many people along the way.

The early spring in Yunhai City was still cold, Song Weiyi hadn't come back for a long time and underestimated the temperature, the cool wind caressed her skin through the thin fabric, Song Weiyi couldn't help but hugged her arms tightly.

Slowly, a car stopped in front of her, and a tall man got out of the car. He leaned on the roof of the car and looked at the woman standing opposite him.

Song Weiyi was a little surprised when she saw Qian Siming: "Why are you here?"

"I still want to ask you, why are you here." Seeing the person he was going to pick up, Qian Siming said, "I'm here to pick him up, and I'll find you for dinner later, so I can explain it carefully."

"Wechat contact." Song Weiyi's cell phone in her bag vibrated twice, and she followed Wang Yu's instructions to find the car that picked her up.

Although the two had made many phone calls, it was the first time they met. Wang Yu was visibly nervous. Song Weiyi comforted him softly: "Take it easy, I'm very easy-going."

"Okay." Looking at Song Weiyi's side face, Wang Yu couldn't help but sigh that this woman is so beautiful.

He roughly explained the casting process to Song Weiyi, then shut up and drove quietly.

Song Weiyi was a little tired from the flight, she propped her head with one hand and closed her eyes to rest her mind. She opened her eyes and chatted with Wang Yu when it was almost the casting time: "I heard from Zheng Pipi that you just graduated from university?"

Wang Yu nodded honestly.

She was looking for this assistant on a temporary basis. At the time when her contracted company said that she was going to remake the novel into a TV series, she was abroad and couldn't participate in many things in China, so she asked Zheng Pipi to find her an assistant. Unexpectedly, she found someone who just graduated from university. At first, she was afraid that this student would not do well, but she did not expect to do well, so she has been abroad until now.

"Work hard." Song Weiyi chuckled lightly: "Well done, I will give you a raise later."

"Thank you, boss." After all, he was a child, and he couldn't hide his happiness when he heard the word raise.certainly.Song Weiyi doesn't need him to cover up, she doesn't like that kind of person.

Song Weiyi watched the car drive towards the underground parking lot, stretched her waist, "Just call me Sister Yiyi."

"Okay, Miss Yiyi."

The two of them took the elevator all the way up, and Wang Yu didn't stop in the elevator to introduce the people who will be there later, Song Weiyi really couldn't remember, and just took it as nothing.

Many beauties came to this floor. When the elevator opened, many people's eyes were cast on this cold and bright beauty, and there were many discussions.

Beauty [-]: "Oh my god, is this also here to participate in the casting?"

Beauty [-]: "This is too beautiful, I feel hopeless."

Beauty [-]: "I think I need to touch up my makeup."

Beauty [-]: "Come for an interview and bring an assistant. You're just so presumptuous before you make your debut. Will you pay it off in the future?"

So Song Weiyi went directly to the interview office under the envious eyes of these people, she raised her hand and knocked on the door, pushed the door open and walked in.

Others were even more surprised by her behavior.

Beauty Four: "Just watch, you will definitely be blasted out later."

Beauty [-]: "She just went in like that."

Beauty [-]: "I'm afraid she is not the daughter of a group boss."

Several judges stared at the 'interviewer' who suddenly rushed in. One of the older ones frowned and said, "It's not time for the interview yet, hurry up and get out."

Song Weiyi smiled and introduced herself: "Hello everyone, I am Red Rose."

Everyone looked at each other when they heard the words, the red rose was really like a red rose, its beauty was flamboyant.

The one who just spoke quickly apologized: "Sorry, I thought you were the interviewer."

"It's ok."

Several people introduced each other, and it turned out that the one who spoke just now was the director, surnamed Park.

Song Weiyi sat on the empty seat left for her by the director, she looked at the empty seat on the other side, and wondered: "Is there anyone else?"

As soon as the words were finished, the door was opened again, and a man walked in, wearing a black suit, with a stern face and a pair of rimless glasses, Song Weiyi gasped.

Qi Nian's gaze only stayed on Song Weiyi for a second before leaving. He nodded to the director to greet him, and the director introduced Song Weiyi to him: "Director Qi, this is Red Rose, whose real name is Song Weiyi." Then he turned his head and introduced Song Weiyi : "Miss Song, this is Director Qi Nian Qi, the chairman of Wild Rose Film and Television."

Wild Rose is the company that signed her book. At that time, she couldn't find much information about this company no matter how hard she searched on the Internet. It turned out that it was waiting for her here. Song Weiyi felt like she was only trapped by him. fish.

"Hello." Song Weiyi smiled awkwardly.

"Hello." There was an unknown emotion in Qi Nian's eyes.

There is only a director between the two of them, and the director also likes to put the two of them together to talk, deliberately the same.

Song Weiyi responded politely every time, but Qi Nian was different, always digging holes for her in his words, Song Weiyi was so angry that he wanted to roll his eyes on the spot.

The interview has begun. The girls who came this time are indeed more beautiful than the other, but they are not the candidates in Song Weiyi's mind. Her upper body is slightly lying on the table, with one hand propping her chin, and the other hand is spinning the pen in boredom, crossing out one by one. one.

"Miss Song is still not satisfied?" The director watched her cross out one and one, and felt a little anxious.

Song Weiyi shook her head: "These are too beautiful, I want something not so beautiful."

If she wants to be beautiful, she can ask Zheng Pipi to support her.

Another round of beauties.


The director no longer has any hope of choosing a heroine today.

The girl who walked in didn't have delicate makeup and hair like the others. She only had a ponytail tied up, and she was wearing plain clothes. Her voice was very clear: "Everyone, my name is An Ru."

Before she could finish introducing Song Weiyi, her hometown, she interrupted her with sparkling eyes, and tapped her pen excitedly: "It's just you."

Everyone present, including An Ru, had question marks all over their faces. Song Weiyi knew that she was too excited, cleared her throat and asked An Ru to perform a part of the plot in a serious manner. While watching the performance, she analyzed with the director why she chose this protagonist.

Qi Nian, on the other hand, kept looking at her from the side without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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