Chapter 625 Chapter 625: Before leaving (4)

Qin Huo understood what Ruan Jun said inside and outside the words, he just expressed that she wanted to go abroad, and he couldn't stop her at all.

This made him very frustrated. If possible, he would also like to go abroad with Ruan Jun to protect her, but his current status would not allow him to do so.

He took a deep breath and said, "When are you leaving?"

Ruan Jun thought for a while and said, "In a few days."

She lied, and was afraid that Qin Huo would do something to stop her.

Qin Huo breathed a sigh of relief, then stared at her suspiciously.

He said, "Really?"

The reason why Qin Huo can say this sentence is because Ruan Jun can also "change his face".

Such a woman.Obviously not telling the truth.

Ruan Jun didn't expect that Qin Huo would become so smart.

It seems that after more than a year, I still have a little brain.

Just as she was about to say something, she suddenly heard footsteps outside. She turned her head and froze for a moment.

Because the person who walked in was the last person she wanted to see.

Behind him, Zhang Manman and Cang Yi followed.

Zhang Manman: "Zipei, come quickly, let me introduce you, this is..."

Zhang Manman stopped talking suddenly, just because she noticed Ruan Jun's expression.

She had never seen Ruan Jun show such an expression, which was unbelievable and implied other complicated emotions.

And she glanced at Qin Tingfeng again, and found that Qin Tingfeng's expression was also very strange,
Especially the eyes of the other party, on Ruan Jun and Tong Tong in Ruan Jun's arms, are constantly handing over.

At this moment, Zhang Manman seemed to realize something.

Then I realized that I seemed to have done something stupid.

"I didn't expect that you are here. I have been looking for you for a long time." Qin Tingfeng said complicatedly.

At this moment, he seemed to understand why this woman left so simply without leaving a trace.

Qin Tingfeng was not reluctant to part with Jun Ruan at the beginning, so he went to find her, but wanted to give her a sum of money.

After all, she is a woman who has been with her for a long time, so I want to give her a sum of money to settle down before she leaves.

As a result, when I went to her house, I found that this woman had already run away.

It also runs too fast.

At that moment, he realized something, but he didn't delve into it.

He just asked someone to look for it first, but he couldn't find it later, and he didn't look for it again after that.

But I didn't expect to see each other in this way for more than a year.

It's really... interesting.

No one else at the scene spoke, and seemed to realize something.

Even Qin Huo watched this scene in disbelief.

In the end, Ruan Jun took a deep breath and said to Zhang Manman: "Sister Manman, you go upstairs first with Tongtong in your arms."

"Wait." Qin Tingfeng said, "Let me see her."

Ruan Jun was silent for a moment, then walked over with the child in his arms.

After all, this person is the father of the child, although Ruan Jun didn't think that the child must grow up with a father.

Even if necessary, she can find a new one for her, not necessarily the original one.

But at this time, since they have already met, she doesn't have to be afraid anymore.

They come, the security.

Simply let Tongtong meet her father.

At this time, Tongtong has fallen asleep. She is more than one year old, and she looks more and more cute. Her cheeks are chubby, and she still sleeps with her left index finger in her mouth. Occasionally, she babbles. That appearance is so cute people.

Of course, Ruan Jun would let Qin Tingfeng look at Tongtong so directly because he knew that Qin Tingfeng didn't like children.

After all, he didn't like what happened on the original story line.

However, this time, after Qin Tingfeng saw Tongtong, he didn't speak for a long time.

Finally, he said cautiously: "Can I hug her? Will she wake up?"

(End of this chapter)

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