Chapter 125

The next day, the first ray of light fell on the window in the morning, and wanted to disturb the sleeping people inside but was blocked by the curtains. Song Weiyi opened her eyes slightly, and the light from the curtains reminded her that it was getting late.

Song Weiyi closed her eyes again, embraced the servant in Qi Nian's arms, and said softly, "Qi Nian."

Qi Nian retracted his arms to put the person and himself together, resting his chin on the top of her hair, he hummed.

Song Weiyi put her arm around his thin waist and asked, "Aren't you going to work?"

"No, I will accompany you."


Song Weiyi slept on his shoulder for another hour, and it was already eleven o'clock after waking up, Qi Nian's eyes were closed, his eyelashes were long and dense, Song Weiyi raised her hand and lightly brushed his eyelids.

"Are you awake?" Qi Nian opened his eyes and looked at her, then lowered his head and kissed the top of her hair: "What time is it?"

"It's twelve o'clock."

Qi Nian squeezed the space between his brows, and got up after he regained consciousness a bit: "I'll cook for you." His upper body was naked, and his muscles reached his eyes, Song Weiyi felt that his nosebleed was about to flow out.

Qi Nian felt her gaze and turned his head to look: "Nympho."

"You're a nymphomaniac." Song Weiyi turned over and got out of bed, she was still wearing Qi Nian's shirt, and her two white and tender legs walked away in such small steps until they disappeared from Qi Nian's eyes, he couldn't bear it. Tsk' sound, it's so damn attractive.

Song Weiyi quickly washed up and tied herself into a ponytail. Like a college student, Qi Nian put on loose sweatpants with trouser ropes hanging on both sides, and the mermaid line extended to the waist of his trousers. He leaned against the door and looked at Song Weiyi slowly. I washed my face slowly, feeling like I was still committing a crime.

Qi Nian murmured, "Why are you so young?"

Song Weiyi's ponytail flicked behind her, she couldn't hear it clearly, so she let out an ah.

"It's nothing." Qi Nian got up to wash up.

There was almost nothing in the refrigerator, so he took out the leftover chicken and vegetables, and said helplessly, "This is all I have, let's make do with it?"

"Okay." Song Weiyi didn't have the right to choose, and smiled while holding her mobile phone: "Can I buy some takeaway?"

Qi Nian resolutely refused: "No, it's not healthy."

"Okay." Song Weiyi took a pitiful look at the delicious food on Meituan and turned it off.

"Wait for me in the living room." Qi Nian looked at the listless Song Weiyi and smiled.


Qi Nian's actions were fast, and the meal was ready within half an hour. Song Weiyi, who was not hungry at first, groaned when she smelled the delicious food. She walked to the restaurant and looked at the plate of fried chicken with potatoes and couldn't help but drool.

'ding dong'
"Is anyone there?" Song Weiyi chewed on potato chips.

"Go and open the door." Qi Nian brought up the rice.


Opening the door, standing at the door was a takeaway boy in yellow clothes, holding a big box of takeaway in his hand, Song Weiyi was stunned, didn't she not order?Just as I was about to ask if I sent the wrong foreign aid brother, I asked, "Is it Mr. Qi?"

Song Weiyi glanced at Qi Nian who was setting chopsticks in the room, he nodded, Song Weiyi was a little surprised, the takeaway boy didn't know the medicines sold here, the next order was coming soon, he stuffed the takeaway into Song Weiyi's hand very much Dedicated to say something: "I wish you a pleasant meal." Then ran away.

Song Weiyi was happily wandering around the house with an unknown takeaway in her hand.

"So happy?" Qi Nian took the takeaway and opened it on the table.

"What did you buy?" Song Weiyi stared expectantly at Qi Nian's hand that untied the takeaway bag, the dishes inside slowly appeared in sight, it was Song Weiyi's favorite braised pork, the kind with a huge portion .

"Baby, I love you." Song Weiyi stared at the braised pork, I don't know who said I love you, Qi Nian raised her chin, "Watch me say it again, huh?"

Song Weiyi hugged his neck and kissed him quickly on the lips, and called her husband sweetly.

Qi Nian's hand held her waist, two fiery bodies pressed together, the 'husband' ignited the bomb in Qi Nian's head like a fuse, he closed his eyes to find Song Weiyi's lips, and his lips brushed hers all the way Eyes, eyelashes and nose found her mouth, Song Weiyi raised her chin to respond to him, and kissed Qi Nian all the way to her neck.

Song Weiyi pushed his chest, she was a little tired yesterday and couldn't stand it now, she sat at the table, "Eat and eat."

"Kiss again." Qi Nian held her face and kissed her on the lips, and then very neatly let her go and sat on the chair.

She felt that Qi Nian was like a scumbag, he left after kissing, leaving her alone in the same place, and she couldn't get enough of it.

"Hurry up and eat." Qi Nian has already picked up the bowl and started to pick up vegetables, and by the way, helped Song Weiyi pick up a piece of braised pork.

Song Weiyi pulled out the chair and sat across from him with the bowl, eating sullenly, Qi Nian didn't notice that she was angry, and finished the meal as if nothing had happened, then went to the kitchen with the bowl.

The mobile phone on the table vibrated twice, Song Weiyi took it over to look, it was Wang Yu.

Wang Yu: [Sister, I found it, come and see this afternoon? 】

Song Weiyi glanced at the scumbag's back, and readily agreed.

Song Weiyi did not expect Wang Yu's speed. She thought it would take half a month to find her, but she was really surprised to find her in one day.

"Same year."

The sound of water in the kitchen was loud, Song Weiyi opened the kitchen door, poked her head in, and said loudly, "Qi Nian!"

Qi Nian stopped washing the dishes, raised his hand to turn off the faucet, and said, "Huh? What's wrong?"

"I'll go out in the afternoon." Song Weiyi walked over and leaned against the sink, with one leg supporting her whole body and dangling in the air.

Qi Nian's expression changed in an instant, and he said aggrievedly, "Today is the first day of our wedding."

"Sorry." Song Weiyi kissed him on the cheek and ran to the bedroom.

Qi Nian's clothes were too big, she could only find a similar one to wear, but she still looked like an opera singer.

While shaking her sleeves, Song Weiyi picked up her mobile phone and sent a message to Wang Yu, and the location was downstairs at Qi Nian's house.

Before leaving, Qi Nian asked for a kiss on her lips, his expression still aggrieved: "Come back early, wife."

"Okay." Song Weiyi felt that her little wings were about to grow out, and all his anger was dispelled by calling his wife, but she still resolutely went downstairs with her bag on her back.

Wang Yu was driving Song Weiyi's car, she was in a good mood today, when she got in the car, Wang Yu praised at the bar: "Yuyu, you are so handsome today."

"Yuyu, your hairstyle is really nice."

"Yuyu, this dress of yours looks so good, can you give me a link, I'll buy one for my husband too."

Wang Yu understood, it turned out that they were waiting for him here.

(End of this chapter)

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