Chapter 42
Lingyue is most annoyed by shopping, walking back and forth, it's boring.

But who let her be with this little carrot.

"Yue Yue, do you like this?" Ning Fengzhi grabbed Ling Yue's hand and walked to a jewelry stall.

He immediately took a fancy to this white jade hairpin. The body of the hairpin was made of white jade, with a lifelike blue flower on it, and a hollow blue butterfly hanging under the blue flower.

Yue Yue likes blue, so she must like this hairpin.

Uncle Jian said that to please girls, you have to give them things they like, so that girls will be happy.

"It's so beautiful." Lingyue took the hairpin, it's worthy of being a street stall, and the inferior ones are useless.

There are still some flaws in the white jade, and the blue flower still has a petal cracked.

"Wrap it up." Lingyue took out the money and handed it to the stall owner, as long as the little thing likes it.

"Use mine." Ning Fengzhi reached out and took Lingyue's money back, and put it back into Lingyue's purse.

He took out his purse and took the money.

Uncle Jian said that when you date a girl, you can't let the girl take money. The girl's money must be kept for her to buy gifts for herself, and the boy's money is also used to buy gifts for the girl.

"Then I'll trouble you." Ling Yue rubbed Ning Fengzhi's head, she almost forgot that the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is rich.

Especially since this little thing is still the young master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, he must be a little fat sheep.

"Let's go and look at other things." Ning Fengzhi took the hairpin and put it in his arms.Then she held Ling Yue's hand and continued walking.

"Okay" Lingyue was stunned for a moment, didn't the hairpin belong to her, why did she put it away, maybe she wanted to surprise her.

"Yue Yue, I miss you so much." Ning Fengzhi leaned his head on Ling Yue's arm and murmured.

I really hope that Yue Yue can always be with me like this.

(End of this chapter)

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