Chapter 59

There was a rumbling sound outside the window. It sounded like it was going to rain again. Looking out from the second floor of this villa, you could see a whole lake. It was raining and there were layers of mist floating on the surface of the lake. I mistakenly thought I was in Wonderland.

Originally, Qi Nian didn't like rainy days, but when Sun Jing was alive, he always took him to watch the rain scene on the second floor, and gradually got used to it, and after he left, he would habitually move to the house whenever it rained. Sitting on a stool by the window, taking the rain as Sun Jing's miss for him.

Here comes someone.

Qi Nian straightened up and prepared to leave.

"Niannian." Qi Shengye got up from the sofa and blocked his way: "Look who is here."

There was a sound of footsteps at the door, Qi Nian followed the sound, and Grandma Sun appeared at the door, he raised his eyebrows: "Grandma?"

"Come with me." Grandma Sun took Qi Nian by the wrist and pulled him to the second floor.

"Look." Grandma Sun pushed open the room that originally belonged to Qi Nian.

The room was very clean, and it was still the same as it was when he left. There were still two small benches by the window, which were placed in Qi Nian. He thought it would be too troublesome for Sun Jing to move the stools just to watch the rain, so he put them directly on the two. a stool.

Qi Nian slightly turned his head away, unwilling to look.

Grandma Sun walked slowly to the small stool and sat down. It was raining outside the window, and there was mist floating on the lake as usual. years."

Qi Nian plucked up the courage to step into the door, and when he saw the group photo of the family of three on the table, tears finally rolled down his eyes: "I miss her very much."

It has been 11 years, and Qi Nian dare not look at any photos of Sun Jing, he really misses his mother so much.

Sun Jing is a very gentle person, no matter she is to the beggars on the street or to the people at home, she is gentle and soft-spoken, but such a gentle person suffers from depression and finally commits suicide by jumping off the building.

Qi Nian remembered that the night Sun Jing jumped off the building, she cooked a big table for herself and warmed milk for him before going to bed, but when he woke up the next morning, he only saw Sun Jing's body. Bloody corpse.

And all of this is because of Qi Shengye, he hangs around all day long, saying that he is doing business, but Sun Jing has received many photos of him outside the nightclub with his arms around the lady in the nightclub, time and time again turning this gentle and intellectual woman into a... Became a crazy woman.

Grandma Sun patted the stool next to her to signal him to sit down. Seeing Qi Nian sitting next to her, she said, "I've already forgiven him, so don't be too rigid with him. Your mother must still hope that you are well in the spirit of heaven."

Qi Nian's fingers were mixed together, his eyes were staring at the mist outside the window, how much he thought Sun Jing would pat him on the shoulder and call him, "Nian Nian, hurry up and have dinner with grandma." This is the end of all this. It's impossible, he let out a long breath, and said with a light smile, "Are you here to persuade me to make peace, or to persuade me to be with Gao Xin?"

"Persuasion." Grandma Sun patted him on the shoulder and said earnestly: "Grandma will not ask you to marry someone you don't like, but every year, you are 27, and it's time to start a family. Take it home and let grandma see it, grandma won't live for a few more years, she wants to see what the girl who will spend her life with you in the future looks like, and she wants to see what your child looks like."

Suddenly Song Weiyi's face appeared in front of his eyes, Qi Nian smiled and said: "Grandma, I will take her home."

Grandma Sun raised her eyebrows and said unexpectedly: "It seems that someone has chosen you."

"Yes." Qi Nian did not deny it: "It's just that she has a final exam in a month, I don't want to delay her, I will bring her to you when the time is right."

The grandfather and grandson sat by the window and watched the scenery for a long time before leaving. Qi Nian glanced at the stairs leading to the upper floor. Sun Jing jumped from it. Originally, the third floor was not fatal, but the forensic examination found that she jumped before she jumped. Taking a lot of sleeping pills and jumping off the building in the middle of the night, she was not found until the morning, so she would die no matter what.

Qi Shengye saw the grandparent and grandson coming down and rushed to meet him. Qi Nian turned away before he touched him. Qi Shengye's hand was empty, and he retracted it awkwardly and patted the side of his leg. He said with a smile: "Nian Nian, Mom, let's eat here at noon, I have asked them to prepare it."

Just as Qi Nian was about to refuse, Grandma Sun held her back. She smiled: "Okay, remember to prepare more dishes that Nian Nian likes to eat."

"Okay, then you sit down first."

Gao Xin was still sitting on the sofa, with a pillow on his lap that he put when he came.

"Hi, grandma." Gao Xin had already met grandma Sun face to face, and greeted grandma generously when she saw her.

"Okay." Grandma Sun likes her. She is beautiful and capable, and has liked her grandson for so many years. In her heart, Grandma Sun still hopes that the two of them will be together, but Qi Nian has no intentions of her, and she, an old lady, does not want to force her. He, it's a pity that this girl's enthusiasm is gone. Grandma Sun chatted with her with a smile: "Didn't you go to work today?"

"Well, come and chat with Uncle." Although Gao Xin was talking to Grandma Sun, she always looked at the man next to her unconsciously. Qi Nian was lazily leaning on the sofa, eyes closed, lips The thread was stretched straight, his brows were slightly furrowed, and he looked a little impatient.

Qi Nian took the phone out of his pocket, and when he saw the words 'Wang Shuoyu' displayed, he was about to throw it aside. The phone vibrated again, and it was Song Weiyi.

His brows slowly relaxed, and Chen Xiao also raised them slowly, with a smile reaching his eyes. Qi Nian quickly pressed twice on the phone to send the message, but he didn't put down the phone but Watching it awaits the next message.

Song Weiyi texted him good afternoon.

Qi Nian【Have you eaten yet? 】

She seemed to be very busy, and she was stunned for 2 minutes before replying a voice message. Qi Nian put the phone to his ear, the voice on the other end was a bit noisy, but Song Weiyi's voice was clearly transmitted to his ears, Song Weiyi held it in one hand Pan Wan held his mobile phone in one hand and sent him a voice, a little speechless: "I was shopping for a meal, I just bought a bowl of beef noodles, and then I was touched by someone, and it all spilled on the ground, I was so mad." Qi For years I imagined her rolling her eyes.

Qi Nian【Is it hot? 】

Song Weiyi still replied: "Don't worry, I'm fine, I won't get burned." In the end, Zheng Pipi's cursing voice came: "Sister, if you talk about your face again, you'll be pissed off."

Qi Nian【Hurry up and eat. 】

Song Weiyi [Okay, okay, you can eat too. 】

Qi Nian [hmm. 】

Song Weiyi doesn't like other people's replying 'um' very much, but she doesn't find it annoying when it comes to Qi Nian, maybe this is a double standard?
 Thank you Xiaobai for the recommendation ticket
  Thank you for the cute monthly ticket
  The next chapter will be posted at night, I overslept this morning

(End of this chapter)

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