Chapter 25 Ten Women
Chu Yao shouted: "Patriarch, wait a moment."

Patriarch Qingyu was taken aback, stopped, and asked, "What orders does the goddess have?"

Chu Yao said: "Go home and pick good people and bring good things, and you come with these people. From now on, you will be by my side."

The attendant she said was by her side, in fact, she wanted to detain Patriarch Qingyu in the Suiren clan as a hostage.

Otherwise, Chu Yao in the previous life knew that there were too many things in history that violated the oath and repented.

The Qingyu tribe is powerful, after letting these people go back, they may not come back again after some time, and Suiren will have a hard time dealing with it.

Patriarch Qingyu paused, and immediately responded: "Follow Goddess Cong's orders."

He swore a poisonous oath originally in order to escape as soon as possible. As for whether he would have any different intentions in the future, that was a matter for the future. Unexpectedly, the goddess saw through his thoughts, which made him feel secretly afraid.

Sui Ye who was beside him was relieved, it turned out that Madam had already considered it.

Now there are still many followers of the Qingyu tribe who are captives in the deep pit, and they dare not do anything against them. When these people are all released, they may not be obedient in the future.

Although people in the barbaric era also respected their oaths and had few cunning people, they still belonged to an uncivilized era and had no moral concepts. It was normal for them to break the contract.

After Patriarch Qingyu took the people away, Chu Yao ordered the Suiren clan: "Pull up those weapons below."

The Qingyu people below just wanted to save their lives, and they cooperated obediently, harvesting their wooden sticks and sharp spears in bundles, and then tied them with vines, and let the people above hang them up in bundles.

Chu Yao looked at the weapons of the Qingyu tribe, most of them were just ordinary wooden sticks and spears made of sharpened branches, but some of the spear tips were ground from some kind of bone.

She tried a spear tipped with bone, found a rock, and jabbed it.

The stone shattered in response.

Chu Yao was stunned. She was not very strong, but she could have such a good effect? ​​No wonder Suiye said just now that the Qingyu people were powerful in fighting, so they were equipped with such powerful weapons.

She called Sui Ye and said, "Patriarch, what kind of bone do you think this is?"

Sui Ye walked over, picked up the spear and weighed it: "This is a tiger tooth. Normally a tiger bites a bone, and it can be crushed with a light blow, because its teeth are so hard."

He pondered again and said to Chu Yao: "It's no wonder that the Qingyu people are brave and good at fighting. It turns out that their weapons are very powerful. I heard from the older generation that the Qingyu people were similar to my Suiren people."

"What happened later?" Chu Yao asked, she needed to know more about the events of this era so that she could make corresponding countermeasures.

"Later, by force, they robbed other clans everywhere, robbed women and food, and occupied a piece of land with the most abundant products, and became the current Qingyu clan." Suiye said, his eyes shining brightly.

When he was a child, he had an ideal, which was to lead the Suiren clan to expand like the Qingyu patriarch.

It's a pity that after becoming the patriarch, he realized that it was too difficult to do this.

Although I am extremely brave, I have exhausted all my energy just to hunt and feed the tribe, let alone let the tribe grow stronger.

"Let all the men in our clan wear this sharp spear." Chu Yao said, and moved closer to Suiye, "I will make more powerful weapons and equip our Suiren warriors. I will let you Become a true God of War."

If Chu Yao had said this a few days ago, Sui Ye might have thought she was bragging.

However, he saw with his own eyes today that the tribe defeated the powerful Qingyu tribe under the leadership of this woman, so he has great trust in Chu Yao.

He felt Chu Yao's breath gently blowing on him because he was close to him, and he couldn't help but feel an impulse in his heart.She hugged Chu Yao with both hands: "Ma'am."

Chu Yao's pretty face turned red all of a sudden. What are you talking about? Of course I like you very much, but it doesn't mean that I want to be with you now. And it's broad daylight, okay?

At this time, the people around had already turned their gazes to this side.

Everyone noticed that the patriarch was sticking to the goddess.

For barbarians, it is not a shameful thing to have sex with men and women in public. Moreover, the stronger a man is, the more capable he is, and thus the more admirable he is.

But Chu Yao was not, she was a woman educated by civilization in that era.

Couldn't take it anymore, even though she was addicted to the masculine aura exuded by Suiye, Chu Yao still endured it with her own firm will.

She broke away from Sui Ye's embrace, but before leaving, she naughtily rubbed her small face on Sui Ye's naked and strong chest, and jumped up before Sui Ye could react.

Sui Ye, who was being teased by Chu Yao, couldn't bear to go forward again, Chu Yao hurriedly made a stop gesture: "Sui Ye, we still have business to do now."

The number of the Suiren clan is much smaller than that of the Qingyu clan, so now every Suiren clan warrior is equipped with tiger-toothed spears.

Suiye took Chu Yao to inspect the men of Suiren's family, and nodded in satisfaction.

However, Chu Yao could see from the previous battles that although these men were brave, they didn't have any rules when fighting.

Although she was not interested in the art of war in her previous life, she had received military training and understood the importance of unity and coordination in battle.

Based on her experience in her previous life, a well-trained army of a hundred people could easily defeat a rabble of 1000 people.

Thinking of this, she made a bigger decision: "Patriarch, I want to train these men to become brave warriors."

"Madam, what can I do to train them?" Sui Ye asked, disapproving of Chu Yao's words.

Although he has also experienced Chu Yao's prowess, isn't fighting a war just based on bravery, as long as there are more people, is there any need for training?
However, out of respect for Chu Yao, he didn't say it out.

But Chu Yao saw his disapproval from Sui Ye's eyes.

"The patriarch thinks, how many women can a strong man beat?" Chu Yao asked.

"At least ten." Sui Ye replied confidently. If it were him, he felt that even a hundred women would not be his match.

"Well, I'll find ten women now, and the patriarch can choose the five strongest men among the men, and we will compete with him." Chu Yao said, challenging Suiye.

The fact that the patriarch asked the goddess to compete immediately spread among the clansmen, and the clansmen flocked to watch the fun.

Sui Ye immediately picked five men.

Chu Yao was also among the women and picked out ten young women.

Before the game started, Chu Yao whispered something to these women.

The women nodded repeatedly.

But the men on Suiye's side laughed loudly one by one. They believed that no matter what they did, five men of their own could easily deal with ten women.

(End of this chapter)

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