Chapter 93 Alcohol
At Chu Yao's signal, Suiye and Chief Ayan picked up the bowls at the same time, and each took a small sip carefully.

Chu Yao, on the other hand, watched this miraculous scene intently.

Although she didn't know when wine became available, as far as she knew, among Sui Ye, Patriarch Ayan, and the barbarians she knew, absolutely no one had seen wine before, and if they drank , Sui Ye and Patriarch Ah Yan should be the No.1 of this era.

Therefore, the sense of ceremony must be indispensable.

In the eyes of the onlookers, this event was already full of ceremony.

You know, people at this time only use water to quench their thirst, and usually everyone drinks water by holding it by the river with their hands, because there are no utensils at all.

After Chu Yao came, members of the Suiren clan had pottery bowls, but they were only used for eating, and few people were willing to use them for drinking.

But now, although the crowd didn't taste the wine, but from Patriarch Suiye and Patriarch Ayan's first careful attempt, then to the strange expressions, and then they were ecstatic, pouring the wine from the bowl into their mouths , they saw that the drink made by the goddess must be supremely delicious.

Sui Ye and Ah Yan quickly drank a large bowl of wine each.

Both of them had bronze-colored skin. At this time, each of them drank a bowl of fruit wine, and their faces were flushed with a layer of red, which added some cuteness to the expressions of the two patriarchs.

Of course, compared to the ritual feeling of drinking, everyone on the field is more interested in what the wine tastes like.

What they don't know is that wine has been the exclusive drink of nobles since its birth.Because wine can only be produced with food and grain, and most of the time, ordinary people don't even have food to fill their stomachs, so there is no chance to drink wine.

However, there were no nobles in the barbaric era, but, except for the patriarch and the elders of the clan, ordinary people still did not have enough food.

The Suiren clan was the only exception.

Because of Chu Yao, the ordinary people of the Suiren clan not only have enough food, but also enjoy the same equal status and treatment as the patriarch and elders.

That's why Suiye, as the patriarch, drank there, and the people of the Suiren clan dared to think about the taste of the wine.

If it was changed to another clan, it would be good for ordinary people to see it.

"Two patriarchs, how does the wine taste?" Chu Yao asked with a smile, wanting to know how the wine she made for the first time was like.

"Madam, let's drink together!" Sui Ye said, helping Chu Yao pick up the wine bowl in front of her.Chu Yao lightly took a sip.

The taste is pretty good, but I haven't come across delicious drinks since I came here.

Then, Chu Yao gulped down half a bowl of wine and shouted: "Qingti, pour wine for each of the clansmen for a night. Let everyone taste this delicacy."

Hearing what Chu Yao said, the clansmen got excited, took out their own bowls, and lined up to prepare. "

Chu Yao frowned when she saw everyone's bowls: "The bowls where you eat must be cleaned before pouring wine."

It turns out that people in the barbaric era had never used bowls before, but because of the pottery-making technology brought by Chu Yao, the Suiren clan was given a bowl to each clan member to use as a eating utensil.

But people in this era used to eat with their hands, but now even if they have bowls, they are used for serving food, and they don’t need to be put down. There is no concept of cleaning at all.

But in Chu Yao's cognition, washing dishes after meals is a matter of course, so she neglected to teach everyone this matter.

At this time, the tribesmen took out the bowls, and Chu Yao noticed this, so she ordered the tribesmen to wash the dishes.

The execution ability of the Suiren clan was not bad. Hearing Chu Yao's words, they all took their bowls to the river to wash.

With quick legs, he ran back immediately after washing the bowl, carefully holding the bowl, and asked Qing Ti to help fill a bowl of clear sorbet fruit wine.

The clansmen who poured good wine almost all acted in the same way, first took a sip slowly, and then took it elsewhere to taste it carefully with a happy face.

At this time, Chu Yao noticed that there was a row of people from other clans standing far away. They did not approach, but stood in the distance and watched enviously.

Her heart moved, it was obvious that people from these clans also wanted to drink, but they didn't have bowls, so they were embarrassed to come near.

At that moment she called Sui Wudao: "Go and give out a bowl to those people from other clans, and let each of them share a bowl of wine."

After listening to Chu Yao's words, Suiwu went straight to the other clans and announced: "The goddess asked each of you to get a bowl, and you can share a bowl of wine."

People from other clans were overjoyed. They had already eaten braised rabbit meat earlier and were planning to go back to rest, but after smelling the aroma of wine, they really couldn't bear to leave.But they also knew that the Sui Ren clan had done their best by allowing them to eat the same food as the Sui Ren clan for three meals a day and allowing them to eat as much as they wanted. However, they were really embarrassed about such a precious thing as wine. I came to ask for it.But I didn't expect the goddess to ask them to drink.

At that moment, people from other clans also approached, and Suiwu asked them to give each of them a bowl, and then poured wine for them.

After these people from other clans served the wine, they immediately put it aside, and then a few people chatted and drank it slowly.

Although the alcohol content of fruit wine is not high, it does contain a certain amount of alcohol after all. After drinking it, many people began to become excited. Everyone was amazed that there is such a magical thing in the world. After drinking it, people can forget their sorrow and pain. trouble.

Relatively speaking, people from other clans reacted better after drinking alcohol than people from the Suiren clan, probably because they were all young and middle-aged men and lived far away from the clan.Although the Suiren clan treated them like their own clan members and never saw outsiders, they were more or less vigilant in their hearts.

After drinking, people from these other clans took the initiative to wash the dishes by the stream, and handed them over to Suiwu.

At this time, Yale was also washing dishes by the river, and she had been eyeing Chu Yao, feeling that Chu Yao had snatched away her patriarch's cousin.

But later, as Chu Yao did more and more things for the clan, her prestige in the clan became higher and higher, and her relationship with Suiye became better, so Ya Le had nothing to do.

At this time, Yale saw that a man from another clan pretended to go to the river to wash dishes after drinking, then hid the bowl in the grass by the river, and then left.

Ya Le's eyes widened at the moment. Although she was arbitrary, she also understood that the pottery bowl was a relatively valuable item, and this person from another clan obviously wanted to hide the bowl and steal it if she had a chance.

At that moment, Yale ran back quickly and came to Sui Ye's side: "Cousin Sui Ye, come quickly, I have something to tell you."

(End of this chapter)

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