Chapter 81

In mid-December, the first snow fell in Yunhai City. Small snowflakes floated on the ground and melted. Because the snow was too small and there was no snow on the ground, the dormitory started to be heated. Zheng Pipi got up early in the morning I went to the company. Recently, she is very busy. Although she has not filmed, she is often arranged by the company to go to other places on weekends to participate in commercial performances and variety shows.

Song Weiyi turned off the flight mode, and a string of birthday wishes popped up. She replied one by one and received the red envelopes one by one. Among the birthday wishes, she saw Qi Nian's message. A few days ago, because Song Weiyi lied, she ate with Xu Xuan There was a meal, Qi Nian was jealous, and the two had a small quarrel, and they haven't been in touch these days.

The Vinegar King: [Have a meal together at night? 】

Song Weiyi didn't reply him in a hurry, but flipped through the chat history.

Vinegar King: [Are you awake? 】

Song Weiyi: 【Yes. 】

Vinegar King: [Eat it? 】

Song Weiyi: 【Yes. 】

Vinegar King: [Are you asleep? 】

Song Weiyi: [No. 】

Vinegar King: [Go to bed early. 】

Song Weiyi: 【Well, you too. 】

The King of Vinegar sent another message: [Come to my house, I'll cook. 】

Song Weiyi let him hang for another 2 minutes before replying: 【What time? 】

Vinegar King: [What time are you free. 】

Song Weiyi: [There are both. 】

The vinegar king took a while to send it: [I will pick you up at 05:30. 】

Song Weiyi: 【Yes. 】

Song Weiyi didn't go home to celebrate her birthday when she was in college, so she readily agreed.

These days, she stayed up all day and night because of anger, her skin was so dull that she didn't look good, after taking a bath and skin care, it was already noon, so she randomly ordered a meal for lunch.

Recently, there is a new suspense TV series, Song Weiyi likes it very much, at least there is no scene where it will rain after breaking up, she nestled in a chair and watched TV all afternoon, when Qi Nian sent a message to ask her if she was ready It's five o'clock.

Song Weiyi put on her makeup in a flurry of ten minutes, the snow outside was still floating, it seemed denser than at noon, there was also a little snow on the ground, the dark sky was closed, and the bald branches were swayed by the cold wind trembling.

Qi Nian's car was easy to recognize, Song Weiyi opened the car door and sat in the co-pilot, the two hadn't seen each other for as many days as they had been fighting each other, and at this moment they were reluctant to take the first look at each other.

Qi Nian did not speak, stepped on the accelerator, and the black BMW left Yunhai University.

The road was silent all the time, Qi Nian focused on driving, Song Weiyi leaned against the door and squinted to rest.

"Here we are." Qi Nian unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car first.

Song Weiyi let out an oh, and got out of the car.

Qi Nian's home was still as clean and tidy as ever, and Song Weiyi changed her shoes when she heard Qi Nian's voice who was one step earlier than her, with a low voice: "Do you want to continue the cold war?"

Song Weiyi knew that she didn't care about this matter, and she was so jealous at the time that she broke up with her. Later, she also wanted to apologize, but when she thought of Qi Nian's bad attitude, she really got into a fight with him.

Song Weiyi stood beside him with her head down, her fingers tugged at his cuff, and said quickly, "I'm sorry."

Qi Nian took off his glasses and put them aside, pinched the center of his brows with his fingertips and put them down to rub Song Weiyi's head, with some helplessness he said: "Don't talk about breaking up in the future, do you understand?"

Song Weiyi nodded heavily, embarrassed to see him.

"I'm also sorry, I didn't figure out the situation, I was in a hurry." Qi Nian held her face in both hands, kissed her lips, and said softly: "Yiyi, this is my first time in love. The place is not enough, sorry."

Song Weiyi put her arms around his waist. Because of years of exercise, Qi Nian didn't have a trace of fat on his waist, and it wasn't as shriveled as Xu Xuan's. His waist muscles were firm and felt good to the touch. She buried her head in Qi Nian's waist On the chest, the voice muffled: "Actually, Qian Sen was still here that day. Who knew that guy would stop coming suddenly. We have something to eat together. The No. [-] Middle School invited us to give a speech to senior high school students. In previous years, I Some also went. Xu Xuan went because his father had a big business. His father went there in the past, but now his father was too busy to get away and let him go. Qian Sen went because he was cheeky and took the initiative to ask for it from the school. The number of places is to talk about my entrepreneurial journey in the past few years.”

Song Weiyi was so stuffy that she couldn't breathe, she turned her face away and breathed in the fresh air and continued: "We ate together because it was the first time for them to go there, and they had no experience, so I asked for my manuscript experience, and I kept it from you because I was afraid that you would be jealous , Who knew it would happen.”

"It's my fault to hide it from you, but you have to believe me, I have nothing with Xu Xuan, and I won't hide it from you next time."

Qi Nian also sincerely apologized: "I'm not right either, I won't be jealous in the future."

Song Weiyi stared at him when she heard the words, and corrected: "You still have to eat vinegar, but don't eat vinegar like Xu Xuan and Qian Sen, I won't produce it at all."

Qi Nian felt that he couldn't figure out what the little girl was thinking, so he dragged her to the sofa and let her go to the kitchen by himself.

Song Weiyi couldn't sit still, she ran to the kitchen to look at him, and asked tentatively, "Do you have anything to say to me?"

Qi Nian looked at her blankly: "What are you talking about?"

"It's nothing." Song Weiyi took a piece of cucumber and went back to the sofa, every bite was heavy, this man didn't even know that it was her birthday today!
Song Weiyi was so angry that she wanted to go to the kitchen to quarrel with him again, but she suddenly went to the kitchen and grabbed his ear and said, "You don't even remember my birthday, let's break up!"

It seemed a little strange, because I didn't tell Qi Nian that today was her birthday.

After a while of mental struggle, Song Weiyi decided to let it go, and wait for a while to find a chance to tell him.

Qi Nian's cooking skills were developed during the time abroad. At that time, he was not used to eating hamburgers and French fries and couldn't afford Chinese restaurants, so he had to cook at home, and he gradually developed his cooking skills.

Song Weiyi's stomach was growling with hunger, she ran to the kitchen and squeezed a piece of coke chicken wings to pad her stomach.

'ding dong'
Song Weiyi was taken aback for a moment: "Is there anyone else coming?"

Qi Nian walked past her silently and opened the door, and when he appeared in front of her again, Qi Nian had a bouquet of red roses and a cake in his arms.

Song Weiyi's half-eaten chicken wing suddenly froze in her mouth.

The cold wind was still blowing outside the window, and snowflakes had already accumulated a thin layer on the ground. There was no sound of flying birds, only the sound of clocks turning.

"What's wrong?" Qi Nian put down the cake and walked over with the rose in his arms.

The corners of Song Weiyi's mouth were still stained with chicken wings, she threw the chicken wings with only skeletons into the trash can and frantically wiped off the stains on the corners of her mouth, she smiled and said, "I'm stunned."

Qi Nian put the flowers in her arms, kissed her on the forehead, and said softly, "Happy birthday, baby."

(End of this chapter)

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