Chapter 145 Delicious, so delicious
"After winter, we will go back to the clan to see if we can stay." The most eloquent leader of the Yan tribe said, "If the patriarch doesn't let us stay, I've discussed it with several patriarchs. Another clan will be set up outside, and our women and children will be picked up by the clan, and we will hunt and feed them."

There is no imbalance between men and women in this era, and these people are in their prime, so many of them have women and children.

Seeing that the question was almost finished, Chu Yao simply said: "In this case, why don't you join the Suiren clan directly and work under the head of the Suiye clan."

That's what Chu Yao thought when she saw the leaders of these clans coming.

But she didn't understand whether openly bringing people from other clans over would cause dissatisfaction among the clan chiefs.

Now I know that attracting these people will not only not cause dissatisfaction among the clan leaders, but they will also thank the Suiren clan.

Because these people are separated, they will not occupy the resources they originally occupied.

Of course, the biggest problem in this is whether the Suiren clan has limited resources and can support so many people.

Chu Yao already has a way to solve this problem. The large piece of flat land she visited today can be reclaimed for farming and can support as many people as possible.

Moreover, it is not that there are no resources in the wilderness at this time, but many resources that humans do not know how to use. As long as the method is proper, the resources of each clan will be continuously transported to the Suiren clan.

For example, various clans are now transporting cotton, corn, and pine nuts to the Suiren clan.

The condition that Chu Yao helped Sui Renshi open was that half of the raw materials used for processing all items would be charged as processing fees.

Such measures can allow the Suiren clan to support more people, so for the Suiren clan, the population is now wealth.

People in this era will not hide their own thoughts, and their emotions are all expressed on their faces.

Hearing what Chu Yao said, the leaders of all the clans were ecstatic, and immediately became unbelievable.

The leader of the Yan tribe said: "If the Suiren clan is willing to keep us, we will definitely work hard for the Suiren clan."

People in this era don't have the word "go through fire and water", and life is their only wealth, and a person who is willing to work hard for others is the greatest respect.

"In this case, send people back to your respective clans tomorrow and invite your patriarchs to come over. If they agree, the Suiren clan can let you join. At the same time, your wives and children can also come together."

Chu Yao also thought that if a large number of men came over, women would definitely be needed to multiply and grow the Suiren clan.Just now she heard from these people that there are ready-made women and children in the clan, and it would be the best if they could bring them over.

Moreover, the new markets built for the clans have not been used yet, and the families of these clans can live there temporarily after they come over.

Hearing that Chu Yao had considered them so thoughtfully for them, all the leaders were overjoyed and began to make noise, discussing their own thoughts after joining the Suiren clan.

At this time, Qingti came over and said: "Patriarch, Goddess, the food is ready, you can eat."

Originally, barbarian people didn't call it "eating", but usually called "eating", or just "eat". Later, after Chu Yao taught them how to cook rice, they gradually called three meals a day as meals, and they usually eat snacks. It's called "eating". These sayings were brought by Chu Yao from that world, and they were not expected to become popular in the barbaric era.

"Let's go, let's go eat together." Chu Yao said.

Although the leaders of the various clans knew that it was a new delicacy to make stewed beef with lotus root today, they were not happy.

Just because Chu Yao agreed to take them into the Suiren clan, he was in a good mood at this moment.Immediately go back and inform the workers of this clan to go to the food shop, and at the same time tell everyone the good news.

After these people left, Suiye asked worriedly: "Goddess, what if you take these people in and don't listen to management?"

Suiye only asked this question because there had been several incidents of people from other clans attacking Chu Yao before.

Moreover, after these people entered the Suiren clan, they were also members of the clan. If they were disobedient, they could not directly suppress them with bows and arrows as they did with other clan members.

This is also something that Sui Ye, as a patriarch, can think of things in the long run.

"Is that so? Can you divide the people who came in later into two categories from the clansmen in front?" Chu Yao asked.

"I haven't understood what the goddess said, how to divide people into two categories?" Suiye asked puzzled.

"What I mean is to distribute the newcomers to the previous clansmen for management." The words Chu Yao thought of were equivalent to the feudal system of later generations.

However, based on the historical knowledge she learned in the world she came to, she thought that human beings first passed through the slave society and then entered the feudal society. If she did what she thought, wouldn’t it be thousands of years skipped in one fell swoop?
But Chu Yao came from that world, and she believed in the idea that everyone is equal. She was asked to engage in slavery in the barbaric era, but she really couldn't make a turn in her thinking.

"It's fine for the goddess to arrange everything." Sui Ye said, agreeing with Chu Yao's idea.

When Chu Yao was talking to the leaders of the various clans, Sui Ye kept silent, because he knew that Chu Yao's thoughts and ideas were much stronger than his, so there was no need for him to speak.

After talking, the two arrived at the restaurant.

When Luo Jia saw the two people coming, he quickly ordered someone to bring them two bowls of stewed beef and lotus root, plus two bowls of millet rice.

The bowls of this era are quite different from the bowls in the world that Chu Yao came from.Each bowl is like a big basin.Although people in this era generally eat a lot, eating a bowl of food alone may not be enough.

Although Chu Yao taught everyone to make these bowls, because Chu Yao herself learned how to make bowls as a monk, and other people are also rough, so both bowls and clay pots are very rough. , but in the eyes of people of this era, it is a remarkable and exquisite item.

Suiye picked up a piece of lotus root with chopsticks, put it in his mouth and tasted it carefully.

"Patriarch, how does this lotus root taste?" Chu Yao asked with a smile.

"It's delicious, it's delicious." Suiye answered Chu Yao's question, swallowed the lotus root, and picked up another piece. This time, he didn't want to taste it as before, but swallowed it.

At this time, the people of all ethnic groups were also given a bowl of lotus root soup, just like the previous times when new delicacies appeared, this time everyone was eating and admiring.

Suiwu and Qingti held bowls and gathered together, looking at each other and laughing while eating.

Ever since Qingti followed Chu Yao, she often smiled at Sui Wu. She also learned this from Chu Yao.Because Qingti often saw Chu Yao smiling at the Suiye clan leader.

(End of this chapter)

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