Chapter 122

Ye Shenghua and Song Jian got their household registration books and sat in the car for a long time before they both got out of the car. When they got home, they saw such a scene. Song Weizhi hugged Song Weiyi with tears all over his face, and his mouth was broken and he didn't know what he was talking about , Song Weizhi stopped crying when he heard the door opening, and cried again when he saw the household registration book in Ye Shenghua's hand: "Sister, I don't want you to marry, can you please don't?"

The four people in the room came out after hearing the sound, Song Weizhi couldn't help laughing at the crying ghosts and gods, even Ye Shenghua and Song Jian who had a sad face couldn't help laughing, she laughed Feeling weak in limbs, he pulled away Song Weizhi who was hanging on Song Weiyi's body, took a tissue to wipe his tears, and said, "Don't be ashamed."

Song Weizhi cried and twitched. He looked at Qi Nian who was standing not far away, and warned: "If you dare to treat my sister a little bit badly, I will tear down your company."

"rest assured."

Ye Shenghua pulled Song Weiyi over with a complicated expression, and asked, "Have you really thought about it?"

Song Weiyi nodded seriously: "Mom, I've made up my mind."

Ye Shenghua naturally knew the reason why her daughter should get married when she grows up, but it came so suddenly that she couldn't accept it for a while, she put the household registration book in Song Weiyi's hands, and sighed: "Go, go .”

The sky began to clear up, a black BMW was driving on the road, and a couple of newlyweds were sitting in it, Song Weiyi's clothes were stained by Song Weizhi's snot and tears, she changed into a white shirt, and before getting into the car, she changed into a white shirt. Almost being dragged by Song Weizhi to cry, Song Weiyi's heart was pounding, looking at the household registration book in her hand, she felt unreal, she stretched out her arms while the red light was on, "Qi Nian, pinch me."

Qi Nian raised his hand and gently twisted the back of her hand, feeling a sense of pain, Song Weiyi withdrew his hand contentedly, then took a photo with his mobile phone and sent it to Zheng Pippi: [Soon to be a married person. 】

Zheng Pipi was probably filming for a while and didn't reply.

There were not too many people in the Civil Affairs Bureau in the afternoon. Qi Nian and Song Weiyi were sitting together and waiting in line to get married. Both of them were nervous and didn't know what to say. Qi Nian suddenly stood up: "I'm going out to smoke a cigarette .”

Song Weiyi also stood up: "I will go too."

Two people, one tall and one short, were leaning against the wall and smoking a cigarette, their postures were the same, the combination of handsome men and beautiful women attracted many people's attention, Song Weiyi was a little sour: "Why so many girls look at you."

"Aren't you too." Qi Nian glanced at her legs in short skirts, which were white and straight. He had already noticed that many men were watching. Qi Nian threw their cigarettes into the trash can, and led Song Weiyi away He went in, sat down and took off his coat and threw it on her lap.

Song Weiyi leaned on his shoulder and asked, "Why are you learning to smoke?"

"You only allow the state officials to set fires and not allow the common people to light lamps." Qi Nian put his hand on Song Weiyi's waist and pinched her. She was afraid of itches, so she giggled after being pinched by Qi Nian, "Oh , I'm serious."

"Because of you." Qi Nian put the hand that was removed by her on it again: "Only by smoking can I miss you."

Song Weiyi was silent, and after a while said: "Qi Nian, I'm sorry."

"Then you have to spend your whole life to compensate me."

A couple of newlyweds were sitting in front of the red backdrop. The photographer looked at Song Weiyi, who was smiling widely, and said helplessly, "The bride's smile should be a little smaller, it's too big."

"Oh good."

Qi Nian lowered his voice and said, "I know I'm happy to be married to me, but you don't have to be so obvious."

"If you force me to leave immediately, believe it or not?"

This trick really worked. Qi Nian immediately shut up.

'Boom' and 'Boom' were stamped on their photos, and the staff handed them their marriage certificates, saying blessings: "I wish you a happy marriage for a hundred years and a baby boy soon."

"Thank you." After getting the marriage certificate, Qi Nian's heart was truly relieved.

Song Weiyi was dissatisfied as she sat on the co-pilot holding the marriage certificates of the two people and felt dissatisfied, so she handed over Qi Nian's certificate and directed, "Qi Nian, take it."

Qi Nian was very cooperative, Song Weiyi switched her phone to selfie mode, snapped a photo of the two of them, and immediately posted it on Moments
Qi Nian pointed the QR code at her with a dark face: "Add me."

"Okay." Song Weiyi quickly added his friend, his profile picture is still the couple's profile picture used by two people four years ago, she felt guilty again, but Qi Nian was happy, took the photo and sent it to Moments Qi Nian suddenly posted on Moments, or the Moments where he announced his marriage, with a string of "I rely on" below, only Wang Shuoyu is "Brothers are awesome".

Song Weiyi pursed her lips: "What, no one praised me for being beautiful."

"Did you praise me for being handsome?"

"Yes." Song Weiyi showed him the phone, apart from those who were surprised that she was married, there were also many people who praised Qi Nian for being handsome, but a few people's comments were particularly prominent.

Qian Siming: [My youth is really over, but does that kid Huang Xu know? 】

Xu Xuan: [I will keep my love in my heart. 】

Qian Sen: [Xu Xuan, just give up, congratulations, Sister Yi. 】

Wang Yu: 【This is Director Qi? ? ? 】

Wang Yu: [Sister, you are married, can we go back to the set tomorrow? 】

Qi Nian also asked her: "Does Huang Xu know?"

Song Weiyi responded to the comment and said, "I probably don't know, we don't have WeChat."

"Okay." Qi Nian was in a better mood.

Song Weiyi sent a private message to Wang Yu: [Let's not go back to the set, let's refund the ticket. 】

Wang Yu replied quickly: [Okay sister, happy newlyweds, but who are you and Dong Qi? 】

Song Weiyi: [This is a long story. I want to open a studio and make my own small clothing brand. Recently, you will help me find a place and recruit people and factories. 】

Wang Yu: [Received. 】

Building her own brand is Song Weiyi’s dream since she was in high school. Later, she insisted on studying art, and she also had this consideration. Opening a studio was not something she thought about on the first day. She asked Zheng Pipi to help her learn management. When the students recruited assistants, they were laying the foundation for today. Before this, they brought Wang Yu into the group to see his ability. Otherwise, she is not a star or a key figure. people really think so.

Qi Nian saw her chat records and asked, "Do you need my help?"

Song Weiyi didn't want to rely on men, so she directly refused.

"Tell me when you need me."

"Okay." Song Weiyi asked him with a smile, "Why is the company called Wild Rose?"

"You are a rose, a rose in the wild."

The company is about to change its name, and Rose goes home.

(End of this chapter)

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