After transmigrating into a vicious mother, she was forced to raise cubs

Chapter 566 Chapter 566: Environment determines character

Chapter 566 Chapter 566: Environment determines character
Ruan Jun is still very confident in his disguise, so even if he ran into Qin Huo, he didn't feel guilty.

Qin Huo didn't seem to recognize him either.

She didn't have any sympathy for the person who was beaten to death by Qin Huo, but she just felt that the lives of people in this era are worthless.

In the chaotic world, it is not easy to live in peace and stability.

Ruan Jun couldn't tell what he was feeling.

Feeling sore and bloated, I always want to do something, but I don't know where to start.

She rarely complained to 2333: "You said that I was so majestic in the last world. I don't know why, but the mentality of this world is different."

2333 seeks truth from facts: [Each world of the host will be affected by the emotions of the original owner and the background of the times.For example, in the world of Mengbaowen, you are decisive in the shopping malls, and you are a profit-seeking businessman. In this case, you will also suffer from some businessman's problems, um, such as being extra sympathetic to jade. 】

[The previous world was a world of martial arts, and the original owner has high martial arts skills, so you will also be affected, which is normal.Of course, the host itself also has the mentality of wanting to become a strong person. 】

[In this world, the character of the original owner does not have much influence on the host, but this relatively heavy background of the times will more or less affect the host. 】

It's rare for 2333 to be able to talk so much with Ruan Jun in one breath, and after finishing speaking, he thought again.

Before the host, every world was emptied of emotions, so he probably forgot about it.

Ruan Jun took 2333's words seriously.

There is a saying that the environment in which a person grows can affect a person's character.

Probably because the original owner was still young, after she became the original owner, she also had the mind of most people with lofty ideals in this era.

The era is at the turn of the old and the new, and the Chinese and Western cultures collide fiercely.

Nothing less than many years to come, some people will say that this is the best of times, but also the worst of times!
People began to emancipate their minds, pursue scientific civilization, freedom and democracy, and masters and heroes emerged in large numbers.

However, the pioneers of the chaotic era are struggling on the road of pursuit, and they have used their blood and life to explore new knowledge and verify the truth.

On this road, life and death converge.

How many of them will be divided, no one knows.

There is no good or evil, and everyone just wants to reach the same goal by different routes - to prosper this country.

Because of 2333's words, Ruan Jun lowered his head and stared at Tongtong who was asleep after his mood opened up.

After she was born, she hardly cried much.

I was scared and cried a few times just now, and there were still a few tears on my face.

She thought to herself, "Tongtong, what should mother do to make you grow up safely and happily?"

"Let go of me. Could it be that he did something wrong and I can't say a few words?"

"You killed a person, a person from Yan Kingdom, do you know?"

"Why are you so indifferent? Even if he did something wrong, can't you forgive him?"

Ruan Jun heard a woman's sharp voice, which was noisier than the previous gunshot.

Ruan Jun was startled, and quickly covered Tongtong's ears.

What should I do if the child wakes up and cries again?
She will be distressed.

She raised her head, and saw not far away a man wearing a short blue skirt, with a few buttons on his chest slanted, and a long blue skirt on his lower body.

Coupled with the sassy short hair, it sets off the unique charm of the face that can only be regarded as delicate.

This outfit clearly looks like a college student.

The corners of her mouth twitched.

Has this man learned his knowledge from dogs?Dare to preach in front of people like Qin Huo?

(End of this chapter)

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