Chapter 36

The temperature gradually dropped at night, Song Weiyi took two thin blankets and led Qi Nian to the roof.

"Be careful." Qi Nian quickly grabbed the slippery Song Weiyi.

Song Weiyi was so frightened that she cried out in alarm, and when she sat down, she said with lingering fear: "If I slip down, my lower body will probably be disabled."

"Sit down." Qi Nian pushed back her leaning body.

Song Weiyi lay flat on the blanket and squinted at the starry sky. There are so many stars today, and each one shines with different light. Suddenly, a light slid across the sky. Song Weiyi sat up excitedly: "Meteor! Qi Nian, make a wish soon!" " After finishing speaking, she held her hands and looked at the place where the 'meteor' just slipped past, and made a wish devoutly.

Although Qi Nian knew in his heart that it was not a shooting star, he still imitated her actions and made a wish.

"Ouch." Song Weiyi stretched and lay down again.

Qi Nian looked away from Song Weiyi in front of him, he turned on his phone and saw the message from Wang Shuoyu.

Wang Shuoyu [Dude, what are you doing?Come to my bar Hi, it's your birthday today, I'll give you free. 】

Qi Nian [look at the stars. 】

Seeing his reply, Wang Shuoyu was taken aback for a moment, then laughed out of disbelief, and said to himself: "Damn, this guy is so leisurely and elegant."

Wang Shuoyu [It's so boring to watch the stars by yourself, come to me, I'll watch it with you. 】

Qi Nian [No need, I have someone to accompany me. 】

Wang Shuoyu looked at the last four words and a smiling face appeared in his head, and he replied very much [Which beauty is with you?They all took my place, dude. 】

Qi Nian glanced at Song Weiyi, who was admiring the stars with half-closed eyes, and replied 【Song Weiyi. 】

It was Wang Shuoyu's expected answer, and now Song Weiyi is the only girl who can call him. The friendship between him and Qi Nian for more than 20 years can't get rid of his grudges these years, and can't get rid of this ten-year-old university. The iceberg was warmed, and this girl did it in less than half a year, and she didn't know what magic power it had.

"Then it looks like Song Weiyi is probably celebrating his birthday today, not bad." He thought about not disturbing other people's good things, so he didn't ask any more, and replied 【Then take a good look at your 'star'. 】

After speaking, he put the phone aside and went downstairs to join the dance floor.

Qi Nian kicked the phone into his pocket and asked, "How do you know that today is my birthday?"

Song Weiyi was taking pictures of the sky full of stars with her mobile phone. Hearing this, she smiled and glanced at him, her tone excited: "I saw it written on your WeChat account."

Song Wei disagreed that he didn't speak, and a trace of ominousness rose in his heart: Why didn't he speak? Could it be his ex-girlfriend's birthday?Damn, do I count as jumping on his lightning spot all night?

Just as she was about to apologize, she heard Qi Nian laughing and saying, "It's pretty smart."

Song Weiyi mentioned that the heart in her throat was put into her stomach, she waved her hand, with a very modest look: "It's so-so!"

Then she realized that what this person meant was that she was not smart before?Song Weiyi suddenly turned her head to look at him, just happened to be looking at Qi Nian who was looking at her, the atmosphere between the two of them froze for a while, Song Weiyi hurriedly turned her head to pretend to look at the stars, cleared her throat in embarrassment, pointed to the air and said : "Look at the stars, look at the stars."

Qi Nian didn't expect that she would turn around suddenly, he saw the little girl blushing when she turned her head away, he smiled triumphantly, and continued, "Look at the stars."

Even though the wind brings some warmth during the day, the wind that blows at night is still cold. Song Weiyi glanced at the time and it was already 07:30, and grandparents probably would be back soon, taking Qi Nian down the roof.

Song Weiyi rubbed her cold hands and said, "I'll take you out."

Qi Nian naturally noticed it, and refused, "No need, it's cold outside, I'll go by myself."

Song Weiyi pushed his back and walked out, and when they reached the stairs, she stood beside him and stood shoulder to shoulder with him, jokingly said: "Is there anyone who doesn't send guests out, it seems that my master has no way of hospitality!"

Qi Nian knew that he couldn't hold her back, so he could only follow her wishes.

Song Weiyi opened the door and said, "Slow down on the road."

"it is good"

As soon as the door was opened, the two saw Grandpa Song and Grandma Song who had just come back from the outside and were about to knock on the door, and they were stunned at the same time.

Grandma Song was the first to react: "Who is this?"

Although Qi Nian was also a little flustered, his face was still very calm, and none of the proper manners were lost, "Grandpa and grandma are good, I am Qi Nian."

Grandma Song laughed suddenly when she heard the name, patted Qi Nian's arm, and said with relief: "Niannian, come back to see the old grandson and his wife. I heard the news that you came back from abroad a few years ago. Grandma didn’t see you during Chinese New Year, so I don’t recognize you anymore, look how tall and handsome you are.”

There was a slight smile on the corner of Qi Nian's mouth: "It's my fault that I haven't had time to visit you."

Grandma Song glanced at him ambiguously, then at Qi Nian, and said with a smile, "What's wrong? A family doesn't talk about two things."

Song Wei felt that she really misunderstood, and quickly interjected: "Grandma is getting late, and Qi Nian has to go home, so don't drag her around to chat."

"That's right, that's right, you see, I'm so old and confused, go home quickly, and grandma will come to chat with you someday."

"Goodbye, grandparents." Qi Nian looked at Song Weiyi again, and said, "I'm leaving."

Song Weiyi quickly waved her hands: "Bye, bye, bye."

When Qi Nian's figure disappeared into the alley, Grandma Song and Grandpa Song didn't look back, but the difference was that Grandma Song was full of joy, while Grandpa Song seemed to be looking at an enemy.

"Yiyi, come in with grandma." Grandma Song glanced at her and walked in front first.

In the main hall, Song Weiyi hurriedly explained without giving Grandma Song a chance to speak: "Grandma is not what you think, we are just ordinary friends, today is his birthday, and then I called him to help him celebrate a small birthday. "

Grandma Song followed her words and asked, "You two have nothing to do with each other. Why did you help him celebrate his birthday? Doesn't he have friends or family?"

When Song Weiyi heard Grandma Song's words, she had no words to refute. She actually felt that what Grandma Song said made sense. She woke up this afternoon and suddenly realized that today is Qi Nian's birthday. She went to the cake shop to buy two small cakes by accident. , I don’t know why, I just want to celebrate his birthday.

When she asked him out, she still thought, wouldn't it be a good idea to ask him out on his birthday today? She was ready for Qi Nian's back-and-forth answer, but who knew that he actually agreed.

When he opened his eyes and saw the birthday cake, she saw the joy and surprise flashing in Qi Nian's eyes, and she thought: he didn't celebrate his birthday with his friends and family today, so there must be some difficulties.

But Song Weiyi didn't have a habit of inquiring about other people's private affairs, so she didn't ask him why Wang Shuoyu and his relatives didn't celebrate his birthday.

At that time, she didn't know why she was very kind to the man in front of her, she wanted to make him happy, and she didn't want to see the emptiness in his eyes when she first met him.

Later, all the wishes she made to Meteor were: I hope Qi Nian can be happy all his life.

The more Song Weiyi thought about it, the more guilty she felt, and said hastily: "Anyway, it's not what you think, I'm going upstairs, you guys go to bed early too!" Then went upstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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